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liberal/progressive socialists and thier plan for America


Posted 12:50 pm, 02/14/2016

I have had thought pretty close to that myself guitar. And with the electorial college I have thought what does our vote really matter because they say what the people want supposedly. But they can go against the popular vote and do what they want and we're stuck with it.


Posted 12:40 pm, 02/14/2016

In my opinion the entire voting system is a scam now. I'd almost bet that if Every American voter just went through the motions of voting, right down to walking into the booth. Just stood there scratched their *** and did nothing whatsoever, just pretended to cast their votes.

The news media and all the media involved would do the exact same thing they do, they'd show votes cast, talk about the race and all the hoop la surrounding elections. It's be a big ole show and then the climax, they'd be announcing the winner! What a race it was!

When in reality not a vote was actually cast.

In short the voters they'd get more out of the minutes they spent scratching their ***!

Reason I think that is because the President of the United States has already been decided and will take office. The banks and Wall Street have already picked the winner!

It's been that way since they killed JFK


Posted 12:24 pm, 02/14/2016

I know what you meant guitar. And I don't want Sanders in either I was just given old Bernie a little credit for some of the things he said. But I will say this if it came down to a choice between Burney or Hillary I think Bernie would be a little better pic. Because a lot of the stuff Bernie wants to do will not fly and I don't think bernie is completely unreasonable when it comes to listening. But with Hillary all it would be is one scandal and drama after another.


Posted 12:09 pm, 02/14/2016

Make no mistake, I am not suggesting anyone vote for Sanders, I wasn't doing a political add for him. I never said, I would vote for Sanders or for that matter vote anyone. Like you realize, No such thing today in this world as the lesser of two evils. Simply doesn't apply anymore because they're all evil and corrupted.

The problem with any type of government or has been is greed and over time becoming corrupted.


Posted 11:48 am, 02/14/2016

Guitar I will amen you 100%. Both sides are rotten greedy sob that's why I say a lot of times is picking between the lesser of two evils but nowadays I don't think one is lesser evil than the other. And old Bernie has pegged it on some things he has said. But the one reason socialism or liberalism whichever you prefer to call it will not work. Is does people not thank that the ones smart enough to make big money are not smart enough to know how to keep it. And that will put more tax burden on the lower and middle class. Because of all these with the big money have to do is know where and how to move their money around the Moors lost in the long run and it's ever gained


Posted 11:14 am, 02/14/2016

Stopping short of cussing this BS from bernard - nowhere does this plan show where he gets the money to dump into the economy. The major failing of socialism is sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Tell us where the magical 14+trillion dollars his plan requires comes from.

I didn't think you coulda!


Posted 11:07 am, 02/14/2016

It's seriously funny watching you boys battle it out on who's candy's the best candy. It's like watching a comedy show on the tube. Or better yet a Sad Drama, yea a Drama fits this situation a little better simply because of the facts presented by you.

Well okay, Here's my take not that it matters...

I'd mention no where in the history of the United States has One Party been in Total Control of our government. It's a two party system, it's taken both Parties to get us where we are today. I hope you realize that!

A little time traveling will quickly put your arguments to bed about who's freaks are the best freaks. I know, I know it's a waste of time for anyone to point this out because you guys just need to argue. That's a given but I just gotta, you know try. More for fun than any other reasons!

If my dating is off forgive that because I am going on memory and my memory is like your arguments they both suck. Oh and if my memory doesn't present the facts the Way you want it, I really don't care. I'm just stating my thoughts, my opinion and what I recall about your Great Parties. Yea that's right I am going to talk Smack about your parties, them dumb*** democrats and dumb*** republicans! Call me an equal opportunity hater!

For example, During the 60's our fearless taters in charge decided to do a little voting. They voted to move Social Security out of a pretty much protected fund to the General funding. It wasn't just the democrats, it wasn't just the republicans who did that. It was a they thing...you know it took Both Parties to do it. You get that right? Two Parties? Notice I used the word They?

Was that move good for the people of the United States?

No! No is my answer and should be to anyone who gives a crap!

Why was it a bad move? Because since they did it Social Security has been one the biggest political voting scams of all time. One side threatens it, the other side defends it, yet neither side Had ANY issue spending that money to the point they've nearly bankrupted it.

Before the VOTES they couldn't spend it!

Yea it's pretty clear why they voted to move it from one fund to another! SO THEY COULD SPEND THE **** MONEY!

It was Our money protected by law. After their voting Both sides spent the money! Stole it basically from the public. Yea they're such great parties, always looking out for us huh! Then have the utter gall to use it as a VOTING PLOY and we Fall For it every elections! No wait, we maybe to strong because some folks actually get it's a flipping voting scam!

Did you ever hear One Democrat Or Republican Say Social Security needs to be Moved Back into a Protected Fund that protects it from ME? From Congress? From the Senate? Huh? Yea they've got your best interests in mind For sure!

Moving forward a little bit to the early 70's maybe? Those old boys decided that the United States would no longer back the dollar with gold. Where's the Gold? What happened to that Gold that belonged to the American Public?

Before their little voting, the United States was the NUMBER ONE LENDING NATION IN THE WORLD! Number 1 lending Nation in the World. The world Owed the United States money, We had power unmatched in the history of the world. We had Real Economic Power!

Both parties to totally ruined our Dollar to go to this Bull **** Credit system we use today. Yet Again Both parties were sitting in Washington, it's a two party system right, so that means yep they ALL voted for that.

Who'd that actually benefit? The banks that make up the Federal Reserve which is a Privately Owned bank is who it benefited! I am sure if we looked hard enough we could ask where'd the Gold Go, we'd find it in the banks of the Federal Reserve.

