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Liberals are sick to use children like this

w (><) w

Posted 2:40 pm, 10/26/2014

Yes they are.


Posted 9:54 pm, 10/25/2014

Libtards are dirty like that


Posted 10:55 am, 10/25/2014

HOLY F-in' COW !!! Are these flipped up liberals insane or what?!? The mothers of those children should be getting a knock on the door from the folks at DCFS. I am not easily offended at the blatantly obscene behavior exhibited by todays liberal culture but, exploiting young impressionable children to perform this filth is beyond belief. America is an open cesspool of degradation and debauchery. SHAME has become EXTINCT !!!


Posted 10:25 am, 10/25/2014

Thats Terrible

Truth Speaker

Posted 6:28 am, 10/25/2014

Feminist Nazi Do Commercial With Girls Dropping The F Bomb


Posted 7:58 pm, 10/23/2014

White America (view profile)

Wow those girls already sound like strippers.

Thet are in Liberal Training CAMPS to be future Ho's for the Secret Service.

sparkling water

Posted 7:26 pm, 10/23/2014


Liberals seem to think that compassion amounts to an endless supply of goodies. If you raised your kids that way, you'd still have them in diapers and sucking down Dutch Apple treat while you write their college essays for them
Conservatism provides limited help for a limited time and expects the recipient to take ownership of their life.

About SS: billions are collected every month and siphoned off to cover other government outlays. If SS were privatized, that money would stay in one place until needed. Government would then have to be a bit more honest about where its revenues come from.

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 7:19 pm, 10/23/2014

SW... compassion for whom?...Accountability to no one until caught....as for Cheney taking care of his own he did that the day he got into office and has been on the government dole since...Obama got the ACA passed for millions to get Health Care Coverage where the Health Industry would not cover if they had a pre existing condition or if you were a female pay more ....oh not cover services the insurance deemed to expensive...they practice the so called death committee long before Palin came out with that statement....as in the case of Mrs Obama...Baracks mother who had to fight to get the insurance company pay for those services it said it covered only when they wished to....but Conservatism is not the answer we had that for 12 years before Clinton took off and then 8 years before Obama took office...under those two administration EPA was held back....Social security raises for Seniors was cut down to less than one per cent....and Romney wanted to Privatize it....let the Stock Market fund it....hmmm along with Wisconsin V P nominee Ryan also had some other ideas to gut the so call safety net...it was so bad even his own district called him on the carpet at his hometown meeting....conservatism has done little for those in need...


Posted 7:04 pm, 10/23/2014

They do stuff like that for the shock factor. They think all Conservatives are old and have never heard stuff like that before so they want our mouths to gape open when we hear profanity. All it makes me want to do is get the stupid immoral jerks that did this to these little girls down and apply pain to them so I can hear them use words like that. Do they think it will change my opinion as far as their cause goes? Stupid Freaking people. It will make me hate them more and more.

sparkling water

Posted 6:59 pm, 10/23/2014

WG, conservativism works wherever it is tried. It's aims are a fine blend of compassion and accountability and it honors our proud history as a people. That being said, most of the folk on your conservative list are not heroes of mine. Sarah is an image wh*re. Rush Limbaugh is a savvy entertainer, but not much more. I like what he says, but I suspect he would be just as savvy as a Liberal. I like Mr. Cheney. I'd happily attend his swearing in as president and I believe he'd take good care of this country. Of course, you would point out that he'd take care of his business partners. He probably would. Mr Obama has taken care of no one. That is the central problem. He seems to think that the world should spin by his permission. He is learning that the world spins by its own rules. We need change. Conservatism offers that change.

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 6:46 pm, 10/23/2014

Sparkling water.....we have what you call Conservatism in NC...and its working for those in charge not the whole of NC...those who practice this type of Conservatism are causing the Body of Ronald Reagan to roll over in his posh resting place....and please do not tell me you know RR....whew....you have such stellar spokes persons as Sarah Palin....Jim DeMint..... Marko Rubio.... Richard Cheney......Reinus Preibus.... and of course the Star of your subject matter Rush Limbaugh the drug dependent over weight bigot.....as for the children being used Republicans have done the same in the past so this is nothing new....have not been to that site so if a women wishes to win and has her seat save.....but this is not excusing the ad or any ad like this...no matter who....


Posted 6:25 pm, 10/23/2014

Yep. This is so sick. Children robbed of their innocense by mean little kids who think they are adults.

Whack a Mole

Posted 6:18 pm, 10/23/2014

libs are disgusting to make those poor kids do that


Posted 6:17 pm, 10/23/2014

Repubs try to put their faults and sins on other people.

sparkling water

Posted 6:15 pm, 10/23/2014

WW, I'm presenting my own original research. I don't need to cite sources.

White America

Posted 5:16 pm, 10/23/2014

Wow those girls already sound like strippers.


Posted 5:15 pm, 10/23/2014

First the Liberals started a war on women now they start a war on children? These people are sick and should be locked up. I do hope they charge the people who created this video with child abuse.


Posted 5:15 pm, 10/23/2014

I've seen homeless people shouting at pigeons who make more sense than a welfare-depending thumbsucker like you.


Posted 5:11 pm, 10/23/2014

Keep telling the lies C4, guess you'll get lots of attaboys from your fellow idiots.


Posted 5:06 pm, 10/23/2014

Libs are Moralphobic in fact they hate morals that's how they become liberal cult members.

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