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Terrorist attack leaves at least 235 dead in Sinai Peninsula


Posted 5:56 pm, 11/24/2017

The only people trying to take over the United States are the crazy right wing nuts. What kind of fools would want a government where human rights don't count?


Posted 5:46 pm, 11/24/2017

You don't think they'd rather have done the killing in America? You need a checkup from the neck up.


Posted 5:35 pm, 11/24/2017

If they can't wait to murder our sons & daughters, why are they in Egypt? Just like those horrible communists that were in Vietnam in the 1960's, ready to take over the world.


Posted 5:15 pm, 11/24/2017

Believing that Trump is the answer is a long wait for a train don't come. Trump is not our savior, he is the destruction of the American way. He is in Putin's pocket. He is a Putin pocket puppet.


Posted 5:04 pm, 11/24/2017

Trump calls for 'Wall' and 'Ban' after Egypt attack


You better listen, America. They can't wait to murder your sons and daughters.


Posted 4:38 pm, 11/24/2017

How many foreigners work at Trump's properties?


Posted 4:23 pm, 11/24/2017

"If this happened in America you might have a point, but it didn't".... That's about the "DUMBERIST" answer i've ever heard to a question...


Posted 3:18 pm, 11/24/2017

If this had happened in America you might have a point but it didn't. However, we had a hope grown terrorist kill over 50 people and wound over 500 and your dear Trump hasn't done a thing. In fact Trump has said there are some nice people who are doing this. Good white Americans.


Posted 3:14 pm, 11/24/2017

Dimocrats want open borders and President Trump does not. Not a hard choice... is it folks?


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