Quick Note, Bernie Sanders is the Only Politician that I've ever heard Tell the Truth about the Federal Reserve and the only elected politician that had the Balls to actually say if I am elected, The Federal Reserve will be put in check. That's in my life time, I have never heard anyone from either party ever address the issues with that private bank. Nope, not a political add for Sanders, just simply stating the old man is the only one with brass ****g balls.

Back to my opinions on those two Parties.

Yes sir those Experts up there in Washington took us from being the Number One Lending Nation in the World to a Debtor Nation almost over Night! Gotta Love them democrats and republicans don't ya!

Moving up just a little bit in our history, late 70's maybe early 80's we'd become a Debtor nation Almost OVER Night. Yep, again check out History Both Parties running the show! Both you get that fact right? ( trying to stress here just how much those democrats and republicans care about you)

Yes sir those good Old Democrats and Republicans are running the show with the American Public's best interests in mind and boy things are just super peachy all across the boards!

Now jumping the ship to the Current Days, overlooking the fact that Both Democrats and Republicans did run the show over the years we've just skipped yep remember it's two party system.

Yep and even still running the show Today. Two party system, it takes Both Parties to vote and pass laws and do the **** they do.

Let's really look at today our country in Debt to Banks mainly the Federal Reserve we'll say and use the number 17 trillion dollars in debt.

It's the largest debt in History by any nation on Earth Ever! Get that? Regardless of How many times the politicians tell us they can balance the budget do all these fantastic things. If they could don't you think they'd do it? It's not their intentions to ever balance the budget.

It's just not possible to ever repay that amount of money. But Here you sit arguing, calling each other names, Claiming your candy is better than the other candy. Well boys your CANDY IS ROTTEN!

To Summarize this wasted space, I call it wasted space and it's a waste of my time because Nobody ever really ever gets the Fact Both Parties are exactly the same! They just call each other different names!

Neither Party has the Best interests in mind for Our County. Doesn't matter if they're Democrats, Republicans, Far Right Moron idiots or Liberals or even the Far Left Lunatics to the So Call Progressive Communists.

It's the same Brand, the same lies, the same packages, they're just using new adds, new gimmicks!

One simple fact I will just present If either party had the best interests in mind for the United States our country wouldn't be any where close to being in the position it's facing today. That's just the truth, it's a fact.

If they had our best interests in mind they'd never ever allowed us to be 17 trillion dollars in debt and that's just for starters, Just one point out of hundreds that could be brought to the table.

Your parties SUCK and not just a t*tty suck they suck ***! They're all liars, they're all crooked and they Owe their souls to Banks and Wall Street because that's the people that run the show folks. That's who's interests the Democrats and Republicans really represent and All the facts and truths tell All of us that much!

You keep right on supporting your Democrats, Republicans, Far Right Wing Nut jobs, Liberals, and those Communist Progressive lunatics out that, because they all want your money!

I got to add I can't help to think some of you boys get paid to get on here puffing your chests out, cussing and yelling my parties the best party!

Your on this site so often it begs one to wonder how anyone could have that much free time to devote to such a unreasonable profession of constantly arguing. You'd have to be getting paid is the only conclusion I can come up with.

Oh please forgive my mistakes I am sure some of you might try and point out. Frankly I could make mistakes all day long and couldn't hold a light to folks that have nothing better do than sit about calling each other names telling each other how Great their candies are.

Top Soil

Posted 10:56 am, 02/14/2016

What does "Being on Americas side" really mean?

Does it mean being a cheerleader for a political party?

Or does it mean standing up for the rights and liberties of other human beings?

Clearly the author of OP's article believes that "being American" means being a cheerleader for his political affiliation. Wake up people, neither political party give a **** about you, they only give a **** about the people who stuff their wallets.


Posted 10:53 am, 02/14/2016

Plan for America? Sure!


Sound good?

Discuss. Or discus.


Posted 10:47 am, 02/14/2016

Glad to see you boyz are still one trick ponies. Too easy, but still a lot of fun.

tupy, you forgot a YOU and the correct usage for "TURN" woulda be turned.
Isn't that fun?

Put away your distract-o-matics and enter the arena. We'd love to hear you tell us about the liberal/progressive socialist plan for America.

Go boyz, Go boyz, Go boyz !!!


Posted 10:12 am, 02/14/2016




Posted 9:56 am, 02/14/2016

I'll debate!

Issue one: Konrad kaint spail.

Discuss. Or discus. Whichever.


Posted 9:50 am, 02/14/2016

Your initial response to this thread was nothing more than pea shooting and spell/typo nazi BS. It's all you ever have from your kneejerkoff point of view.

Go tupy, Go tupy, Go tupy !!!


Posted 9:43 am, 02/14/2016



Posted 9:24 am, 02/14/2016

"YOU" getting off topic, again. Debate the issue or STFU, again!

Go, tupy, Go tupy, Go tupy !!!


Posted 9:16 am, 02/14/2016



Posted 9:14 am, 02/14/2016

A wannabe spelling nazi strikes again. Did swcy give you that assignment there, tupy? It's all either of you have. Go snort some more of your weak napalm and get back to us.

Go boyz, Go boyz, Go boyz !!!


Posted 9:07 am, 02/14/2016

Leave it to swcy to deal the race card from the bottom of the deck, therefore:

Go swcy, Go swcyt, Go swcy !!!


Posted 9:06 am, 02/14/2016





Posted 9:02 am, 02/14/2016

Konrad started a thread to get Umpire's attention?

On Valentine's Day?

Uh, oh.

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