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Geirgia run off


Posted 2:02 pm, 12/08/2022

Or the rail road workers the self professed UNION man stabbed in the back? Why should the Companies try to to negotiate with the workers in good faith when they know government will not allow the workers to strike?

Biden: 'I Am a Union Man,' at First 2020 Campaign Event

https://www.voanews.com � biden-says-i-am-a-union-m...
Apr 29, 2019Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during a campaign stop at a Teamsters union hall in Pittsburgh, April ...

He must have been a union man back when he was a coal miner and when he was a truck driver ROFLMAO


Posted 5:55 am, 12/08/2022


Posted 7:06 pm, 12/07/2022

Warnock votes in lockstep with Biden and the left.

As I've shown several times, though, Biden is not "left." In fact, he's farther to the right than even the Republican party!
Tell that to the oil and coal industry and the parents of school children in woke infested cesspools of ignorance

Union beholden, global warming alarmist, pervert activist Joe Biden is the posterchild for leftist politicians


Posted 1:45 am, 12/08/2022


Posted 7:06 pm, 12/07/2022

Warnock votes in lockstep with Biden and the left.

As I've shown several times, though, Biden is not "left." In fact, he's farther to the right than even the Republican party!


And as I've also shown several times, the Democratic policies are much more conservative than the GOP policies.

So your problem with the Democrats isn't the ideology, is it? Your problem is just the name. If Every Democrat in Congress were to flip to the Republican party but do everything else the exact same, you would be perfectly content.


Posted 6:16 pm, 12/07/2022

I am glad to hear you folks are not claiming a rigged election which is a major improvement. Maybe the repubs can at least start putting up canidates who a reasonable person can vote for. Get off the Trump Train it is a sinking ship or didn't you know that trains don't float, you need a boat. RINO's need to be put back in charge of the GOP.


Posted 5:18 pm, 12/07/2022

Warnock votes in lockstep with Biden and the left. His votes are louder than his voice


Posted 5:01 pm, 12/07/2022

Baptist oppose abortion.

So does Warnock. But he does not support the government's involvement in citizens making medical decisions.

Which makes him more conservative than Walker, too. Thanks for pointing that out!

Which means that the Georgia Republicans voted against a conservative preacher, in favor of a more liberal hypocrite, just because of the (R) next to his name.


Posted 4:59 pm, 12/07/2022

Well foxnit, say what you will, your opinions are the minority, your opinions lost. Suck it up.


Posted 4:45 pm, 12/07/2022

Good try, but no cigar. Not proven on the abortion claims. Denied by Walker

Warnock does not preach the Baptist message, Baptist oppose abortion. Warnock is associated with Jeremiah Wright and preaches a Black Liberation Theology. in other words he is a baby killer and a racist.


Posted 2:52 pm, 12/07/2022

There is so much irony in the fact that so many Republicans voted for a candidate that paid for at least 2 women to get an abortion... and voted against a Baptist preacher... just because of the (R).


Posted 12:35 pm, 12/07/2022

Hootie, go to Atlanta, listen to the language, observe the behavior, visit the neighborhoods and come back and tell me what differs from the hood to the hut. Not much

Lester White

Posted 12:33 pm, 12/07/2022

Does anyone know where this Democrat stronghold (Geirgia) is?


Posted 12:00 pm, 12/07/2022


Lester White

Posted 11:46 am, 12/07/2022

Raphael Warnock wins re-election and despite the fact he has praised Louis Farrakhan and Leonard Jeffries, two raving racists and anti-Semitic lunatics and is a Marxist who supports BLM, and despite allegations of physical abuse and failing to pay child support by his ex-wife, is celebrated, praised, and congratulated by Democrats and their media, including repulsive Joe Biden and sleazy Chuck Schumer.

Mark Levin


Posted 11:39 am, 12/07/2022

Bestill have you been to Mexico??? Only illegals to America don't need a passport to return home..

U.S. citizens must present a valid U.S. passport book or card, in addition to an entry permit (Forma Migratoria Multiple or FMM) issued by Instituto Nacional de Migraci�n (INM). Travelers should be sure to enter Mexico with valid proof of automobile registration, even if remaining in the border zone


Posted 11:32 am, 12/07/2022

Been there done that. You ought to go to Freak-nik in Atlanta, closest thing to Obamaville or the Congo you will get.


Posted 8:19 am, 12/07/2022

Seriously, Georgia folks have a lot to be proud of.


Posted 8:17 am, 12/07/2022

You might be surprised! Never had a South American stamp on my passport, Never needed a visa for Mexico but Savannah? Go visit.


Posted 7:52 am, 12/07/2022

Stupe, have you ever passed thru Geirgiua on you trips to Bolivia?


Posted 7:49 am, 12/07/2022

Posted 7:06 am, 12/07/2022
But I'm a racist every time I bring that fact up. Yes Warnock is a Marxist, just like those that sent him money and voted for him. It is time to withdraw from Georgia and let them help themselves in self destruction. Republicans need to reposition, accept the new voting methods, lower their standards and fight fire with fire.

What a dunce.

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