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Your Action Urgently Needed to Prevent BATFE from Banning Common Rifle Ammunition!


Posted 6:15 am, 03/13/2015

Wonder how many people feel stupid for paying those crazy prices now?


Posted 6:08 am, 03/13/2015

Glad ban did not pass. However ammo is still at sky high prices. We need do something get prices down $500 for 1000 rounds of xm193 is crazy high


Posted 7:49 pm, 03/10/2015

In the Late 1990s I had 3 ATF Permits that entitled me to purchase and manufacture bulk explosives. What I did with those, mostly, was special effects work and display fireworks. I had 3 agents that could show up at ANY time and examine my facility and records. They were great people and always called ahead. "We don't want to do a surprise inspection and not be able to get in!" They would call ME and give me work! People would call ATF and say I want to do this and how do I do this and who do I call? ATF says call this guy he will help you out! BATFE is a bureaucratic organization designed for over reach, red tape and arresting citizens. It SHOULD be killed by Congress.

Joseph T.

Posted 7:02 pm, 03/10/2015

There is a bill in Congress to eliminate the BATFE and transfer its duties to the FBI and DEA.


Posted 6:38 pm, 03/10/2015

I guess those ATF guys finally figured it was going to be hard to get funding from a Republican Congress if they proceeded with this ban. When it comes election time you should remember the party that opposed this ammo ban. Liberal Socialist Democrats believe your not smart enough to own a firearm. Remember that in 2016.


Posted 4:20 pm, 03/10/2015


oakwoods dummie

Posted 3:32 pm, 03/10/2015

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Tuesday dropped � at least for now � a proposal to ban certain ammo used commonly in AR-15 rifles.

In a notice posted Tuesday afternoon, the agency said it "will not at this time seek to issue a final framework" on the proposed ammo ban. ATF took the action even before the end of its public comment period, saying it had received more than 80,000 responses, mostly opposed.

"Although ATF endeavored to create a proposal that reflected a good faith interpretation of the law and balanced the interests of law enforcement, industry, and sportsmen, the vast majority of the comments received to date are critical of the framework, and include issues that deserve further study," the ATF said.

The agency said after the public comment period closes Friday, it will "further evaluate the issues raised" and provide "additional open and transparent process" before proceeding with any further action. It did not specify what action that might be.

Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican and chairman of the appropriations subcommittee that oversees the ATF, said the agency "made the right call by reversing course on a misguided plan that would have trampled on Americans' Second Amendment rights."

Mr. Culberson said he had a meeting with ATF officials last week that resulted in "a consensus on how to best move forward."

"This is an example of how regulators and Congress should work together," Mr. Culberson said. "All of us in Texas love law enforcement and want to help ATF officers stop gun smugglers, drug smugglers and other criminals � not law-abiding American sportsmen who use this ammo every day for target practice, shooting competitions and hunting."

A group of 53 Republican senators sent a letter Monday to ATF Director Todd Jones objecting to the proposal to outlaw .223-caliber M855 "green tip" ammunition commonly used by sportsmen. The Obama administration maintains that a ban would help to save the lives of law-enforcement officers because the armor-piercing bullets can now be used in modified "handguns."

A majority of House lawmakers also were on record opposing the proposal.

Mr. Culberson commended the agency for listening to his constituents' concerns.

"The slippery slope of federal overreach impacts every aspect of our daily lives, and this issue is just another example of how we must be constantly vigilant in protecting the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens," he said.

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Posted 1:17 pm, 03/10/2015

Great post bustacap, great post!


Posted 12:38 pm, 03/10/2015

Most people with guns of any type have a minimum of 1,000 rounds of ammo, most have much much more. The US citizen is the largest standing army on the face of the planet. This is one of the MAIN reasons we have not been invaded on US soil. You libs need a history lesson.

"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (Japan)


Posted 12:22 pm, 03/10/2015

Gun Nuts or Nuts with Guns.


Posted 11:42 am, 03/10/2015

OF NOTE: 52 Senators sign onto a recent letter to the B-ATF&E denouncing the proposed ban on this particular AR15 round as an infringement on 2A. Glad BOTH of ours did. Thanks to Senator Tillis for this representation as Kay Hagan would not done so. Sure am glad she is gone.


Posted 6:27 am, 03/10/2015

Funny thing.... ITS ILLEGAL!!!! The ban its self is ILLEGAL. HE or the atf cant. The country has spoke and said NO!!!! So i think it want happen. With millions of letters to congress and atf they know the american people dont want no more tyranny. I feel like if it keeps on there will people rise up and start making a REAL change. Obama is a joke! Hes ruined america. Its sad very sad. Along with anti americans. People that want gun control are tyrants comunists & anti american


Posted 4:33 pm, 03/06/2015

It depends on the type of body armor or threat level but almost any hunting rifle will round will defeat most body armor in use by police. 22-250. 220 swift, 243, or all 30 cals will defeat anything except the heavy duty swat type vests with ceramic inserts. When they outlaw your favorite deer or groundhog cartridge what will you do. 223 or 5.56 is not all that powerful a cartridge it some states its not even legal to hunt big game. Its intended use is for varmints.Ground hog, prairie dogs, coyotes. Any deer rifle is a much greater threat. A 30.06 or a 300 win mag is a **** of a bigger threat at any range. A 190 grain match bullet out of a 300 win mag has more energy at a 1000yds than a 357 mag pistol has at the muzzle.


Posted 6:42 pm, 03/05/2015

Barack O Just said he is going to use executive action to ban these on his own and Im Loving it


Posted 8:37 pm, 03/03/2015

There is no such thing as outdate 2a. But there is such thing as.anti american.


Posted 7:49 am, 03/03/2015

shoulda woulda I haven't laughed that hard in forever.


Posted 6:42 am, 03/03/2015


Posted 6:16 am, 03/03/2015

Also an AR-15 is NOT an assualt riffle. An AKM IS NOT an assult riffle. Assult riffle is a term that the MSM Made up. So really there is no such thing as an assult riffle. Only thing that may be counted as one would be a FULL auto carbine not a semi auto carbine.


Posted 11:59 pm, 03/02/2015

Please remember liberal.ARMS = GUNS+AMMO

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