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Hillary as Secretary of State

Ghost of Dab

Posted 6:05 pm, 03/13/2018

Hillary might be a good bartender. If she didn't drink all the booze.


Posted 6:01 pm, 03/13/2018

Hiam:: You just won .00000012ozs of Uranium...

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 5:08 pm, 03/13/2018

Here you go Sarge:

While Secretary of State, Hillary showed most people that she was incapable of ever being the President.

Do I win a prize?

Ole Sarge

Posted 4:55 pm, 03/13/2018

When I asked you to name ONE, you could not, so you tried to skirt around it. Sorry, Close but no cigar. You cannot name ONE specific thing she accomplished no matter how hard you try to, because she didn't do anything but run around doing the Clinton Shakedown.


Posted 4:16 pm, 03/13/2018

Busted the ceiling time & time again? Yet she Busted the ground/floor many times over...


Posted 3:31 pm, 03/13/2018

Disagree with most of Clinton's social policies however she is a well respected attorney and politician especially among women. 1st lady Sec of State and nominee for President, she has busted the ceiling time and again, an example for many young ladies. The lack of respect for people we disagree with shows the state of scociety. We are all equal in death.


Posted 2:54 pm, 03/13/2018

OS your question was answered, can't help it if you don't like the response.

Ole Sarge

Posted 2:46 pm, 03/13/2018

I knew it would be hard when I ask you because she can't name anything either. Sorry for putting you on the spot. I guess you could call it a sucker punch.


Posted 2:38 pm, 03/13/2018

I know one thing you will never see ......Hillary Secretary of State while Trump is President


Posted 2:19 pm, 03/13/2018

She left the US better off, does that help you.

Ole Sarge

Posted 2:12 pm, 03/13/2018

I see you folks are having a hard time naming ONE country she left in better shape, or naming ONE thing she accomplished. The reason is, there is not ONE.


Posted 1:17 pm, 03/13/2018

Actually, most of these posts were under the "Rex Tillerson" thread, I just moved them here because they were off topic. You caught me while I was updating everything, and just hadn't had a chance to make the note yet...


Posted 1:17 pm, 03/13/2018

I just saw where Jason started this thread...but it is still funny. My comment remains the same.


Posted 1:15 pm, 03/13/2018

LMFAO Tillerson gets fired an you start a thread about Hillary.

How to defend Trump......mention any ridiculous story about Hillary.


Posted 1:09 pm, 03/13/2018



Posted 1:05 pm, 03/13/2018

Sarge...... Please don't say Libya, Syria, Iraq, Russia, North Korea, or any others Trump is having to go back and clean up.

"Trump is having to go back and clean up"? That sonofa****h can't clean up his own diapers. Don't make me laugh.


Posted 12:53 pm, 03/13/2018

She gave birth to... What would one say, Bills step child??

Ole Sarge

Posted 12:20 pm, 03/13/2018

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 11:17 am, 03/13/2018

In her tenure as Sec. of State Clinton visited over 100 countries trying repair the damage of the Bush administration.

And which of those 100 countries did she leave in better shape? Which one did she NOT do the Cankles and Willie Shakedown to? You know, the one where she leaned in promising when SHE got to be president SHE would make it worth their $500,000.00 speech fee. All they needed to do was send the money to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and when SHE got into office Santa Clause would come. You know, the type contributions that dried up like last years bird nest when SHE lost. Please don't say Libya, Syria, Iraq, Russia, North Korea, or any others Trump is having to go back and clean up. Help me to remember ONE of her successes.


Posted 11:19 am, 03/13/2018

Between murdering Vince Foster and Mark Rich, being responsible for Benghazi, and, running a child sex ring out of a D. C. pizza parlor basement, she didn't have time for much else, did she, Sarge?

You and the GOP have no credibility left, Sarge, so nothing you have to say matters.


Posted 11:17 am, 03/13/2018

In her tenure as Sec. of State Clinton visited over 100 countries trying repair the damage of the Bush administration.

Tillerson called Trump an idiot, so I guess you could say they both helped repair damage. Tillerson calling Trump an idiot made the rest of the world see that not everyone has fallen under his McSpell.

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