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Vast cuts to Medicaid f


Posted 10:18 pm, 05/23/2017

Well if people would quit abusing the system while on it for to pop pain killers or have friends use their card. Maybe this wouldn't happen. Maybe it would also make it less hard on me and those using it for it's actual purpose.Which has raised my question on why the **** they never made you put a photo id on the card so as to cut down on fraud? It would stop it a little easier.Like a drivers license, have those special effects like they would a dollar bill so as too be able to tell if it's a counterfeit.


Posted 9:42 pm, 05/23/2017

Anyone see that clip tonight(tues.) when candidate "Groper" said I'm not like most republicans..I'm not going to cut SS, Medicare, Medicaid ?? How long did that last ? Till election day ?? Not my words oh ye faithful Trumpers.. Meals on Wheels is for so many probably the only decent meal they get and at least a moment of human contact and that so and so wants that cut too..Can we hear a little boasting ?? But always remember "our military is depleted"


Posted 6:51 pm, 05/23/2017

We've gone from slavery being in the past to ensuring it in everyone's future.


Posted 6:47 pm, 05/23/2017

No more sense than this State borrowing $2 billion against future generations. Oh I know future generations will enjoy the improvements to the infrastructure so we'll let them pay for it. This type of thinking needs to stop.


Posted 6:34 pm, 05/23/2017

In 2016 the total Federal spending for unemployment was $36 billion and $104 billion for food assistance, and I don't know what percentage of that was food for other nations. The $1.22 TRILLION in tax breaks makes no sense if we have to borrow money and then pay interest on it.


Posted 5:30 pm, 05/23/2017

Backwater : that is true, and yet it's not. What if you have no car to get there? What if you have kids with no one to keep them?


Posted 5:28 pm, 05/23/2017

Anyone that is willing or has a desire to work can find a job.It may not be the job you would like to have but jobs are available!


Posted 5:27 pm, 05/23/2017

Safetyman, not trying to ID you, but out of curiosity, what field are you in?

I'm betting that people do not have training in the job you have openings in. Maybe offer on the job training? So many people want something stable/with opportunity, but lack of education/transportation/support.from family (if they have kids, etc) can really be roadblocks for people.


Posted 5:24 pm, 05/23/2017

OS : I DO know people who would like to work, but can't find a job. There are not as many training options in high schools for high tech manufacturing, which is an option around here, or people can go to fast food or other service jobs. Most of the time, these people have degrees and it's hard to live in Wilkes County and find a job in certain fields. The economic recovery has happened in a lot of places, but it has not trickled everywhere for a variety of reasons.

Part of the reason I never understand people's indignation at undocumented workers is this : most of the jobs that immigrants do are jobs that some people do not want to do. Just go look at Tyson : the immigrants there are filling a niche.


Posted 4:15 pm, 05/23/2017

TrumpTards will do without their gubmint handouts LOL

Ole Sarge

Posted 10:43 am, 05/23/2017

Lefties will not admit that a large portion of the safety net got turned into a hammock. It is the hammock Trump is going to cut out. Not the starving little Johnny and Suzie, but the I prefer Krispy Kreme and Chic Filet crowd with the mom that likes to sleep in There will be cutting room..


Posted 10:33 am, 05/23/2017

I don't see things differently, I see my neighbors 5 people in 1 house none of them have a job, they tried to get disability and the doctors said they are able to work all of them. They all on food stamps, and medicaid. They got all new teeth, they go to the doctor 3 times a week trying to find something wrong with them so they can get disability. It cost them 3 dollars for the doctor, the er, and their meds. It cost the rest of us about 50 $ a week for insurance, around 50 $ to go to the doctor, and thousands if we get sick, because we have to pay for their medicaid when we pay our bill. Do we need to cut this program?

LLEH YEA!!!!!!

Ole Sarge

Posted 10:21 am, 05/23/2017

This is what Obama left Trump with:

(CNSNews.com) - In its final report before next week's presidential election, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said on Friday that 94,609,000 Americans are not in the labor force, 425,000 more than last month's 94,184,000, and the second highest number on record.

The labor force participation rate dropped a tenth of a point to 62.8 percent. In other words, 62.8 percent of the non-institutionalized, civilian population over the age of 16 is either employed or are actively looking for work, while the other 37.2 percent is not working or even looking


Posted 10:12 am, 05/23/2017

Where are all these people looking for jobs? We have been trying to hire and get no applications.

Ole Sarge

Posted 10:10 am, 05/23/2017

Lots of people are like your friend- they would like to work, but there are no jobs.

ht :Sort of an odd comment coming from a supporter of the great Obama Recovery. After all the jobs created by the Obama Administration (what was it? like 95 zillion). We have so many jobs available we need illegal immigrants to help us catch up the slack.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 9:24 am, 05/23/2017

Depending on whose interpretation of Trumps proposed cuts it's hardly "vast". I hope Ryan looks at all the proposed cuts and says "Donald we need to cut more"


Posted 9:20 am, 05/23/2017

Connie, you are so ridiculous.


Posted 2:11 am, 05/23/2017

So in 2015 the interest on our debt was already $229 billion. We spent $598 billion on our Military even though we had to borrow $583 billion. Tax breaks cost $1.22 trillion, and yes that's trillion which is a thousand billion. Does this make sense to anyone?


Posted 10:08 pm, 05/22/2017

ht (view profile)

Posted 8:21 pm, 05/22/2017

TNT, I like the idea of them contributing something to society. Everyone can do Something. I just mistrust the idea that they will cut SNAP benefits as well as Medicaid on what seems like a whim.
There are a whole lot of children in this community that benefit from both of the aforementioned programs, and it worries me to think that they will just get cast aside. Lots of people are like your friend- they would like to work, but there are no jobs.

It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Helping people that truly need help is fine. handing out food benefits and medicaid to anyone who decides to sit down and quit is not fine. You say there are no jobs, do you really expect the people who create jobs in this country to keep on when people are sitting down drawing benefits and will not work? If people really want to work they can find a job, they may not be able to sit around and play with their smart phone and stay on facebook or GW. If someone is disabled there is help, you might have to convince SS or DSS, it seems people that truly need help are at a disadvantage. I have heard of people that were at the point of giving up pulling themselves together and going on to create a business and even hiring people. If you really want to do it you will find a way.


Posted 8:21 pm, 05/22/2017

TNT, I like the idea of them contributing something to society. Everyone can do Something. I just mistrust the idea that they will cut SNAP benefits as well as Medicaid on what seems like a whim.

There are a whole lot of children in this community that benefit from both of the aforementioned programs, and it worries me to think that they will just get cast aside. Lots of people are like your friend- they would like to work, but there are no jobs.

It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

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