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Justice Dept Threatens Millions of Decent North Carolinians


Posted 4:30 pm, 05/05/2016

Porta johns


Posted 4:30 pm, 05/05/2016

In your shop, religious folks have the right to sue. No one is trying to take that right away. Well, you maybe, but there is no state law that would remove that right from a person based on faith. If there were, dude! That would be awful!


Posted 4:26 pm, 05/05/2016

Bestill (view profile)

Posted 4:19 pm, 05/05/2016

Uh, no you are not. The bill does not effect a person's rights based on religion. Your employees could and should sue for discrimination.

You do realize a person has to get the states permission to sue for discrimination? You have to make your case before you are allowed to make your case.


Posted 4:26 pm, 05/05/2016

If the state were to create a law that discriminated against a person's religion, everyone here fighting for LGBT rights would be fighting just as hard for theirs.


Posted 4:19 pm, 05/05/2016

Uh, no you are not. The bill does not effect a person's rights based on religion. Your employees could and should sue for discrimination.


Posted 4:15 pm, 05/05/2016

Bestill (view profile)

Posted 3:40 pm, 05/05/2016

Careful springy. That would be discrimination and against the law. You and mommo could both end up using the bigot restroom. Together.

I'm not worried. I am protected by HB2.


Posted 4:08 pm, 05/05/2016

Sorry, I forgot to add my comment.

It is human anatomy that determines skin color.


Posted 4:02 pm, 05/05/2016

oh good gosh if they must have a bathroom bill than shut this one down and start over.... but to be honest I think if the bill had only been about bathroom use and bathroom use only we would not have have the crap strom we have had over it

river otter

Posted 3:57 pm, 05/05/2016

Republicans call it "state's rights" when in the very law itself they remove the state from liability. They can't have it both ways.These idiots wrote it into the legislation that the Fed would be the ones interpreting the ill advised statute. Proof they did not give it much thought, and if they want to claim federal over reach now they can be the labeled the idiots that they are by their very own statute.


Posted 3:55 pm, 05/05/2016

mommotwo (view profile)
Posted 2:16 pm, 05/05/2016
Posted 2:11 pm, 05/05/2016
Not everybody who has a penis identifies as a male.

Posted 2:13 pm, 05/05/2016
HB2 supporters don't have the rationalization skills to realize the law makes it easier for perverts not HARDER.
This is not rocket science.

I just think this is very odd. Don't talk to me about rocket science or rationalization skills until you actually understand anatomy.


Posted 3:40 pm, 05/05/2016

Careful springy. That would be discrimination and against the law. You and mommo could both end up using the bigot restroom. Together.


Posted 3:37 pm, 05/05/2016

LBTG people have been on earth since the beginning of humankind and will remain so.

Although they are finally gaining acknowledgment and rights, the playing field is still not level.

There's a segment of the population that thinks that LBTG folks make a choice to live a certain "lifestyle."

Until that bit of folklore is faded through education, there will still be a struggle.


Posted 3:21 pm, 05/05/2016

I think I am going to do a start up and form a company that only hires atheists. Maybe a few christians to sweep the floor and clean the toilets.


Posted 3:16 pm, 05/05/2016

Let's say Lowes decides they no longer want to employee Christians and only atheist, that's a characteristic and I bet you'd be concerned then.


Posted 3:12 pm, 05/05/2016

Other "characteristics" that might get one fired are being divorced, or republican, or democrat, or evangelical.

It's surprising that discrimination isn't more of a concern to all citizens.


Posted 3:11 pm, 05/05/2016

Hepsibah (view profile)

Posted 3:06 pm, 05/05/2016

Many of us could somehow find ourselves in a job where our supervisor disliked certain "characteristics."

How would you like to be great in performing your job, but still be fired because you are a woman, or Asian, or gay, or black, or a man, or Jewish, or older, or Christian, or white, or agnostic?

HB2 took away the right to have discrimination cases heard in NC courts. The only other option is taking the cases to federal court.

That presents quite a roadblock, doesn't it? The politicians who created HB2 sought to make it discouraging to go the legal route.

There is another option. It is called the AK47 option. It is the option that comes into play when the law supports oppression.


Posted 3:08 pm, 05/05/2016

So mommo is saying being a woman is a characteristic that should get you fired.


Posted 3:06 pm, 05/05/2016

Many of us could somehow find ourselves in a job where our supervisor disliked certain "characteristics."

How would you like to be great in performing your job, but still be fired because you are a woman, or Asian, or gay, or black, or a man, or Jewish, or older, or Christian, or white, or agnostic?

HB2 took away the right to have discrimination cases heard in NC courts. The only other option is taking the cases to federal court.

That presents quite a roadblock, doesn't it? The politicians who created HB2 sought to make it discouraging to go the legal route.


Posted 3:05 pm, 05/05/2016

mommotwo (view profile)

Posted 3:02 pm, 05/05/2016

Absolutely. As opposed to you as a matter of fact, lol.

The thing you don't understand is, if we worked together, I would be your boss. That means I would use HB2 to put you in your place, at home making sandwiches.


Posted 3:02 pm, 05/05/2016

Absolutely. As opposed to you as a matter of fact, lol.

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