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GOP still heartbroken over tragic U.S. job market recovery.


Posted 9:46 am, 10/07/2012

I made several typo's with that last spin of the day but hopefully you can get the jest of what I meant.


Posted 9:45 am, 10/07/2012

My questions are these, why do we have to refer to our opponents in a derogatory means? Why can debates about politics not be conducted in a respectful and less demeaning way?

If we want others, I mean folks from outside our country who read the Go sites to take anything we have to say seriously and it is a serious matter. If we're really so serious about our beliefs and our politics then how can we expect any person over the age of 12 to take anything we have to say in a serious manner?

Yesterday Several times Moving101 was asking people, including me to be serious and leave the junk aside. To have an actual adult discussion or debate about certain topics. My response to him was how could he expect that after all the years of being called names, bullied an so on. I still would ask him the same thing because it is true.

Still after thinking about the point he was trying to make it occurs to me that it's not any wonder what so ever that when heading out of town. When people ask where you're from you get confront with some pretty snide remarks.

Wilkes is not only known for being a druggie, high crime area. It is also known for lack of education, dump ignorant backward people. Bigots, Racists and so on.

Now we may not really care one bit but where the problems are is with out children. Our kids that we all pretend to care so much about has to go out into the World and be faced with this type of back home reputation. Think about that? It makes it extremely hard for them to be accepted and it makes it even harder for them to get good paying jobs. Can you expect any employer to hire a back woods, ignorant bigoted racist?

Sure everyone has a right to freedom of speech and no doubts they will continue onward with their agenda's to call other people names, bully them and throw out insulting remarks. Just know this it isn't us that you're hurting it's your children and grand children.

When grown men and women constantly badger, bully, name call, insult and in some cases just down right lie it doesn't do a thing for them to be known as parents and you are.

I'd ask you to think carefully about your name calling, bullying and insulting others because things are kept here in Wilkes any longer. The Privacy you once had to enjoy your back wood ways and ignorance isn't a secret so if you really care about your Democratic or Republican party or perhaps getting future jobs, factories or corporations to re-locate to the area then you will stop it. Or you can be known for what you are this day, ignorant, bigoted, racists that take great pleasures in insulting people and bullying them.

Just think about how many people really want that reputation attached to them and their families.

Pretty soon you might find yourself standing in line all alone.

Romney supporter

Posted 8:44 am, 10/07/2012

This is a sad time when we know how hard we all worked to make Obama look bad. I am praying every day that the economy will get worse and that our Republicans in congress will keep fighting to run this country down until Mr. Romney wins.


Posted 8:36 am, 10/07/2012

This is a false mantra repeated by the sniffers to distract from their failed policies. And "if" the socialist, central control agenda succeeded (despite the fact that it has always failed throughout history)...yeah, let's make that assumption be the basis for the debate. If pigs could fly....

Speaking about "wanting"...isn't Obama on record as "wanting" $8 per gallon gas; and "wanting" energy prices to skyrocket?

The difference being that in the libtard bizarro world, these things are portrayed as "good" things.

wrestling Grandpa

Posted 8:17 am, 10/07/2012

Wilkesboroguy...Jack Welch said he has not proof that this unemployment per centage is a fraud he just made a statement....well Congressman Allen West from Florida jumped on the wagon....just what Jack needs is the backing of a Congressman who still says 71 to 81 members of Congress are card carrying Communist...whew...just what we like to read.....West needs to take his retirement pay from the Military and we honor his service to this country for what it was worth.....and just go fishing and leave the country in the hands of those who are logical thinking members of congress....so take your BIG IF and learn to understand your just a looney on this subject matter as Welch and West....hmmm the three W's oh my!!!!


Posted 9:58 pm, 10/06/2012

Prank, you are correct that the repubs WANT the country to do poorly under President Obama! That's the most astonishing thing and the most telling.

IF WE FOUND OUT TOMORROW that the unemployment rate is only 2% (or ZERO), the repubs would want that fact hushed up......ANYTHING to get rid of Obama! EVEN - and MOST IMPORTANTLY - at the expense of the country!

He's a black liberal and we hates him, don't we, Precious?

Poor fools.


Posted 9:31 pm, 10/06/2012

Sure, it's good news if, and that's a BIG IF, it's true. I wonder what the revised figures are going to be.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 8:40 pm, 10/06/2012

I kind noted the same thing on a thread yesterday. I don't why ... I should known better .... but just on this site, I was shocked that none of the conservatives would acknowledge it was good news.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 8:36 pm, 10/06/2012


The most disgusting part of the GOP delusion is this:

The Republicans (not all, admittedly) actually want the country to do poorly. They want people to be unemployed, to suffer, to be miserable, just so that they can put their clown into the oval office. Rather than be happy that the country that they love so very, very much is doing well, they'd rather good people suffer for the sake of their own political gain. I keep thinking there is no new low to sink to, but the GOP continues to astound.

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