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Posted 9:52 pm, 11/30/2015

I also work in the med field and I have seen some of the effects of Obama's health plan. I think it could have been done different. Maybe better, but in reality it was never open for discussion. I know it will help some but I also know it has hurt many. You and I disagree with them dems helping people. I think people need to be held accountable for their actions. I think democrats don't believe that. They want everyone to be a victim. Anyway it has been great talking to y'all. I must get back to painting. Have a great evening.


Posted 9:38 pm, 11/30/2015

I couldn't care less about being "politically correct," either, that's all nonsense. But the more I've paid attention to real issues, the more I've realized that the Republican party doesn't represent me at all.

I work in the medical field, and I see fallout from how the Republicans treat Obamacare every day. They are willing to sacrifice thousands of lives, and hurt hundreds of thousands of people, just to make a political statement. It's not right.

And since when do the Republicans want to base laws on religion? We're supposed to be the party of a smaller government, but we keep wanting to restrict the rights of other people based on what's popular at the time, or what some politician feels is right or wrong.

It just seems to me that the Republicans haven't been consistent in what we believe, we're too busy trying to make the Democrats look bad. And it doesn't look like we care whether we're being honest, or who we hurt along the way. The truth is, half of what the Democrats do is great and helps everybody, if we would just stop fighting so much!


Posted 9:32 pm, 11/30/2015

Because I have watched the democratic party be hijacked by the progressives. Its their policies and political correctness that eats me up. It must suck to be so insecure that you get offended by something someone can say. In life there are winners and losers, but now everybody wins just because they participate. That is wrong. When we raise our children like that, how do they learn to handle failure? This generation of kids for the most part are wimps. Maybe I'm not conservative, I may be a moderate. I strongly support capitalism. I do not want handouts from the government although there was a time when I could have used it. I do not measure my success by how much money I have in the bank. If that was the case I would consider myself a failure. Wealth has nothing to do with money and everything to do with the qaulity of life you have when you don't have it. I feel I'm wealthy in so many other ways.


Posted 9:23 pm, 11/30/2015

If I may ask, traveler...

With all of that diversity in your family and friends, and being a small business owner, why are you conservative? It sounds like you're arguing in favor of a party that goes against your own interests.

I've been a lifelong Republican, but after a few years of discussing actual issues and ideals on here I think that I might be more moderate than I originally thought. For the first time in my life, I intend to vote for a Democrat for President, and will most likely vote for a Democrat for our next Governor.


Posted 9:23 pm, 11/30/2015

Twist it Elmo. I ate thanksgiving with all of them. If I had a murderer in my family does that me I support murder. That is the most moronic thing I think you have ever typed. Lol


Posted 9:20 pm, 11/30/2015

To be honest, I understand why some people have abortions. I get it. But it seems that some woman just use it as a form of birth control and that's what I have the problem with. Its a moral issue and a responsibility issue with me because of that. It has nothing to do with any religion to me. Maybe I'm not your typical conservative. The last time I was in church was for a funeral. I really don't mind to be judged by those who know me. But to be judged by those who don't, that is another issue. We are all keyboard bandits here. So we can say what we want without any recourse. But besides me who else would meet in public and have a conversation or debate? I stand behind what I type and my thoughts. That's not to say I can be wrong. I try to learn from others so I can have a understanding why they think like they do.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:18 pm, 11/30/2015

Having all those people in your life does not prove you are accepting of anything. That's silly

If you had a murderer in your family, does that mean you support murder?


Posted 9:10 pm, 11/30/2015

But their is the point and hypocrisy that I was waiting for from ump. So you Call me out for smearing a group of people all the while y'all do the same thing. You say all conservatives are racists, h*mophobic, don't care about woman's rights. Is that not grouping people together? I bring up Michael Brown due to the fact that the left and the president defended him. Even after the truth came out. Same thing with Travon. Those thugs got what they ask for. I'm not for hurting innocent people. I have nothing against h*mosexuals. I have no problem with them being married at all. I understand that they deserve the benefits of being married. See you libs say how we are racists, we hate Hispanics. That's bullcrap. Some of you may know that my son is Hispanic. One of my daughter's is Russian and then of course I have one that is your typical blonde hair, blue eyed tweener. I also have a gay couple in my family who has many gays friends. One more thing, and hold on to your hats. My brother in law is married to a black lady. So with all that said it looks like I'm pretty accepting to diversity in my own family. So what does that make me? Definitely not the person some of you think. Oh yeah Ump, I am a successful small business owner.


Posted 6:33 pm, 11/30/2015

Are Conservatards still defending these Reich Wing Domestic Terrorists?


Posted 10:56 am, 11/30/2015

shouldawouldacoulda (view profile)

Posted 10:52 am, 11/30/2015

Again, I ask...what the **** is traveler talking about?

No idea.


Posted 10:55 am, 11/30/2015




Posted 10:52 am, 11/30/2015

Again, I ask...what the **** is traveler talking about?


Posted 9:51 am, 11/30/2015

I'm still trying to figure out how a heavily armed white man that has shot and killed/wounded people made it out alive, but an unarmed black man is shot in the back during a traffic stop.


Posted 9:42 am, 11/30/2015

Who is defending Michael Brown? Heck honestly who is mentioning him except you?

What victims? You mean h*mosexuals and their right to marry? You mean a woman's right to choose what happens to her body?


Posted 9:38 am, 11/30/2015

How did you defend their rights? What about the victims rights? The left thought and still thinks Michael Brown is the gentle giant. Lol at libs.


Posted 9:35 am, 11/30/2015

So defending peoples rights is now un-American? That's what I'm reading between your lines.


Posted 9:30 am, 11/30/2015

Trevon, Michael Brown, the Muslim poster child of msnbc, that by the way turned out to be an extremist. Then you have clock boy. The left supported the pres of Iran making his speech at a left leaning college. The speech where someone asked about h*mosexuals in his country. He said that didn't happen there. Lol. He also wanted to know where they lived in his country. Y'all defend refugees more than you care about the protection of our country. So no, I don't need to rethink my statement. Read between the lines.

White America

Posted 9:19 am, 11/30/2015

Odd the "mans" voter registration {he} claims to be an unaffiliated independent woman.


Posted 9:06 am, 11/30/2015

traveler2052 (view profile)

Posted 7:59 pm, 11/29/2015

Libs defend those who are against h*mosexuals, y'all defend those who give women no rights. But you say it Christians who are not tolerate. You defend bullies and thugs that pick on innocent people then you get mad bc the victim actually retaliated. Over and over libs defend the wrong crowd.

I think you need to rethink this comment and come back to us when you understand your own non-sense.


Posted 10:12 pm, 11/29/2015

"Libs defend those who are against h*mosexuals, y'all defend those who give women no rights."

What the **** are you talking about?

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