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He-Man Jason Haters Club


Posted 9:11 am, 10/21/2014

We may have our Difference's, but I will not and have not done that. There was a person a while back that logged in and created an ID every similar to mine in appearance. Jason said it was froma Remote id, such as a Smart phone or the like,,,,, Jason told me he created a Flag where that user, or any other user could not create an ID like mine.


Posted 9:07 am, 10/21/2014

For the record, you did not deduce anything. I have not sent you any VULGAR messages of any kind. I dont walk to talk to you, and I dam sure dont want to get or send any PM's from you.

Jason knows who the people are that sends those pm's and he knows who the users are with their many different ID's. So, you might want to take another look at the PM's,,,, because I sure did not send them to you.


Posted 9:07 am, 10/21/2014

I stalk Chendo for unintentional spelling errors when I'm really bored...

This one time a while back....I found one!


Posted 8:33 am, 10/21/2014

wow...i leave for an evening, and come back the next day ...to this?

i'm putting everyone on ignore!

hope i spelled everything right

Clean it up

Posted 7:40 am, 10/21/2014

Why can't I get some vulgar messages?


Posted 7:24 am, 10/21/2014

I just think it's silly, Lee. So long as it's in private message, I reckon folks are on their own. You can save that stuff if you feel threatened, but I remember this one guy here who used their name and some dummy stalked him horrible. Just use your Internet common sense.


Posted 7:21 am, 10/21/2014

Regarding mothers of elegant daughters rolling in graves, Heck! That sort of thing applies to a bunch of mothers and daughters. I saw the thread and never woulda guessed whose mother was rollin' Coulda been my mom.


Posted 7:18 am, 10/21/2014

Bestill, That is horrible. I don't understand why people would say such a thing. Yes, Ignore works great! Reporting does too when attacked on a thread!


Posted 7:10 am, 10/21/2014

I don't know that I have ever been personally threatened in pm. People wish me dead and stuff, but I just kinda let that go. Ignore works.


Posted 6:51 am, 10/21/2014

She has numerous names, to date I have received vulgar and attacking messages from 4 and placed all 4 on ignore! I bet this lady has a notebook full of usernames!


Posted 6:50 am, 10/21/2014

BYT! That was well said and truthful! I too have received messages from that same person, with threats and vulgar and vile things being said, Like I had said before I placed her on ignore and almost had to take legal action, she finally left me alone. IF she starts again on me because of agreeing with you, I will take action this time and not back down. Everything BYT has said is true!! She knows what to say to get under certain people's skin to just instigate arguments. I know we need to report and I have reported stuff before and will continue to do so! Thank You BYT for speaking up!

Deputy Dawg

Posted 5:54 am, 10/21/2014

Biteyourtongue (view profile)

Yes, GW is online, and a threat was made online.

Communicating a threat is usually a state crime. It only becomes a federal crime if it crosses state lines. It is a Class 1 misdemeanor in North Carolina.

In order for charges to be filed, there has to be a legitimate concern that the person will carry out the threat, and that you are in physical danger.

� 14-277.1. Communicating threats.

(a) A person is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor if without lawful authority:

(1) He willfully threatens to physically injure the person or that person's child, sibling, spouse, or dependent or willfully threatens to damage the property of another;

(2) The threat is communicated to the other person, orally, in writing, or by any other means;

(3) The threat is made in a manner and under circumstances which would cause a reasonable person to believe that the threat is likely to be carried out; and

(4) The person threatened believes that the threat will be carried out.

(b) A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor. (1973, c. 1286, s. 11; 1993, c. 539, s. 172; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1999-262, s. 2.)


Posted 4:54 am, 10/21/2014

I will apologize, Jason, because I went back and looked and you had removed a couple of the posts I was referring to. I did not report them but apparently someone did. I did go back several times to see if you had removed them for trolling but they were still there. But...you did say on one you were not sure about it and might reinstate it. Maybe if the poster would come forward and explain what they meant by someone's mother rolling over in their grave and calling that person a so-called elegant daughter and the rest of the statement they made? You may not know it, but that's one of this poster's favorite words to use against this person to let her know SHE MEANS HER. Then there was her slur about "two-grown arse women of their age" and yes that was aimed at me and the other poster I mentioned. Long-time posters know what she is talking about, but if we sent that to you, unless it was off topic, you would question removing it because you aren't aware of what she commonly posts. I have let a lot of her slurs ride just to keep out of an argument with her, but I am tired of her shenanigans. One would think as old as she is, she would learn some self-control, or better yet, take some anger management classes.

