EDITION: Wilkes County
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How has Wilkes really changed in the past 60 years?


Posted 7:05 pm, 01/22/2020

Know you have proved once again that you spout crap you cant prove. In the real world if you cant prove it. It didn't happen


Posted 7:01 pm, 01/22/2020

Face it, You have lost. You are just beating a dead horse now. I am tired of talking to about this. Lowes is gone and it is academic anyway. Besides it is not my job to educate you.


Posted 6:59 pm, 01/22/2020

You are a legend in your own mind


Posted 6:58 pm, 01/22/2020

I don't know. Ask Detroit. I am guess, they are not as smart as I am or have the educational background that I have.


Posted 6:57 pm, 01/22/2020

Government cant dictate the legal movement of a private business.


Posted 6:53 pm, 01/22/2020

If it could have be done why is Detroit a ghost town?


Posted 6:49 pm, 01/22/2020

My argument is that it can be done. Your argument is that it can't. How about you prove me wrong.


Posted 6:37 pm, 01/22/2020

YAWN .You know it helps in a debate to have some actual hard facts from reputable sources. You brought it up you look it up


Posted 6:32 pm, 01/22/2020

The fact is, it has happened. I am not going to do the research just to please you. The web is there and if you are interested, look it up.


Posted 6:31 pm, 01/22/2020

I guess you know everything and I am just a dumb hillbilly.


Posted 6:29 pm, 01/22/2020

Cite me one actual case where the courts have up held a private business being prevented from moving to a new location and I will concede. If not you are full of crap


Posted 6:27 pm, 01/22/2020

I admit the county coming up with the money would be a problem. However, every thing I have said is legal and could be done.


Posted 6:25 pm, 01/22/2020

No, it is not illegal. The Supreme Court has already ruled on this type of action.


Posted 6:25 pm, 01/22/2020

Local governments cant play the stock market with public funds thank goodness


Posted 6:24 pm, 01/22/2020

The county could set the price of the stock based on the value of Lowes property. Lowes stock is priced way higher then the actual valued of Lowes property.


Posted 6:23 pm, 01/22/2020

And ln 2018 they announced another 10billions dollar stock buy back so pray tell how you plan for local government to do a take over? Which by the way is illleagal


Posted 6:21 pm, 01/22/2020

Also remember, the county can set the price of the stock.


Posted 6:20 pm, 01/22/2020

Bonds. Have you heard of them?


Posted 6:20 pm, 01/22/2020

Once the county has controlling interest, they could replace management if they wanted to.


Posted 6:19 pm, 01/22/2020

I remember a few years ago Lowes bought back 2.5 billon dollars of their own stock. Does the conunty or city have that kind of loose change around to buy controlling interest?

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