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Driving Miss Crazy


Posted 4:56 pm, 07/30/2016

If Barney Sanders would have used half the ammunition available to him against Miss Crazy... he would today be the Democratic nominee for president.

How about it Barney...tired of hearing about those emails now


Posted 9:59 am, 07/24/2016

You're fired youtard...


Posted 4:21 pm, 06/28/2016

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump spoke in Monessen, Pennsylvania on Tuesday afternoon, differentiating his trade policy of an independent America from presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's record on trade and globalization.

"Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization � moving our jobs, our wealth, and our factories to Mexico and overseas," Trump declared. "Globalization has made the financial elite who donate to politicians very wealthy. But it has left millions of our workers with nothing but poverty and heartache."

"When subsidized foreign steel is dumped into our markets, threatening our factories, the politicians do nothing," he added, speaking about "thirty miles from Steal City."

"Today, we import nearly $800 billion more in goods than we export," he challenged.

"This is not some natural disaster. It is politician-made disaster," Trump stressed. "It is the consequence of a leadership class that worships globalism over Americanism."

Trump blamed Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton on supporting and pushing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the currently pending Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal in Congress, which Clinton reportedly helped draft.



Posted 7:25 am, 06/15/2016

Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'

"Here's a woman that takes all of this money from these countries and then she says she loves women," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. "How can she be � they wanna kill, they throw them off buildings. They actually throw gays off buildings and she's taking money and I'm calling for her to give back all of the money she's taken form these countries," Trump said.



Posted 5:22 pm, 06/14/2016

Trump Calls on Clinton Foundation to Return $25M+ in Saudi Arabia Money

GOP presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump on Monday called on Democrat Party presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton to return the many millions the Clinton Foundation received from Saudi Arabia, in light of Clinton's claims that she is supportive of women and gays.



Posted 1:02 pm, 06/14/2016

Hillary's State Dept. Blocked Investigation into Orlando Killer's Mosque

Further proof Hillary fueled rise of ISIS



Posted 5:19 pm, 06/04/2016

Bush administration Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence General Jerry Boykin said that Hillary Clinton posting the names of CIA-protected intelligence agents on her private email server means that she must be indicted.



Posted 9:59 am, 06/03/2016

Trumps says Miss Crazy must go to jail!

Donald Trump said Thursday night that Hillary Clinton 'has to go to jail' for her actions in a classified email scandal that has dogged her for the entire year she's been a presidential candidate.

The Democratic Party's front-runner delivered a blistering speech earlier in the day that was billed *** a foreign policy address but ended up as a lengthy indictment of Trump as an uncontrollable risk to national security.

Trump, the Republicans' presumptive nominee, called it 'a phony hit job,' and announced that 'she's guilty as hail.'

He spoke for an hour in San Jose, California, alternating between clobbering Clinton as a morally compromised candidate and berating her for being too boring to watch.

'I watched Hillary's thing today, which was hard,' he said. 'It was like taking Sominex. To watch her is like Sominex.'



Posted 10:20 pm, 05/29/2016

If Trump takes Miss Crazy as his running mate, he will still be schlonged by Hillary


Posted 2:17 pm, 05/29/2016

Female Voters Shred 'Reckless' Hillary Clinton Over Email Server

If Hillary Clinton wants to maintain a bunker mentality until Election Day, I would suggest switching courses. She hides while Donald Trump calls her "crooked Hillary" for months�bad move. With the latest State Department Inspector General report that the former first lady had violated the Federal Records Act, Clinton is keeping away from the press. Her campaign maintains that she did nothing wrong, though the facts don't hold up with that narrative. Moreover, it seems to be impacting her stance with young women voters, who have flocked to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, since they think that her private email system showed that she was "reckless," not accountable for her actions, and played by her own rules.



Posted 9:12 am, 05/22/2016

She's probably too busy primping for her date with Director Comey.


Posted 9:05 am, 05/22/2016

Miss Crazy ducking final debate with Barney in California

Hillary Clinton is ducking her final debate with Sen. Bernard Sanders, brushing off a commitment she made earlier this year to participate in a forum in California ahead of the state's June 7 primary. back-and-forth with the Vermont senator.



Posted 8:40 am, 05/15/2016

Hillary Clinton is not only an "enabler," she is a "terrorist" who "terrorizes" her husband's alleged lovers and women who accuse him of sexual assault, says Dallas lawyer Dolly Kyle, who says she had a long-running affair with Bill Clinton.

In an interview, Kyle claimed that "Billy" Clinton, as she called him, once boasted to her that he had had sex with about 2,000 women. She described Clinton as a "sex addict" who has some "sick, sick need" to "control women."

If he had sex with 2,000 women or even 200 women, but probably 2,000 is closer, and Hillary was married to him. If she didn't know what he was doing than what's wrong with her brain?



Posted 11:32 pm, 05/14/2016

Holder Hosts 'Lawyers for Hillary' as FBI Investigation Goes On

The FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton continues, but that isn't stopping the former head of the Department of Justice from holding a fundraiser for the Democratic presidential candidate.
Julianna Margulies, who played a political spouse betrayed by her husband, will also be at the event.

An invitation for the event posted on Hillaryclinton.com reads, "Please join Lawyers for Hillary and Eric H. Holder, Jr., 82nd Attorney General of the United States and Julianna Margulies for an evening with Hillary."



Posted 11:25 pm, 05/14/2016

SALLY MILLER: Hillary and her �coke habit'

When I asked Bill if he shared his fantasies with Hillary, he laughed. "What a joke! Sex is a waste of time to Hillary. When we were dating, she talked about making-out with her girlfriends in college because she knew it turned me on.

When I asked Bill if he shared his fantasies with Hillary, he laughed.

"What a joke! Sex is a waste of time to Hillary. When we were dating, she talked about making-out with her girlfriends in college because she knew it turned me on.



Posted 2:11 pm, 05/14/2016

Bill Clinton's name was splashed across the front page of the New York Post Friday morning. "Blonde Bombshell," the sneering headline read, detailing how the former president steered $2 million of Clinton Global Initiative funds to a company of a very attractive "friend."


Posted 4:32 pm, 05/10/2016

I didn't realize Palin was running.


Posted 4:30 pm, 05/10/2016

President Trump and Miss Crazy in dead heat in 3 crucial swing states... and he hasn't even started on her yet

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are effectively tied in the swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to the results of a Quinnipiac University survey released Tuesday.


Posted 9:00 am, 05/07/2016

Miss Crazy To Face FBI Interview Within Weeks, CBS Reports

A source has confirmed to CBS News that Hillary Clinton will be interviewed by the FBI within the coming weeks, in connection with the investigation into her private email server.

One of her top aides, Huma Abedin was interviewed by the FBI at its Washington field office in April, an official familiar with the investigation told CBS News Friday.



Posted 8:00 am, 04/26/2016

We can only hope that hillary maintains her delusions all the way through the FBI's investigations of her malfeasance. Remember, Martha Stewart didn't go to jail for insider trading, she went to jail for lying to the FBI.

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