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Republican Governor used private email accounts and private cell phone


Posted 12:06 pm, 05/26/2015

Unfortunately the Low Information Voters (LIVs) primarily vote for whichever candidate has an R behind their name. Why are most LIVs on the right? I don't know, maybe they are predisposed to believing the lies of Fox and Limbaugh? Maybe they just hate America and only want to elect failed candidates? Or maybe their self loathing is so strong they will keep voting in failures, and drag the rest of us down with them?

w (><) w

Posted 8:33 am, 05/26/2015

youlie (view profile)

Posted 12:12 pm, 05/25/2015

Still only crickets from the right

Lock him up if he broke the law.


Posted 6:46 am, 05/26/2015

Oh Confused One, your lack of accuity begs for some remedial education. Then perhaps you would see through the lies of the Hillary non-scandals the right is constantly churning out.


Posted 11:20 pm, 05/25/2015

Using your own words there, ulye, defend your confusion on this matter. The reportage of all things HILLARY will not go away until she does!


Posted 4:22 pm, 05/25/2015

Inquiring minds want to know :)


Posted 4:19 pm, 05/25/2015

With all the names you call people on here can you blame anyone for not wanting to read this?


Posted 4:14 pm, 05/25/2015


Posted 2:37 pm, 05/25/2015

If he was running for President or had been in the line of succession for the Presidency, it would be more scrutinized and griped about.


Posted 1:20 pm, 05/25/2015

Apples and apples. Deflection and semantics won't make GOP scandals go away.


Posted 1:15 pm, 05/25/2015

Apples and oranges there, ulye. You are confused and conflating a non-existent equivalency. Brownback did not lie at a UN press conference about his email accounts, devices or private server. He has complied with a single request, not stonewalled, obstructed, delayed nor otherwise failed to comply with various congressional requests and FOIA actions. Brownback is the governor of Kansas, out of our sphere of influence and not seeking power over us. The scrutiny applied to HILLARY will not go away. The trickle down rolling release of her emails is a result of her own action of handing over paper copies and "wiping" her personal server. ulye, you forget that a function of the loyal opposition, aka the vast right wing conspiracy, is to keep the lights shining on HILLARY wherever she may roam. It's a long ways to Philadelphia '16!


Posted 1:05 pm, 05/25/2015

Thanks for your vote. Looks like the only vote from the right :'(


Posted 12:32 pm, 05/25/2015

I'm on the right. If it's against the law, punish him.


Posted 12:12 pm, 05/25/2015

Still only crickets from the right


Posted 7:36 am, 05/25/2015

If it's against the rules, punish him.


Posted 6:59 am, 05/25/2015

Reich wing sniffers are remaining silent about his emails. Guess we can expect them to also shut the hail up about Hillarys emails now?


Posted 10:47 pm, 05/24/2015

Maybe he will be indicted.


Posted 8:47 pm, 05/20/2015

Guess the sniffers have nothing to contribute :'(


Posted 1:59 pm, 05/20/2015

More goober induce ramblings with no coherency. I suppose that is to be expected when one has no facts on their side. Sorry, better luck next time.

White America

Posted 1:29 pm, 05/20/2015

Quote form the article Unlike former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Brownback's emails weren't held on a private server in his home then deleted after being subpoenaed

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