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Virginia's proposed gun laws


Posted 10:08 pm, 01/23/2020

The types of guns makes no difference, the best and most modern firearms available to them at the time was what was allowed, the best and most modern firearms available to us now is what should be allowed.


Posted 10:05 pm, 01/23/2020

So you're saying that although the courts were wrong on slavery there is no chance that a court at some point in time in the future will rule that previous courts got rulings on firearms wrong and change the laws?


Posted 9:55 pm, 01/23/2020

Do you want to step back in time a little further? If so we'll discuss the types of guns around when the constitution was written.


Posted 9:46 pm, 01/23/2020

You mean the same courts that once ruled slavery was legal and constitutional?


Posted 9:10 pm, 01/23/2020

Well go tell that to the courts there legal scholar.

Joseph T.

Posted 6:31 pm, 01/23/2020


Posted 6:33 am, 01/23/2020

The courts will uphold these laws. You would be amazed at the laws they've upheld. The constitution is a very broad and unspecific document.
I hope these Sheriffs that refuse to follow the law are removed.

No its not there is nothing hard to understand about Shall Not Be Infringed


Posted 6:43 am, 01/23/2020

And what part of Sheriffs don't have to comply with ICE do people not understand? Sheriffs can choose to enter the 287g program which allows Sheriffs to act as ICE agents. This is completely voluntary. Also as ruled by the courts they do not have to respond to a detainer request.

How hard is this to see?

Meanwhile these gun laws are state laws. The state has authority over the Sheriffs and I hope will remove these lawless men.


Posted 6:33 am, 01/23/2020

The courts will uphold these laws. You would be amazed at the laws they've upheld. The constitution is a very broad and unspecific document.

I hope these Sheriffs that refuse to follow the law are removed.

Deep Creek

Posted 6:10 am, 01/23/2020

The Sheriff of Grayson County,Va said he wasn't going too enforce these new gun laws and Virginia lawmakers drag him through the mud.These are the same people that won't enforce immigrations law.What's wrong with him picking and choosing what laws he wants to enforce.


Posted 7:13 pm, 01/22/2020

Are you saying the secrets service is IN charge of Trump? Maybe we are safe after all.


Posted 7:11 pm, 01/22/2020

Falsely assigning blame to President Donald J. Trump is a symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Joseph T.

Posted 6:49 pm, 01/22/2020


Posted 11:59 am, 01/22/2020

Isn't it true that trump doesn't allow guns at his rallies, (except for his henchmen ) but thinks all other gatherings should allow guns ?

That would be because of the secret service policy and happens with any president

humble 2

Posted 6:37 pm, 01/22/2020


Posted 1:52 pm, 01/22/2020

LOL. We don't scream the about the government seizing them with every little meme that hits the internet.


Posted 1:44 pm, 01/22/2020

Do you dims allow guns at your rallies?


Posted 1:32 pm, 01/22/2020

Trump panders to his base. If he thinks screaming guns and god will do the trick, then that's exactly what he'll do.


Posted 12:27 pm, 01/22/2020

Trump says what he thinks will get him a vote. Every Trumpette only pays attention to what he says and not to what he does. Trump entire life is based on lies. He lies about his money, he lies about his women. He has never had a woman he didn't pay for or rape. If it wasn't for the mob, he would be broke.


Posted 11:59 am, 01/22/2020

Isn't it true that trump doesn't allow guns at his rallies, (except for his henchmen ) but thinks all other gatherings should allow guns ?


Posted 11:53 am, 01/22/2020

President Donald J. Trump says that governor blackface has put Virginia in play for this cycle with gun law push.


Posted 6:54 pm, 01/14/2020

West Virginians don't even want to go to West Virginia.

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