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Who is lying, Trump or the Mexican president?


Posted 3:21 pm, 09/01/2016

LOL, anyone could just go around the wall. It has to stop at the ocean. Just swim around it. They could just fly to Canada and come in to America by crossing the broader there. They could take a boat to Florida or anywhere else. I think if I was a terrorist I could find away to get into America. Wall or no wall.


Posted 3:13 pm, 09/01/2016

"Arguing against America better securing its borders is just insane, at any level."

Almost forgot this. Building a wall only provides a false sense of security and does Nothing to secure the borders in reality. It's time to grow up and stop living in the childish fantasy land.


Posted 3:11 pm, 09/01/2016

"Simple economics and the mechanics of international trade present a number of options for securing incremental monies from Mexico."

Wrong flat out wrong not surprising because I doubt you know the first thing about economics much less international trade.

". Walls already exists along the border in many high risk locations"

And these are fine examples of why walls don't work. Talk with the residents living in those high risk locations see how effective they find the walls. Or rather what a joke those walls have become.


Posted 2:41 pm, 09/01/2016

So you levy a tax on goods coming from Mexico, guess who pays?


Posted 2:34 pm, 09/01/2016

"There are NO VIABLE ways that Mexico can be made to pay for the cost of the wall."

Wrong! Simple economics and the mechanics of international trade present a number of options for securing incremental monies from Mexico.

This is nothing but political bantering anyway. Walls already exists along the border in many high risk locations and politicians on both sides of the aisle have discussed building additional sections along the border for years. Arguing against America better securing its borders is just insane, at any level.


Posted 1:08 pm, 09/01/2016

Trumps own people said the Mexican President did bring up the wall and told Trump they weren't paying, but trump didn't respond. So to Trump that's enough for him to say there was no conversation. What an idiot.

Then he has the nerve to spew more garbage in Arizona last night. He goes from meeting the Mexican President to being an absolute tool.


Posted 12:54 pm, 09/01/2016

"Those doubting that Mexco will bear the cost of building the wall, should understand there are many ways Mexico can be expensed for the wall."

One can come up with many ways to do this sure. But then again one can come up with plenty of stupid things on any topic. There are NO VIABLE ways that Mexico can be made to pay for the cost of the wall.


Posted 12:51 pm, 09/01/2016

" but he has 500 companies he is credited with running"

This is both correct and incorrect. It is correct because he keeps getting credit for it. It is incorrect because hes not actually running them.

These are businesses under the umberla of The Trump Organization LLC

To put it in simple terms its a hedge fund just for Trump (The technical term is holding company but it really acts more like a hedge fund.) It has sizable investments in a large range of things it even owns the majority stake in a few hotels and golf courses.

These are things where Trump is present in name only. He is not responsible for the day to day or even long term planning and operation for any of it. Once again he sucks at business when he has been hands on those are the things that have failed.

Hes had plenty of investments by the LLC fall apart but I see no reason to credit him with those failures anymore than he should get credit for the success of them. Any idiot can own a stake in a business as Trump proves repeatedly.

this n that

Posted 11:25 am, 09/01/2016

There was a time when Hillary needed to sound like Donald Trump sounds now.
So she did.
Now she has flipflopped on HERSELF. A hypocrite and a liar then, a hypocrite and a liar, still.

Comment sections are burying Clinton this morning.

Here are 5 quotes Hillary wishes she never said.

5.Hillary in 1993 arguing against healthcare for illegal aliens

"We do not need to do ANYTHING to encourage more illegal immigration into this country"

4.Hillary in 2006 said Mexico is sending it's people north. (Trump got destroyed for saying this)

"The Mexican government's policies are pushing migration north.

3.Hillary in 2015 bragged about voting for a wall as a Senator

"When I was a Senator I voted to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in.

2.Hillary in 2006 said illegal aliens who commit ANY crimes should be deported.

"If they've committed transgressions of any kind, obviously they should be deported"

1.In 2003 she went even farther than trump by targeting the immigrants themselves.

"I am adamantly against illegal immigrants"


Posted 11:04 am, 09/01/2016

Those doubting that Mexco will bear the cost of building the wall, should understand there are many ways Mexico can be expensed for the wall. As a businessman, Trump is well aware that the costs associated with trade and the cost of doing business within the US, etc. can easily be manipulated to generate monies to fund the (relative insignificant) expense of building a wall. It's not about Mexico actually writing a check. And Trump knows it!


Posted 10:36 am, 09/01/2016

empowers (view profile)

Posted 10:20 am, 09/01/2016

Have learned that when the media gets hold of something there are so many ways you can twist, turn, spin a story to take it away from what it was originally. The media is so propagandish that I don't watch TV any more. They will find something wrong with everything!

There's no more news on TV, just bunnies and cute kittens.


Posted 10:20 am, 09/01/2016

Some of you are morons. I'm not a fan of trump, but he has 500 companies he is credited with running. As for companies that he tried and went under, I think it's something like 12, and only 3 of those went into bankruptcy. 500 successes vs 12 misses. Not too bad of a record. Especially since some of those failures were really shots in the dark. Hooters failed at starting an airline specializing in running golf packages to myrtle beach and staffing the plane with Hooters Girls.


Posted 10:20 am, 09/01/2016

Have learned that when the media gets hold of something there are so many ways you can twist, turn, spin a story to take it away from what it was originally. The media is so propagandish that I don't watch TV any more. They will find something wrong with everything!

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:09 am, 09/01/2016

no doubt that brietbart bannon had influence on that speech last night ... of course that is no problem for many as it perfectly reflects their own feelings

as far as the lying ... the President of Mexico should have denounced Don the Con at the podium. on the other hand, i had heard nothing from the Con's campaign calling Nieto a liar for saying he told the Con Mexico would not pay for the wall.

this n that

Posted 9:51 am, 09/01/2016

9. When Trump was 27, he owned 14,000 apartments.Trump was supposed to take a small $1 million from his father to get started on his ventures. When he was 27, this real estate tycoon owned 14,000 apartments located in Queens, Staten Island, and Brooklyn.

this n that

Posted 9:46 am, 09/01/2016

LaGrange: sounds precisely like that fool spring 123. Of course he also sounds like the rest of the liberals idiots who are slowly reading the hand writing on the wall, and shaking.

And he clearly knows nothing of Trump accomplishments, since everything he posted was just his opinion that came from a liberal biased brainwashed mind.

And I can't get passed a SN that insists they are a "seeker of Truth", and will vote for Hillary who has rarely ever spoken the truth in her adult life.

Ironic, and hypocritical.

this n that

Posted 9:36 am, 09/01/2016

Good Samaritan Saves Infant � HLN CENSORS His Trump Shirt [VIDEO]


Posted 9:17 am, 09/01/2016

On point for a semi-literate result of outcome based education who failed English class.


Posted 9:11 am, 09/01/2016

Lagrangepoint, is on point! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Posted 9:10 am, 09/01/2016

LaGrange: That's true: Hairpiece is little-more than another W.

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