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Posted 6:26 am, 05/23/2017

If the Old World Amish were to swarm Wilkes and take it over maybe I could get them to rename it Cryptville.


Posted 5:54 am, 05/23/2017

I'm sure he didn't manufacture the drugs. He repackaged and stuck his cheap label on it, like the candy in zip lock bags in their stores.


Posted 1:26 am, 05/23/2017

I was inside a Amish family's kitchen one time. There was no screens in the windows and no screen door.Chickens running in and out the back door. Was offered a glass of milk but declined due to the flies that were floating around in the pitcher. Don't know if that's how they all are but have never ate anything that the Amish folks peddle since.

mulberry mulester

Posted 12:42 am, 05/23/2017

well now, look, this empowers lady has a point! amish farmers should be able to do whatever they want with thurr KY, and if them fellars from the fda wanna take pictures, well, just too durn bad!


Posted 9:14 pm, 05/22/2017

I don't care about the Atorvastatin. But I do wish she would get that lithium prescription filled that her doctor wrote her.


Posted 9:00 pm, 05/22/2017

If it's in my email then it must be true. My email has never let me down.


Posted 8:40 pm, 05/22/2017

and for the Great Celestial Teapot's sake, don't fall for every email that hits your inbox without thoroughly debunking them first.

What could it hurt?


Posted 8:30 pm, 05/22/2017

empowers (view profile)

Posted 1:26 pm, 05/22/2017

Not long ago I was prescrbed Atorvastatin. I did not get it. Big Pharma would not care if it killed or cured me. All they care about is making money any way they can. Not much difference between them and illegal drug dealers.

So, why did you go to the dr's office in the first place...why did you get your labs drawn...undoubtedly you have high cholesterol and high triglycerides...atorvastatin certainly wasn't gonna kill ya, unless you're extremely allergic, which I highly doubt. The bottom line is you wasted time and money that could have been spent on someone who does care about their health. Atorvastatin, is not something that you must take for the rest of your life...but it does help getting down your cholesterol levels when they are dangerously high... while trying to adjust your diet and lifestyle

Big Pharma doesn't competely care about making money...if they did then they wouldn't continue to be in business of saving lives. Not only that...there is huge difference in Big Pharma and illegal drug dealing. Would you say the same if this medication was for controlling diabetes...I supposed Janumet, insulin...etc etc etc...are illegal drugs also...how about your blood pressure medication...or your depression....

One day you'll realize that...when you need that prescription that your dr advised you to take long ago...hopefully before it's to late to turn around the damage done to your body by ignoring your physicians advice.


Posted 4:59 pm, 05/22/2017

aFicIoNadoS (view profile)

Posted 12:23 pm, 05/21/2017

I'll pass on screwing the Amish. Men let their chin whiskers go, ladies let their nether whiskers grow.


Posted 1:46 pm, 05/22/2017

Do we have Amish puppy mills anywhere around here, or is this just a vicious attack on the Amish ?


Posted 1:26 pm, 05/22/2017

Not long ago I was prescrbed Atorvastatin. I did not get it. Big Pharma would not care if it killed or cured me. All they care about is making money any way they can. Not much difference between them and illegal drug dealers.

zeke the Dog

Posted 12:12 pm, 05/22/2017

give them a break..tv is not how Yadkins area. They use trucks and tractors to do jobs for others. Their country store would be dangerous using propane


Posted 8:45 pm, 05/21/2017

and Vicks Vaporub probably would have done the same thing...

no religious establishment should be above the law...can't fool me!!! doesn't the book say "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's"

can't fool me

Posted 8:15 pm, 05/21/2017

It amazes me how some are willing to look the other way when laws are being violated, I just saw a 60 minutes peice that said that there are over 800 churches, temples or other places of worship that have declared their buildings sanctuaries for illegal immigrants and have allowed the illegals to hide out in their places of worship.


Posted 8:13 pm, 05/21/2017

Goddess, I saw a woman raving about young living oils. She was going on about how some mixture had cured her husband's cough and chest congestion. She said after two trips to the doctor and multiple prescriptions didn't do anything, she started putting oils on his chest every day and it cleared everything up. she said "and he only had to keep using it three months and his cough is almost completely gone"


Posted 8:02 pm, 05/21/2017

Empowers, you're only reading one side of the issue. This is a little less biased:

The government charged the Bath County man with conspiracy to impede an officer, obstruction of a proceeding before an agency, failing to register with the FDA, eights counts of causing misbranded drugs to be introduced into interstate commerce, tampering with a witness and failure to appear. The jury found Girod guilty on all 13 counts.

The government said that Girod misbranded his Chickweed Healing Salve, TO-MOR-GONE, R.E.P. products. The jury found that Girod also processed those products in an establishment that was not registered with the FDA and that the labels did not bear adequate directions for use.

Girod made the products on his family farm along Satterfield Lane in Bath County. The FDA requires anyone who manufactures a defined drug to register their facility with them. The Girod farm is not registered. According to the indictment, the FDA says their officers were prevented from conducting an inspection at the farm.

A judge will sentence Girod on June 16 at 10 a.m.


He didn't register his manufacturing facility with the government, which is legally required. He refused to let them inspect the facility, and then ignored a court order to stop selling a specific product that may be dangerous.

As for the argument that the Amish are religiously opposed to being photographed, that's not correct, either. Their opposition would be to posing for a photograph in a prideful way, but that's all. So even his argument for not letting them photograph the facility is not true:



Posted 1:11 pm, 05/21/2017

they should also check into DoTerra and Young Living products as well...Young Living has had several cease and desist orders filed against them by the FDA....

this guy is a minnow in a big sea....thousands of products, homemade and manufactured commercially that make medical claims...that simply aren't true.


Posted 12:39 pm, 05/21/2017

Aficianado.... No matter what I say it will never be right because you have bought into the devisive thing and therefore you will politicize anything. This is sad as good cannot come into the world where there is devision. One side will see everything the other side does and tear it down even if its right. How can a flower bloom if the farmers on both sides keep killing the flower saying it was planted by the 'other side?' Sad..

So good is seen as evil and evil is seen as good. But you can't kill off the good...it will survive!


Posted 12:23 pm, 05/21/2017

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