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I voted early today, for Kay Hagan, and challenge all women to do the same!


Posted 3:28 pm, 11/02/2014

So much money just being wasted in politics, on both sides.

But you have to pick the battle closest to you this year.

Just asking a question. As far as being Democrat or Republican, and we all know what each side stands for.

What do you stand for?

Pick your battle, for me it's women's rights...and that is how I vote. But I am very conservative with money,and I respect any law abiding citizen that wants to carry a gun.


Posted 3:15 pm, 11/02/2014

I just heard it again during the football game. It said "stand up to Obama". I just think that's odd.


Posted 2:40 pm, 11/02/2014



Posted 12:18 pm, 11/02/2014

News of her impending victory has even reached Hawaii !
Everybody get your friends and family out Tuesday to cement her re-election! Tillis is toast !


Posted 7:06 pm, 10/31/2014

Sun Glass Sniffer Man can't even save Tillis!
Tillis is toast !


Posted 1:29 pm, 10/31/2014

TILLIS FOR ME higher taxes if i go with HAGEN NO THANKS

Truth Speaker

Posted 1:26 pm, 10/31/2014

Libs/DEMS in N.C.Obama Will Be Lynched If You Don't Vote For Kay Hagan


Posted 1:16 pm, 10/31/2014

Sorry mommo2, I haven't seen it, I wonder if Hagan approved it.


Posted 1:08 pm, 10/31/2014

I think it was on WXII this morning, kenc.


Posted 12:45 pm, 10/31/2014

Empowers is right though. We need new people who will work for the middle class. I'm for one tired of being left out and getting screwed.


Posted 11:50 am, 10/31/2014

Makes you wonder how much is really being spent on both sides.


Posted 11:44 am, 10/31/2014

That must be a fake add mommo2, I've been getting adds from both sides, almost daily, nothing like that. Where did it originate ?


Posted 11:44 am, 10/31/2014

The secrecy of the Kochs and their Kochsuckers sounds more fitting to the old USSR than the USA


Posted 11:44 am, 10/31/2014

This country is in trouble. We all know that and the blame is being put here, there, everywhere. And instead of putting our faith in those who are running the country now we need to pull back, turn around and go in the other direction. We must do this for our children, if for no other reason. Most of us know what is in the direction we are heading in, that should be very clear.

It is like this. Johnny saw his dad cheat someone out of some money and would lie about it to Johnny. Then the whole family went to church on Sunday, as they had done for years, where his dad was a deacon. Johnny saw his dad's hypocrisy and was confused, then became rebellious. Johnny opted to no longer go to church so he stayed home. When his family was at church Johnny invited a friend over. His dad knew this friend's dad from work so he warned him against it as the whole family was involved in dealing drugs. But Johnny did not listen to his dad and got addicted to drugs which seemed to calm him down in his state of confusion. He continued down the dead-end road into oblivion just because he no longer had faith in what his dad was telling him.

That is where we are now. We have lost faith in the system and need to start somewhere to turn it around.



Posted 11:34 am, 10/31/2014

I'm not saying they did. But if that is even possible we have to get those laws changed.


Posted 11:25 am, 10/31/2014

skeptic (view profile)
Posted 9:28 am, 10/31/2014
Do I need to bring up again how you all have fell for the lie that the kochs are buying the election. Really you guys are starting to embarrass yourselves.

It is not a lie, they have bought and paid for the laws allowing the super pacs specifically so they can hide their purchasing of elections. 290 million dollars from this year.


Posted 10:30 am, 10/31/2014

Don't let Tillis destroy America, vote Hagan !


Posted 10:19 am, 10/31/2014

She stood up to alright. A whopping 4% of the time.


Posted 10:09 am, 10/31/2014

I heard a political ad this morning for Hagen (of course I did, they are on ALL THE TIME) and it said "if you want someone that will STAND UP TO Obama". Did anyone else hear that? I just found that odd. Surely, she isn't abandoning him also.


Posted 9:36 am, 10/31/2014

Go Kay and Josh Brannon !

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