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Report Trump directed Cohen to lie about Russia dealings


Posted 1:08 pm, 01/19/2019

We know rump never tells the truth, we need a real president.


Posted 12:14 pm, 01/19/2019

Jimbojolly (view profile)

Posted 11:39 am, 01/19/2019

tnt, Mueller says Trump did not instruct Cohen to lie about his Russia business dealings. However that does not change the fact that Trump lied about his dealings with Russia many times, and Cohen lied to Congress about it too. So another example of the Liar in Chief, what else is new?
That is the problem with people who love to gossip, they don't have the facts so they make up whatever they think will do the most damage. You say Trump lied many times about his business dealing with Russia, he had business dealings with companies all around the world, not Gov'ts. You have absolutely no way of knowing anything about what he said or didn't say about those dealings. And you have no way of knowing if what Cohen said was true or false. Why don't you go stand at your backyard fence and run your mouth, or get on the phone and gossip to everyone who will listen to your garbage. Girlieboy


Posted 11:39 am, 01/19/2019

tnt, Mueller says Trump did not instruct Cohen to lie about his Russia business dealings. However that does not change the fact that Trump lied about his dealings with Russia many times, and Cohen lied to Congress about it too. So another example of the Liar in Chief, what else is new?

this n that

Posted 11:10 pm, 01/18/2019

And I also meant to say that these are the words of Joe De Geneva on Hannity tonight as he explained the reason Mueller had no choice but to refute it.

Of course I don't trust Bob Mueller, but,
" in a few days Barr will be Attn Gen.. and Mueller will be the first person he talks to, he would ask Mueller if the story was true, and Mueller would say NO. And Barr would say why didn't you refute it? And Mueller would have no answer that would be legal and lawful, and Barr would say, YOU'RE FIRED."
"Since the story is fake news, Mueller had no choice but to refute it."

this n that

Posted 10:59 pm, 01/18/2019

And your BIG STORY you've been so proud of has blown up all over the place, BIG LEAGUE.
And all you mush brains have been SUCKERED yet again.

This changes things. This is going to a YUGE story tomorrow, and I think things will be different from now on.

Lots of talk about how the propaganda media is hurting the country, and the people have no trust in the news.

And once again you libs are shown to be fools.

this n that

Posted 10:54 pm, 01/18/2019

Jimmy, I repeat. You should read your post over. That's another really dumb one.

Of course I don't trust Bob Mueller, but, in a few say Barr will be Attn Gen.. and Mueller will be the first person he talks to, he would ask Mueller if the story was true, and Mueller would say NO. And Barr would say why didn't you refute it? And Mueller would have no answer that would be legal and lawful, and Barr would say, YOU'RE FIRED.

Since the story is fake news, Mueller had no choice but to refute it.
And I did notice he TOOK ALL DAY TO DO IT.. He let the media go on about impeachment for hours.
And you can bet they were working hard on how to word it. I know what Mueller is, just as I know what obama is. It doesn't matter to me or change the truth, no matter what you think. I have no respect, or regard for your 'thinking' abilities. I see how strangely you libs brains work everything I bother to read what you have to say.

You people are mentally ill. It's amazing how dumb and blind you are.. as a group.. you're all basically the same. Like drones.


Posted 8:13 pm, 01/18/2019

Right tnt, I don't have even a trace of sarcasm in my body.
It's quite humorous that you suddenly believe the word of the Special Council. Do you think Trump will call it "fake news?"

this n that

Posted 8:13 pm, 01/18/2019

And have you see that pic of Cohan in NY with a black eye and his arm in a sling?
Wonder what happened?

this n that

Posted 8:08 pm, 01/18/2019

jimmy it's well know that libs don't have a sense of humor, and don't understand sarcasm.

I was just pointing out how all those hours of questioning yielded nothing, then all of a sudden, everything you hoped for...

this n that

Posted 8:05 pm, 01/18/2019

Mueller Blows Up Bombshell BuzzFeed Collusion Report

breitbart... and many more all over the place.

Hollywood has been celebrating all day just like you like minded mush brains.

As I was saying... That Bruce Ohr transcript puts the entire obama administration crooks in 'cross hairs'.


Posted 8:01 pm, 01/18/2019

tnt who posted this just a few entries below your current one?
Just goes to show how bad at their jobs Mueller and his corrupt team must be.

They questioned Cohen intensely for 70 hours and didn't get any of this.

Strangely Cohen outsmarted them all, Mueller and 17 democrat lawyers, all donors to Hillary, for all that time, but the minute he found out he was going to prison, this.


Posted 7:50 pm, 01/18/2019

Another liberal lie just debunked by Special Council. They never get tired of lying, Fake Stories is all Buzzfeed has but it serves its purpose. It provides Fake News for the CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC crowd. They willingly report the Fake News and hide from the coverup

this n that

Posted 7:48 pm, 01/18/2019



Posted 6:15 pm, 01/18/2019

Do former presidents still get Secret Service protection while they are in prison???


Posted 6:14 pm, 01/18/2019

The momentum toward impeachment appears to be growing at a rapid pace. Former attorney general Eric Holder tweeted that if the BuzzFeed story is true, "Congress must begin impeachment proceedings." On the cover story of the next Atlantic, Yoni Appelbaum outlines one of the most powerful cases thus far as to why we need impeachment proceedings now and how they have been extremely valuable at previous moments in American history. Ben Sherman, a Democrat from California, re-introduced articles of impeachment earlier this month. Congressman Jerry Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said that his committee will investigate in response to the BuzzFeed story.

In other words, the tide feels as if it might be turning.

The facts in front of us are making the logic of the House starting an impeachment investigation almost inevitable.


Posted 4:16 pm, 01/18/2019

So tnt now has detailed knowledge of Cohen, Muellers team, even the number of hours Cohen was questioned. You didn't point out that Mueller is a Republican, who is highly respected by all, with one exception, your idol Trump.
You think it is strange that Cohen would withhold info to try and keep as light a jail sentence as possible.
You're just a marvel with all your special knowledge.
Now try to stay on topic.

this n that

Posted 4:09 pm, 01/18/2019

Just goes to show how bad at their jobs Mueller and his corrupt team must be.

They questioned Cohen intensely for 70 hours and didn't get any of this.

Strangely Cohen outsmarted them all, Mueller and 17 democrat lawyers, all donors to Hillary, for all that time, but the minute he found out he was going to prison, this.

One might wonder how libs can continuously be so incredibly gullible.. until you remember that e mail that Clinton's campaign manager, Mook sent to Podesta, asking for ideas on "how do we keep them engaged and uninformed"


Posted 3:55 pm, 01/18/2019

Fake news!

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