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Teacher from West Wilkes


Posted 1:33 am, 12/29/2016



Posted 12:37 am, 12/29/2016

Any news if she was able to keep her job or not?


Posted 5:20 pm, 12/14/2016

Could it just be some more democrats acting up? The former county commish in this bunch is a Democrat!That sounds to me like what may have transpired!


Posted 1:02 pm, 12/14/2016

What is cyber patrol


Posted 3:28 am, 12/14/2016

He was A piece f crap of a County Commissioner to start with. Never should have been there. Blood money got him there.

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post was removed for libel.


Posted 1:28 am, 12/14/2016

Anyone know if she was at school today?

Hot Mess

Posted 4:47 pm, 12/13/2016

I'd say your right.


Posted 4:36 pm, 12/13/2016

@Hot Mess:: I was just replying to shiverworks how he/she would whoop **** out of a woman that slapped him/her & tore shirt. 5-2 140lbs pretty good sized woman to handle i'd say, height to weight wise.

Hot Mess

Posted 3:39 pm, 12/13/2016

Marie WTF lmao

blue ops

Posted 1:32 pm, 12/13/2016

Wondering which judge just might be "allowed" to hear this. You can likely bet that exparte communications have been taking place with yet again another case in the circus COURTS!

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post was removed for libel.


Posted 1:29 pm, 12/13/2016

5-2 140lbs be hard to handle. You scared?


Posted 12:14 pm, 12/13/2016

I am weak enough and smart enough to know who not to mess with.


Posted 12:12 pm, 12/13/2016

must be a weak man saying that.


Posted 12:10 pm, 12/13/2016

Thanks, I needed that.


Posted 12:05 pm, 12/13/2016

Or sparred with one


Posted 12:04 pm, 12/13/2016

Anyone who says a woman is weak, has never spared one in the ring.


Posted 11:57 am, 12/13/2016

I'm not Bestill, however I would like to respond...if I may!

"Why would men raised the right way not retaliate?!

What is defined as the "the right way"...your right way may not be entirely the right way for someone else.

Aren't we all equal and the same these days?

Yes, we are all equal...and in the same way...different..being equal doesn't mean that we must all react in the same manner as those who offend us.

What if a women has a pp can the man retaliate then. What if a man doesn't know if she has a pp or not....retaliate?? We all want to be equal these days and all want to use the same bathroom and all but if a "man" hits a "women" now that ain't right!!!

"pp"...I"m not sure what you mean by that...but, it is never good no matter what, to actually physically attack someone...no matter what bathroom you should happen to use.

Women are the weaker sex and men should know how to treat ladies!!! "

No, women are not he weaker sex....here is where you "aren't we all equal"...applies! Being weaker certainly does not imply equality. Men, women and everyone...should know how to treat each other at all times


Posted 11:47 am, 12/13/2016



Defend against? most certainly.

If a woman slaps me, should I slap her back? No. I don't believe so.

If however, she is slapping me...i would do what I had to to protect myself.


Posted 11:43 am, 12/13/2016


Posted 9:52 am, 12/13/2016

givealot (view profile)
Posted 4:08 am, 12/13/2016
A man can only take so much! If a woman hits you in the head and tears your shirt. I would have done more than pushed her away. I would have beat the **** out of her. It takes a gentleman to just push her away and she fell.
Honey, let me tell ya...if a woman hits you in the head and tears your shirt you must have been really creepy bad. Women do not just fly off the handle that way. Women have been generationally trained to avoid such!

**** hath no fury.

Men, on the other hand, well raised, would never, even if their eye were popped out, retaliate.

Why would men raised the right way not retaliate? Aren't we all equal and the same these days? What if a women has a pp can the man retaliate then. What if a man doesn't know if she has a pp or not....retaliate?? We all want to be equal these days and all want to use the same bathroom and all but if a "man" hits a "women" now that ain't right!!! Women are the weaker sex and men should know how to treat ladies!!!


Posted 11:40 am, 12/13/2016

I think we should more concerned over those involved in organized thief of school property and less concerned about their personal lives.

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