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Posted 9:29 pm, 04/16/2014

Great answers Moving and Music!


Posted 9:14 pm, 04/16/2014

TheDayTheMusicDied (view profile)

Posted 12:41 pm, 04/16/2014

When I am finally done, I am done. When enough is enough, it's truly enough with me. I cut you out. I don't care if I talk to you, see you or even hear your name ever again. It's been easier to cut some people out over others. It's always harder to cut out ones you think you love but know they're no good for you. But, you're always left with the memories.


Posted 9:11 pm, 04/16/2014

When it comes to half truths and "white lies", I figure what really matters is intent. Did one try to deceive you just to be mean-spirited, personal gain, or, was that person trying to spare you? And one might intend to meditate in their garden, but, had to change plans when it started raining. Was he/she then obligated to call you up and say, "change in plans"??

I figure if someone would get all hot and bothered over such a trivial thing, then, they might have just been looking for an excuse...any excuse...to not be your friend anymore.


Posted 3:58 pm, 04/16/2014

Pray for them


Posted 3:44 pm, 04/16/2014


Posted 3:33 pm, 04/16/2014

....ain't that the gospel truth


Posted 3:22 pm, 04/16/2014

Thanks high, that was just me trying to figure out what a half truth is. Some can make up things at will, but judge other's by what they perceive as a lie, or half truth.


Posted 2:57 pm, 04/16/2014

.....oh girl go meditate in your john ifin you want to.....taint none of anyones business!.....judging ppl for meditating...thats a new one.....


Posted 2:50 pm, 04/16/2014

If I was kidding with someone and said I was going to meditate in my garden, and indeed I did meditate, but not in my garden , guess that would be considered by some as half truth, and I should be judged harshly.


Posted 1:37 pm, 04/16/2014

TheDayTheMusicDied (view profile)

When I am finally done, I am done. When enough is enough, it's truly enough with me. I cut you out. I don't care if I talk to you, see you or even hear your name ever again. It's been easier to cut some people out over others. It's always harder to cut out ones you think you love but know they're no good for you. But, you're always left with the memories.



Posted 12:41 pm, 04/16/2014

When I am finally done, I am done. When enough is enough, it's truly enough with me. I cut you out. I don't care if I talk to you, see you or even hear your name ever again. It's been easier to cut some people out over others. It's always harder to cut out ones you think you love but know they're no good for you. But, you're always left with the memories.


Posted 12:28 pm, 04/16/2014

Considering that Truth is the most important things a person can have then they need to be able to forget and forgive and move on. Truth is what binds a true friendship, not half truths.


Posted 11:52 am, 04/16/2014

My comment was referring to a more arbitrary sense of Justice per say, not actual criminal Justice.


Posted 11:42 am, 04/16/2014

Truth, I agree that one's mental capacity should be taken into consideration. Those with a real mental illness especially. But I have to say when the mental condition is the result of self-inflicted drug/alcohol abuse, it doesn't carry much weight for me when it comes time to sentence. I see that as more of an excuse than a legitimate defense. JMO


Posted 11:39 am, 04/16/2014

If someone is not thinking clearly due to mental illness or substance abuse, it doesn't make their "reality" the truth. You can not have justice without truth.


Posted 11:35 am, 04/16/2014

George, tell that to the thousands of innocent people who have been wrongfully incarcerated only to be cleared later by DNA.


Posted 11:20 am, 04/16/2014

Well Quack, that depends on the definition of normal, and, wrong. And whose measuring stick we are using!


Posted 7:11 am, 04/16/2014



Posted 4:51 am, 04/16/2014

If Juding is Normal and Juding is Wrong can it be conclued that Normal is Wrong. Funny.


Posted 4:44 pm, 04/15/2014

Depends on the offense. If it's something minor, I figure Karma will bite them on the arse at the appropriate time. Serious stuff that's criminal, whatever the law prescribes with a good healthy dose of Karma.

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