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Posted 12:59 am, 08/01/2015

I quit my job a couple months ago because I was in terrible pain. I couldn't walk for the pain in my feet and knees. After a bit my savings was wiped out and now I'm back at work. Those few months off did wonders for my aches and pains. Every one has remarked on how much better I look now. It's rough not being able to work. It kills me when my issues flare up to the point I can't even get out of bed. I'm a single mom. I can't afford not to work. Yet my health keeps me from working as much as I want to.


Posted 8:52 pm, 07/31/2015

I work 31 years so Ian not sorry and apply for jobs and could not be hired, so what u suppose to do and even temporary service would not hire me.

By reading the entire post I will guess because you are seeking disability you put anything on your application you can think of that will keep an employer from wanting to hire you. That way you can show the judge you can not find work because of your health. It's not hard to see the truth in your story. You are not stupid people like me are. I would qualify for SSI but I'm still working through my suffering. The only thing that allows me to is my doctor. He said he would keep me on my feet as long as I could go until I came to him waving the white flag. There are days I think about giving up but I wasn't raised that way.


Posted 12:56 pm, 07/31/2015

Bear, you have to be proactive. These programs are not going to knock on your door and hand you everything you need. It takes work on your part. There are many things in life you can't control, but you CAN control how you respond. Now, suck it up and start filling out forms for drug assistance. I can even help you if you need it, I don't mind. Let me know.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:45 am, 07/31/2015

i wonder how long the OP actually had medicaid. if surgeries were needed ... it makes me wonder why they didn't get the surgeries while medicaid was effective. i understand the problem with medications after losing this benefit.


Posted 9:50 am, 07/31/2015


Not sure where you live, but this may be an option also.


Posted 9:45 am, 07/31/2015

"did get a lawyer but we lost but he didn't do he job right."...file for disability again,with a better lawyer.
being denied once(yeah i know it's two- three times before a judge is involved) doesn't mean it's over.


Posted 9:38 am, 07/31/2015

Maybe I missed it, but what is the reason they are denying your Medicaid? I always thought that was what it is for...people who are unable to work. And if you are physically unable, can you not get disability? Or is that what you mean by saying social security? Last question...if we aren't allowing Medicaid for people in this circumstance (provided what this poster is saying is true), who are we giving it to? Who is it that's getting Medicaid?

bear 10

Posted 8:29 am, 07/31/2015

That what wrong with our world because someone is taking advantage of something then everyone is condemn when that don't really know their situation. No pity no mercy and no care when it could be you. I have work since I was 12 and now and did get a lawyer but we lost but he didn't do he job right. Act like he didn't know about my situation and condition until a week for we have to face a judge. I work 31 years so Ian not sorry and apply for jobs and could not be hired, so what u suppose to do and even temporary service would not hire me. Most people don't care until it knock on their door and don't believe it will. You want have your health forever. Most I seen in wilkes is selfish and self thinking people thinking it want happen to them. But I seen on here some cares and some don't. They think I am just looking for a free check, also look how much I paid the government when I was working did I get that back no I didn't and I am not complaining as lone it helping someone really needs it. I might be getting cheated. I believe people should work as lone they can and believe me whole lot easier. But how can u if your health is so bad u can't and can't get hire? Thank you wilkes for going to let me die and those that did try to help me find a answer. Thanks drs thanks to all say they care but really don't. Thanks to all the companies and organations here that want want lift a finger to do something to change this problem in wilkes. I know u that left negative and condemnation toward me don't understand. It easy because so many people on it shouldn't be. All I could figure how they got must had lied or the judge made a bad judgment. I use to love working and out of the house and meet and talk to my friend and meet new people and please who I was working for. I went to college for 2 years and down the tubes it went. I feel like just give up and when I died ssa would saved money and social service too, my too I paid in all those years. When I can't get the operations I need and some medication I am going to died, so why be concern when can't do nothing about it.

Joseph T.

Posted 8:16 am, 07/31/2015

Nurse_Turtle (view profile)

Posted 9:19 pm, 07/30/2015

There are programs with drug manufacturers that can provide your medication at no charge. You have to apply with whichever company makes your medicine. Even if you had medicare, dental care is not covered, nor is eye care. Lawyers will only take disability cases they can win. It takes some research and a lot of work and waiting, but if you qualify, you can get your meds cheap or free

My mother who is an RN works for a group in ashe that doesn this very thing for the elderly and disable. She is able to get people their drugs for free or at very little cost. The sad part is if the drug companies didn't try to make 5 or 6 hundred percent profit or more sometimes there might not be a need for programs like this.

I understand that it takes a lot of money and time to bring drugs to the market and I am all for the capital system. But I think it would be better to lower the cost of the drug so that everyone can afford it rather than just a few. That being said once drug companys lose their name brand protection and generics come out it becomes harder to make money.


Posted 11:52 pm, 07/30/2015

bear 10 (view profile)

Posted 2:46 pm, 07/30/2015

Also I have 8 different things wrong with me and where is mercy in this country and try to get ssa around 10 times counted the appeals. Seen a judge and almost got until the congress shut down for two weeks and had a congress rep but still didn't do no good. Also try get a attorney here and he would not even take. Can't get a job no one will hire a broken down human, so I am up creek with no paddle.

I live in debilitating pain that is so bad I consider suicide to end the suffering but I have children that depend on me. Their lives would be ruined if I was gone and they had to move in with their mother. I should be on disability and the doctor tells me there will be a time when I will not be able to work but I'm trying to work until they are grown and I hope to find a different line of work that is not so hard on my back. Most people in my shoes would sit at home until they got their government handouts. I know if I am able to do what I do then most people that are on or trying to get on SSI could work. Some people need SSI but everyone I know on it only 1 out of 10 truly need it the rest just found a way to not work. Makes me sick. If a lawyer would not take the case then you must be able to work. Lawyers will take any case they can win. You say you are up the creek without a paddle. With a little luck you will float by a company hiring people to manufacture boat paddles.


Posted 10:31 pm, 07/30/2015

Oh and most the time not all of the time the injuries and medical problems people have are due to the type of life they chose to live. So if you get drunk wreck a four wheeler why in heck should I have to pay to keep you up because you made a bad decision.


Posted 10:18 pm, 07/30/2015

Thanks for admitting what most of us already knew and that is the more kids the more money from the government but wait it doesn't really come from the government it comes from your working friends and neighbors and they should tell you the truth about how they really feel & not talk behind your back. Get a job just like everyone else, don't have children you can't afford and you can't afford them if you need government help or other handouts.


Posted 9:21 pm, 07/30/2015

I think bear is full of crap


Posted 9:19 pm, 07/30/2015

There are programs with drug manufacturers that can provide your medication at no charge. You have to apply with whichever company makes your medicine. Even if you had medicare, dental care is not covered, nor is eye care. Lawyers will only take disability cases they can win. It takes some research and a lot of work and waiting, but if you qualify, you can get your meds cheap or free.


Posted 7:19 pm, 07/30/2015

Get a job at Select staffing. One day work a week and you have employer provided insurance and a small paycheck.


Posted 6:42 pm, 07/30/2015

Free clinics abound with medication help as well.


Posted 5:27 pm, 07/30/2015

How old are you?

Hot Mess

Posted 3:06 pm, 07/30/2015

Do like the rest of us have had to do and sign up for high priced Obamacare.


Posted 2:54 pm, 07/30/2015

btw...why wouldn't bear10 qualify for Obamacare????

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