I admit I am not computer literate, Jason, but I have worked with people for many years and I can spot a trouble-maker a mile away.

So that's my story & I'm sticking to it (very cliche, I know)...I don't want to argue...I don't like to argue, but enough of that poster is enough. They will be reported from this point forward.


Posted 3:32 am, 10/21/2014

~glitter and glamour~ (view profile)

Posted 1:00 am, 10/21/2014

Jason, respectfully, it was two days before you removed it.

And even then, I made in the note that it was tentative. I wasn't, and still am not, convinced that it was an attack against you. If it was, then it was exceptionally vague.

And as you said, it referred to information that the offender couldn't have known, which (as I've already explained to you) is why I had to investigate the post to ensure that you weren't just being paranoid and overly sensitive. Obviously, if someone couldn't possibly know certain information, then the most logical explanation is that they don't know it, and that you were imagining a context that didn't exist.

Biteyourtongue (view profile)

Posted 1:06 am, 10/21/2014

Jason, you had said that people making fun of, or someone being "jumped on" might cause new or other posters to be "afraid" to post for fear of being ridiculed( probably not exactly your words, but close).

I merely stated my opinion that seeing the comments a certain poster makes, could also keep people from posting.

You have repeatedly stated that you have reported a specific person and "nothing was done", and that "they get away with it" (refer to your posts at 11:03pm and 11:17pm, 10/20/14). This isn't a mere opinionated statement, this is an accusation against me.

So I ask again, if removing the reported post means that nothing was done and that they got away with it, then what would you have preferred to have been done? What action should I have taken in order to make you feel vindicated?

Biteyourtongue (view profile)

Posted 1:06 am, 10/21/2014

I posted a comment to that effect yesterday and told them to bring it, but you deleted my comment almost immediately, I suppose because it WAS off topic.

There was only one post removed from you yesterday, and in retrospect, it may have been removed by mistake. The following two posts were intended to be removed as they were vulgar, but I'm not sure if I intended to remove that post, too. I don't see anything wrong with it out of context, but if it were in response to an earlier post that was trolling then that may be why I removed it.

Since I'm not sure and didn't make a note, I've reinstated it now. It's in this thread, at 4:14pm, 10/19/2014


Posted 2:29 am, 10/21/2014

@ redfly--Jason just pwned you

you'd have to ask Truthseeker instead of trolling me. She's the only one that requested it, and it's not something I've offered (or encouraged) for anyone else. But of course, you know that since it has only ever been mentioned in one thread.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 1:07 am, 10/21/2014

TheMUSE (view profile)
Posted 12:48 am, 10/21/2014
Jason.... you rock. I wouldn't wish your job on an enemy.

That's my point. Why make his job more difficult by reporting trivialities, which was our mistake, not realizing documentating aggresiveness was necessary.


Posted 1:06 am, 10/21/2014

Jason, you had said that people making fun of, or someone being "jumped on" might cause new or other posters to be "afraid" to post for fear of being ridiculed( probably not exactly your words, but close).

I merely stated my opinion that seeing the comments a certain poster makes, could also keep people from posting.

I'm not asking anyone to be "banned", but I am tired of someone trying to hold what they call "embarrassing information over my head, claiming "it won't be pretty", especially when it isn't true. What they hope to accomplish is beyond me, because I have never had as much as a speeding ticket. I posted a comment to that effect yesterday and told them to bring it, but you deleted my comment almost immediately, I suppose because it WAS off topic.

I'm not trying to get into an argument, but yes, people making derogatory comments about me personally when they don't know the hello who I am or what I have ever done, does hit my "sensitive" side. Yes, I know they are sitting back now laughing because they know they have gotten to me, but there is an old saying "whoever laughs last, laughs loudest".

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 1:00 am, 10/21/2014

Jason, respectfully, it was two days before you removed it.


Posted 12:48 am, 10/21/2014

Jason.... you rock. I wouldn't wish your job on an enemy.


Posted 12:46 am, 10/21/2014

Biteyourtongue (view profile)

Posted 10:34 pm, 10/20/2014

Jason, this is not going to happen as long as there are some posters on here posting inuendos or implications about other posters. You may not know what they mean, but the poster does and so does the person it is meant to harrass or embarrass. There are certain names a poster on here calls some, and it is obvious what they post, but when we report it to you, you turn the tables on us and say you don't know that is what they mean or you need proof.

Just for the sake of clarification, if removing the post that is an "innuendo or implication" is what you consider to be "nothing done", then what would you consider to be an appropriate reaction on my part?

Should I create filters to prevent further posts of the nature? Or is the only appropriate resolution to suspend that user?

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