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Harry Reid Has �No Regrets� Lying About Romney Taxes: �Romney Didn�t Win, Did He?


Posted 11:23 am, 04/01/2015

that is pretty much how i feel about both parties.


Posted 11:03 am, 04/01/2015

Democrats are the party of the corrupt and dishonest. There are no longer any people of integrity in that party; they've attracted every lowlife, thug and loser. Their idea that there are no consequences for corrupt behavior is appalling.


Posted 9:58 am, 04/01/2015

There has to be something he sue Reid for in this.


Posted 6:42 am, 04/01/2015

Megyn Kelly was awesome . She opened her show talking about Harry Reid's admission that he didn't even care he lied and she went after him. It was a thing of beauty.

I've got the first 10 minutes of her show where she monologues a little, interviews Dana Loesh and then some stupid Democrat who defended Harry Reid's lies.

It's all worth watching:

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/mu...z3W3LjxWy5


Posted 10:46 pm, 03/31/2015

Well since Jerome Kersey cost Kerry an election and that criminal video editor, James O'Keefe, caused the demise of ACORN, I don't feel the tiniest bit of remorse for anything that Reid may have said.


Posted 10:32 pm, 03/31/2015

I will give you democrats $500 for every lie Pat has told if you will give me $100 for every lie Obama has told? You will be broke living at the Carolina motel and I will be at Trump Towers thinking about you.


Posted 9:53 pm, 03/31/2015

sparkling water

Posted 9:36 pm, 03/31/2015

That'd make Harry the Knave of Liars then.


Posted 9:28 pm, 03/31/2015

If you want to talk about lies leave Harry out of this. Obama and H. Clinton are the king and queen of liars.

Romney supporter

Posted 9:12 pm, 03/31/2015

If Mr. Romney were president we would all have overseas bank accounts, car elevators and dancing animals for tax deductions.


Posted 9:02 pm, 03/31/2015

At one time people had this thing called integrity. In fact calling someone's integrity into question was fighting words. Now days the senate majority leader can openly lie on the senate floor and has no regrets. What a great society we have evolved into.

sparkling water

Posted 8:20 pm, 03/31/2015


Through and through

Romney supporter

Posted 7:49 pm, 03/31/2015

Mr. Romney deserves to pay a less % in taxes because he is smarter than the rest of us. He knows how to buy an American business cheap, sell their machinery to China and put the retirement funds into his overseas bank account.


Posted 7:43 pm, 03/31/2015

Maybe they signed it so they could see what was in it. ;)

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 7:23 pm, 03/31/2015

Romney did not need Reid to tell of his taxes....with off shore accounts Romney got caught....no matter who it is sometimes they all tell a fib or distort a statement .... look at the Gov. of Indiana.... this law he signed does allow discrimination on all levels...then he tries to explain it and the GOP of the State want to clarify what the law says....whew... if it was not clear to start with why sign it...


Posted 7:08 pm, 03/31/2015

If he had he would have been a gentleman about it.

sparkling water

Posted 7:06 pm, 03/31/2015

Andrew Jackson didn't know Harry Reid's wife, did he?


Posted 6:59 pm, 03/31/2015

Andrew Jackson put a stop to people talking crap about his wife.


Posted 6:53 pm, 03/31/2015

They should bring back dueling in the district. If some some one slanders you, call him or her out. Things would be a lot more polite. I would recommend that only single shot 22 pistols be used so that the anti gun crowd dont get their panties in a wad. Put the duels on pay for view.

sparkling water

Posted 6:48 pm, 03/31/2015

George Washington could not tell a lie. He was not a democrat.

Harry Reid's face looks like George Washington was trying to find a cherry tree inside it.

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