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Euthanasia because healthcare cost to much


Posted 12:15 am, 09/19/2019

I don't have to justify anything. Now move out of my way runt.


Posted 12:10 am, 09/19/2019

Quit trying to justify your existence.


Posted 12:05 am, 09/19/2019

What right does anyone have to chose who is useless and who is not. A person's life is just a valuable at 100 as a life at 10.


Posted 10:10 pm, 09/18/2019

I guess we need to take each persons case on it's own merits ( or something)? But as a story I once heard during the depression a man had his elderly father in a wheel, barrow going down the road towards a near by town. He had a few clothes and pictures in there with him. They met a neighbor on the road and ask where was he was going ? The elderly gentleman sadly looked up and said 'i've got down and can't work my place and my boy is taking me to the "poor farm" to spend the rest of my days..The neighbor tried to comfort the old gentleman and said, if things don't get better, save me a bed too..

The old gentleman then said, "I'm not crying cause my boy is taking me, it was several years ago and I took my Daddy down this same road"..If we're around awhile, be careful..We may just reap what we sow ?


Posted 9:46 pm, 09/18/2019

Brandon, your comment about what Obama said was not correct. Got blinders?


Posted 9:17 pm, 09/18/2019

I think he's speaking hyperbolically... they're not literally euthanizing residents, they're just not doing anything while they die.

But what I don't understand is, what does the OP suggest as an alternative? How much should we (as family or a society) spend to keep, for example, an 80 year old woman alive that spent her life smoking and now has stage 4 COPD?

And with the Earth quickly reaching the population point that we can't sustain, does that 80 year old take precedence over a new baby?

It might seem heartless, but it's the circle of life.

sparkling water

Posted 8:23 pm, 09/18/2019

We are straying from the topic.

I want to know how many old farts Wilkes Senior Village killed off this year.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 8:13 pm, 09/18/2019

In Socialist government it's always the people that should "just take the pain pill". If it's the government leaders that need the extra surgery to stay alive or their families you can guarantee they will get it.

sparkling water

Posted 6:43 pm, 09/18/2019

Learn to like your disease, because you'll probably keep your disease.

[email protected]

Posted 6:29 pm, 09/18/2019

You know what Obama's response was? Take the pain pill and let them pass. Don't spend the money on expensive testing, because of healthcare over spending.
true story, here's the youtube clip


Posted 6:21 pm, 09/18/2019

Last year in the UK 70,000 surgeries had to be cancelled because of No Facilities or No Available Staff to perform these scheduled surgeries.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 6:00 pm, 09/18/2019

Take a look at the VA hospitals which would be very similar to Medicare for All. They ration care all the time by delaying appointments and treatment. Same thing in countries like Great Britain. Once all of our country is on single payer the government will decide if you are worth keeping around or if you make a good Solent green


Posted 5:38 pm, 09/18/2019

no, it's not,

backwater (view profile)

Posted 5:34 pm, 09/18/2019

Prove it Bandit!

You're as dumb as he is. HIAM said it, it's up to him to prove it.


Posted 5:35 pm, 09/18/2019

just put me on the sled and leave me out on the ice


Posted 5:34 pm, 09/18/2019

Prove it Bandit!


Posted 5:33 pm, 09/18/2019

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 5:30 pm, 09/18/2019

It's odd how you promote socialized medicine yet that will lead to killing all the old people that aren't productive in order to leave enough for the healthy. It's called rationing. It's what Socialism will do

no, it's not,

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 5:30 pm, 09/18/2019

It's odd how you promote socialized medicine yet that will lead to killing all the old people that aren't productive in order to leave enough for the healthy. It's called rationing. It's what Socialism will do.

sparkling water

Posted 5:18 pm, 09/18/2019

I think it might be helpful if you listed the number of youth in asia deaths for the year for each of the rest homes in the county.


Posted 4:59 pm, 09/18/2019

I hope so. As a country, we are losing respect for human lives.

sparkling water

Posted 4:56 pm, 09/18/2019

The way you explain it makes it so clear.

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