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Brittany Calloway Hemric


Posted 7:08 pm, 01/18/2024

Case dismissed for teacher previously accused of sex crimes involving student.


Posted 6:30 pm, 01/18/2024



Posted 6:47 pm, 01/17/2024

Dog, your sources r perhaps learning. You mentioned Allegany, our sources said they's one social studies teacher from Ashe which transferred theyself to Allegany and anothern to Virginia. WTF is gonna teach the younguns SEL and CRT if all the social fellers from Ashe and Wilkes also is leaving there positions?


Posted 10:41 am, 01/17/2024

Beautiful women in the you tube video.


Posted 7:34 am, 01/17/2024

I will, Butch. If you run in to Butch Jr anytime soon, tell her we said hello.


Posted 7:31 am, 01/17/2024

Your rumbling makes no sense, have a good day


Posted 7:26 am, 01/17/2024

You remind us of a self righteous middle school coach our sources heard of from Iredell which the video gaming red headed punk which lives down the road likes to affectionately call her Butch, she has a daughter which is hawt like her momma also.


Posted 7:07 am, 01/17/2024

If you did not make up lies and try to ride them in the ground you might have more people wanting to talk to you. The Butch thing, the Iredell thing is something you have conjured up in your mind that have no meaning whatsoever. I do not and have never lived in Iredell. I have no idea nor does anyone else know what the Butch thing is about. However we all know you are obsessed with Craig and more specifically his daughter. Get a life.


Posted 7:52 pm, 01/16/2024

Meanwhile over in Ashe, they's a youngun which said he's getting made fun of cause his momma has a only fans. Sh** is legal AF but ain't nobody concerned about the momma or the youngun. Reckon the ol gal enjoys coitus so much she don't care to embarrass her younguns as such, Dog?


Posted 6:57 pm, 01/16/2024

Yet no one on here has condoned so called "grooming," but glad you finally admitted you're okay with this instance, Thomas.


Posted 6:53 pm, 01/16/2024

I will be the first to say, both right and left have their pervs. From what I'm reading the rights should be kept in the closet and forgot.


Posted 6:51 pm, 01/16/2024

but it hits the hardest when it's one of your own

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 6:47 pm, 01/16/2024

Fox you make an excellent points. Why would anybody care about straight sex between two people of the age of consent when they tolerate the grooming of young children. Yet again Anti and the merry band of Democrats are proven to be hypocrites


Posted 6:46 pm, 01/16/2024

Probably the internet.


Posted 6:45 pm, 01/16/2024

One is too many


Posted 6:45 pm, 01/16/2024

YEAH, like our schools employ SO MANY DRAG QUEENS!!!! haha


Posted 6:43 pm, 01/16/2024

Option #1: Teachers have NO BUSINESS discussing student sexuality with any student. These discussions should be between the child and parents ONLY. All discussions about sexuality are to be handled within the family. If a student wants to have a discussion about sexuality, the parents must be notified immediately by the school. Sexuality stops at home....the parents alone have responsibility.

You must be kidding on this one. If they quit talking about sexuality with the students who will be left to talk into have gender reassignment surgery? And just look at the Drag Queens it would put out of work


Posted 6:38 pm, 01/16/2024

I probably seemed wrong then. I dont care. What part of this shoulg be shutdiwn do you not understand. Its going on 360 posts an surely anyone with common sense reading this would feel the same way. But whatever floats your boat.


Posted 6:31 pm, 01/16/2024

DLD: So....suddenly you don't care? You sure seemed like you did.

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