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Lets.put Mikey in his place.


Posted 4:21 pm, 05/24/2015

What's wrong with taking out the trash ?

What's wrong with him posting and if you don't agree with him just passing in by ? Arguing with him is like running around in circles he is going to give the same speech.. Its like those political threads the repubs are non working republitards and the dems are libtards ruining this country just reading how people on Go Wilkes thinks makes Wilkes look like a bunch idiots and Wilkes is far more a better place than what Go Wilkes makes it look. If you make a post that makes sense and actually has substance then its turned into a bash fest which that's all Go Wilkes is about.


Posted 4:16 pm, 05/24/2015

acer I'm guessing you might not know the history behind Mikey. If he had not messaged me with his crap calling me names when I had never commented on his post I wouldn't be here now. He didn't like what I said about something long ago that had nothing to do with him so here we are. I hate hypocrites and he has been proven to be one time and time again.


Posted 4:09 pm, 05/24/2015

Defrost (view profile)

Posted 3:58 pm, 05/24/2015

Same goes for the rest of the godless wanderers

It looks like everyone is just calling out a hypocrite.

1goddess (view profile)

Posted 4:00 pm, 05/24/2015

U had to make up a new screen name to post that...makes me giggle!

Goodness it is funny. Why are they hiding who they are just to post that? Mikey keeps talking about the figs but when I ask him to explain he is MIA


Posted 4:08 pm, 05/24/2015

So what's wrong with taking out the trash???

Look, if mikeys ramblings were coherent and sane, there might could be a conversation to be had with him, that's what I've been trying to say all along! He just needs to make some sense, that is all anyone is asking.

Why doesn't he wish to have a dialog, good grief if his message is so important to him, why wouldn't he wish for anyone else to also see it's importance. If he is truly trying to bring others to whatever faith path that he travels...then why isn't it important enough for him to speak coherently???


Posted 4:05 pm, 05/24/2015

I don't understand the whole let's put Mikey down thread, if you don't like what he has got to say then skip over it. I don't read his ramblings because its always the same but like most on Go Wilkes its always a bash fest which makes Go wilkes look nothing but trash, over and over its the same Christians are put down by the same bunch and the same goes for the political threads nothing but the same trash no wonder Go Wilkes is a joke !


Posted 4:00 pm, 05/24/2015

U had to make up a new screen name to post that...makes me giggle!


Posted 3:58 pm, 05/24/2015

Same goes for the rest of the godless wanderers.


Posted 3:57 pm, 05/24/2015

1godless, needs to ask herself why she's so obsessed with tearing down all the faith-themed posters?

If she was truly secure in her own beliefs, would just click on by.

Clearly, something else is motivating her.


Posted 3:37 pm, 05/24/2015

Hmmm, no word from Mikey so far.


Posted 2:23 pm, 05/24/2015

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 11:56 am, 05/24/2015

Jesus said what I tell you in secrets shout it from the house top. This is as high as I know. Jesus christ Saves if You have Faith to Believe and Follow His Words. Eternal Life await the Over Comer . Over come evil with Good. Learn the parable of THE Fig Tree. John 8:31-32;51

Without using copy\paste explain in your own words the parable of the fig tree. I have sat through many sermons where the pastor preached on this parable so you should have no problem helping us understand what it means. You tell us to learn it so I am asking for your help to learn it. Will you help me Mikey?


Posted 1:52 pm, 05/24/2015

You don't understand sarge. Mikey doesn't sin. Ask him.


Posted 1:37 pm, 05/24/2015

Miley thinks every post he makes is a gold star on his name in the book of life.

He has said thousands of times "don't follow man" but will not admit he is just a man.


Posted 12:38 pm, 05/24/2015

If you can't be saved by grace mikey, that would imply that you have to be saved by your own merits or that you would have to "earn" your way into heaven by being " good enough" which is not possible for any human being


Posted 12:31 pm, 05/24/2015

You put down Christians. Christians follow Jesus Christ and his teachings. You are trying to make yourself look like you are better than anyone else that claims to follow the same Lord. You are self-righteous.


Posted 12:26 pm, 05/24/2015

It woudn't be fair to Mikey to sequester all his posts into one thread unless you grouped the gay posts into a special group and the politicos into another.

Doing this would slow the visible activity on the main CV page by 50% or more.


Posted 11:56 am, 05/24/2015

Jesus said what I tell you in secrets shout it from the house top. This is as high as I know. Jesus christ Saves if You have Faith to Believe and Follow His Words. Eternal Life await the Over Comer . Over come evil with Good. Learn the parable of THE Fig Tree. John 8:31-32;51

Top Soil

Posted 11:43 am, 05/24/2015


"If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn't value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance or logic?"

-Sam Harris-


Posted 11:41 am, 05/24/2015

Mikey gives thanks each and every day that he is not like us


Posted 11:37 am, 05/24/2015

Shag what views. I say Christianity is The works of Satan. I can Prove That Biblical. Jesus is the Saviour. Not man.Jesus said is what it is about not what Paul said. My preacher or pastor say. Not even what Michael said. The Good News is Jesus Christ. Not Religion. Being a Disciple is living life by His Words that he brought. You see I can read write study search for truth. Because Truth sets a person free. Jesus is Truth. He spoke of life Eternal by his Words. John 8:31-32;51


Posted 11:26 am, 05/24/2015

Mikey you never answer any questions a poster ask. You give a copy paste answer that has nothing to do with what you was asked. You have never explained your views. Mikey what is your goal on here? By the number of threads you start you must have a mission. When it comes to people that claim to spread the word there are two groups. One group wants to bring people to the Lord. This group is eager to engage in conversation that gives them the opportunity spread the good word. They answer every question to the best of their ability in a way that everyone can understand their point of view. The second group uses the word of God to make them feel they are better than everyone else. This group do not care about helping others understand the word and often if not always they do not understand the word their self. If they knew the word of God they would not be in the second group. I have on many occasions asked you to prove that you are a member of the first group and you care about the soul of your fellow man. By the fruit you bear I can only conclude you use the Bible to make you better than everyone else. You only use the Bible to attack anyone that questions you which is not the work of Jesus. When you are pressed you will resort to name calling. You want to think you are blessed because you think you are persecuted for living for Jesus but you are persecuted for being a hypocrite. I have given you every chance to prove me wrong because I take no pleasure in questioning ones faith. You when given the chance only reinforce my views about you so go ahead copy paste a response that does not answer one question in this post.

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