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M Bachmann got Slamed


Posted 6:31 pm, 11/24/2014

The GOP has been against the President since he was elected. They do not want to see him succeed at anything. That is why he has to do an "Executive Order" to get anything done. And "everything" is the Presidents fault. The President was elected by the people of the United States---he needs to be respected!!! IMO

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 5:18 pm, 11/24/2014

Mr GOP give us dates when THE GOP TRIED TO WORK WITH THE PRESIDENT....all you hear is we tried they did not go to the White House and ask the President to reconsider on bill sent to the Senate from the Congress.....all they have done is complain complain complain....again MR GOP list dates and bills....I can almost say you will skirt that request....

alonzo harris

Posted 1:26 pm, 11/24/2014


"352 bills. Why won't Harry Reid act? These are good bills; bills that put the American people back to work, put more money in hardworking Americans pockets, help with education, and skills training. We call upon Harry Reid to get to work before he adjourns in August to pass some of these bills. The American people deserve better."

Jenkins offered a lot of statistics in a short statement, so to keep this fact-check manageable, we'll focus on her claim that in the "do-nothing Senate," there are 352 House bills "sitting on Harry Reid's desk awaiting action," including 55 introduced by Democrats.

Have 352 bills passed the House but await action in the Senate?

Basically, yes. We used the THOMAS congressional database to pluck out the 733 measures that have passed the House so far this year. We then weeded out a few categories of bills -- ones that, for procedural reasons, were never intended to go to the Senate (such as election of the Speaker, assignment of lawmakers to committees, and procedural motions) or ones that were subsequently taken up by the Senate (either being passed or rejected).

What remained were 342 individual bills. That's 10 fewer than what Jenkins claimed, but we have no quarrel with her number, since the difference likely stems from additional bills being passed in the couple of days between when she spoke and when we looked through the database.


Posted 1:10 pm, 11/24/2014

All them crazy , Crazy bills, list them please.

alonzo harris

Posted 12:48 pm, 11/24/2014

House bills stuck on Harry Reid's desk:



Posted 10:45 am, 11/24/2014

Bingo, kenc! When has the gop TRIED to work with the president? Never!


Posted 10:43 am, 11/24/2014

When did any of the gop try to work with the president ?


Posted 10:36 am, 11/24/2014

We are TIRED of trying to work with this President

SUE and IMPEACH!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!


Posted 10:30 am, 11/24/2014

We'll see, are they suddenly going to come in from all the vacation days and get some guts ? Wonder if it'll be Save the Rich from all those poor people !!! As usual.

alonzo harris

Posted 9:39 am, 11/24/2014

Enjoy it while you can drones, new congress gonna slap that smug smile off Barry's face.


Posted 9:33 am, 11/24/2014

Wonder who Bachmann thinks she speaks for, of course there's always that fringe element that she can stir up.

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 10:12 pm, 11/23/2014

At a recent Republican Meeting .... the Head of GOP stated they would not get in the mire of Immigration that President Obama signed by Executive Order....meaning Bachman and Cruz and any other Loud Mouth GOP who think they run the GOP Caucus....were told Jobs would be the issue not Immigration.....in a kinder and Gentler way to SHUT UP and Follow the leaders path.....

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