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Obama Files Federal Charges Against Cleared Ferguson Officer

on the hill

Posted 6:52 pm, 11/29/2014

cop resigns


Posted 5:00 pm, 11/29/2014

You want to get on here and preach why don't you go and tell the people in Ferguson what is on your mind and see how far you get with your words or preach to them the real history of who started their trouble their own people we owe them a da*n thing.


Posted 4:48 pm, 11/29/2014

I'm tired of this country being torn apart by rascism.We are all Gods children.The teachings of Jesus tells us to love one another & judge not lest we be judged.Judging someone by the color of their skin is pure ignorance.I'm also tired of supposed christians who wear their religion on their sleeves when their in church or going through crisis,spewing how Godly they are.But then they go around family,friends & co-workers using rascist remarks (i.e.. the N word) its sickening to me.If your a true christian,how can you think that God made whites better than blacks?? Or vice-versa? And just throwing this out there,Jesus was from the middle east so he probably had a dark complexion.This country would be a much greater country if we could get rid of rascism.So if your a true believer in Jesus as i am,take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself 1 simple question.Would God & Jesus like whats in my heart,mind & coming from my mouth??? i pray for this country to become a Christ like nation & get rid of hate


Posted 4:27 pm, 11/29/2014

Can OBAMAs nose get any longer


Posted 4:16 pm, 11/29/2014

OBAMA needs to stick his up his *** and mind his own **** business the cop was not guilty just defending his self if it had been shoe on the other foot their would not have been a **** thing said.

alonzo harris

Posted 3:54 pm, 11/29/2014

First, we had Saint Skittles, now...Saint Swisher.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 1:20 pm, 11/29/2014

You don't want any group storming Washington, on this level. You really don't. Sounds good in theory, but you don't want other countries seeing control has been lost.


Posted 1:02 pm, 11/29/2014

I'll be glad when people riot over at the white house that way the pigs in waiting can squeal filthy beasts they are. I'll take my p**n extra skippy and sweet on wine if you don't mind because ladies and gentlemen we gonna have a pig picking contest on who can make the first man piss himself.Obama had no right sticking his nose in this.He just had to have ugly face wrote on another paper.I hope the officer wins the civil case like he did the court.


Posted 12:16 pm, 11/29/2014

Sheep who support lawbreakers like Cliven Bundy as they criticize law enforcement agencies. Pathetic.


Posted 10:36 am, 11/29/2014

Amen Beeblebrox !! They're a bunch of sheep looking for crap they can post.


Posted 9:22 pm, 11/28/2014

Looks like Obama is going to do anything he can to divide this country before he leaves office. Sad Times

what is really sad, pantera, are the people that suck this stuff up like it is gospel without doing the tiniest bit of fact checking.

Reminds me of people that watch FAUX NOISE.

in every poll taken, consistently the most misinformed. period.


Posted 9:10 pm, 11/28/2014



Posted 9:06 pm, 11/28/2014



Posted 6:35 pm, 11/28/2014

Alonzobar gets napalmed again :o


Posted 6:34 pm, 11/28/2014

LMAO!! Maybe Nubbin :) :) :)


Posted 6:31 pm, 11/28/2014

Happy gurl, did you ever work for the IRS?. Seems you enjoy silencing the opposition


Posted 6:28 pm, 11/28/2014

Alonzo, since you dislike this site so much, there is a big red X in the upper right that will take you right out of here. Why does anyone come to this site if they dislike it so much??? Shaking my head :(

And I will repeat what I have said all along. Watching the parents talk so highly of their perfect son who would never disrespect the law an would never loot a business makes me wonder why their son wasn't at home, church, etc instead of being where he was???? Some parents need to smell the coffee and wake the F up!! Just my opinion.

alonzo harris

Posted 5:51 pm, 11/28/2014


Posted 5:50 pm, 11/28/2014

You all do realize that The National Report website is satire/fake news right???


Posted 4:07 pm, 11/28/2014

The only reason I could see this happening is because of how the evidence was poorly handled,
But in the end the results are still the same.
The officer was defending himself, clearly. I also think that there is a lot of pressure, for Wilson to go to trial, considering all the chaos surrounding this case.

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