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Guess who????


Posted 11:41 am, 10/29/2014

Regardless...YOU played the race card first being all traumatized. I still find that funny.


Posted 11:07 am, 10/29/2014

This thread is not about h*mos it refers to comments being removed for offending others, h*mos just happened to be what was removed this time. READ


Posted 11:00 am, 10/29/2014

This thread was about h*mophobia I though...you were the first to mention race...therefore YOU played the race card. It is all about attitude sweetie....difference is most face discrimination without being traumatized and can still function without indignation or anger. We just keep moving forward. Some like you...don't. I'm just amused that you are so traumatized then turn around and say no one else has a right to be. It 's just silly.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:55 am, 10/29/2014

ok i see what we are working with here now. have a good morning all. i have errands to do


Posted 10:53 am, 10/29/2014

All people are discriminated against in some way these days. Its way too late in the game for certain people to be playing the race card. You say my ignorant offended attitude what if I said a black person had an ignorant thuggish attitude is that discriminatory?

River Song

Posted 10:47 am, 10/29/2014

pantera (view profile)

Posted 10:06 am, 10/29/2014

Whites have been called every derogatory name under the sun on GW and not removed. Don't you dare say anything that's no PC about minorities. They can dish it out but cant take it. Liberal Double Standards

That is not fair, no matter who they are pantera. I would gladly join you, Just post the incidents here, or in a new thread of derogatory names that white people have been insulted by on Gowilkes. Being white myself, I personally find this offensive, and will only lead to other groups being labeled with derogatory names. No group needs this.


Posted 10:46 am, 10/29/2014

I would not worry about it Pantera until you find yourself segregated, lynched or whipped....THEN you can feel traumatized. It's taken generations for some families who HAVE experienced or lost loved ones due to racism to recover. If you are being discriminated against maybe it's more for your ignorant offended attitude than for your race or skin color....at least your attitude is something you can change. Good luck with that.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:45 am, 10/29/2014

i see threads all the time that are vicious to all kinds of people but i never see threads totally devoted to demeaning white people. i see threads demeaning poor, thugs, women, political parties, businesses, etc ... but never white people. that is why i asked you


Posted 10:39 am, 10/29/2014

Elmo tell me one that has been removed?


Posted 10:37 am, 10/29/2014

Just as traumatized as minorities.


Posted 10:33 am, 10/29/2014

Antebellum I bet these studies were not biased in anyway what so ever.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:30 am, 10/29/2014

pantera (view profile)

Posted 10:06 am, 10/29/2014

Whites have been called every derogatory name under the sun on GW and not removed. Don't you dare say anything that's no PC about minorities. They can dish it out but cant take it. Liberal Double Standards

if they have not been removed, they should be easy to find ... want to point to a thread?


Posted 10:29 am, 10/29/2014


Posted 10:06 am, 10/29/2014

Whites have been called every derogatory name under the sun

Lets see....white, redneck,....white? Wow....you must be extremely traumatized.


Posted 10:27 am, 10/29/2014

Long time no see nohomo. You do know if you attempt to sue the owners and moderator of this website, your real name will become public record, and you would lose your anonymity.

Since it has been awhile I thought I would repost that study for you about male h*mophobia being a result of repressed and latent and h*mosexuality. The repressed sexuality expressing itself through h*mophobia.


I am friends with a therapist who helps people deal with repression, just in case you know someone who would like such help.


Posted 10:06 am, 10/29/2014

Whites have been called every derogatory name under the sun on GW and not removed. Don't you dare say anything that's no PC about minorities. They can dish it out but cant take it. Liberal Double Standards


Posted 9:48 am, 10/29/2014

Very glad it got reported and removed.


Posted 8:23 am, 10/29/2014

h*mo no mo


Posted 8:17 am, 10/29/2014

Your a special kinda stupied arnt ya.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 8:15 am, 10/29/2014

omg king pin h*mo .... too funny


Posted 7:17 am, 10/29/2014

get a life!!

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