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your thoughts on this jena 6 mess


Posted 9:29 pm, 09/27/2007


yeah, right!

Posted 11:16 am, 09/27/2007

so jesse and al take up for the blacks. where is the groups that take up for the whites?the video below is disturbing to say the least, and yes i think it is racially motivated.


Posted 11:03 am, 09/27/2007

rhondandtony wins the "hits the nail on the head" award.two thumbs up!


Posted 10:29 am, 09/27/2007

LOL Snuffy they better plan a rally also!


Posted 1:07 pm, 09/26/2007

Indeed, no one really wants to change. That's too much like work. But, just because it's not popular doesn't make it wrong. Oh yeah, let's not get into religious division right now. I don't think I could take it. That has become, in recent years, even more intense than racism for me. I'm not religious. Don't want to become a member of anyone's church, synagogue, hall, etc., butyou ain't seen nothin' until you seen Johnboy's white liquor snorting daddy tell me Ima goin' straight to ****. Bet he'll beat me there. Sorry, wrong thread.


Posted 12:50 pm, 09/26/2007

On paper it all looks good but in real life hardly anyone wants to change.They like to be divided by race or religion.It gives them something to argue about.


Posted 12:14 pm, 09/26/2007

I love Rondantony's comment...my fave piece being that racism can only be corrected with individiual decisions to change individual behavior. Unfortunately, I'm one of those pathetic individuals who will want to do the opposite of what I'm told I HAVE to do. I don't like being put down by black people any more than they like it when it happens to them and yes it does happen...especially with teens. If you don't want your teens to be treated substandard, then raise them to act at least close to human with some decency and respect for others. By the way, this statement includes ALL races. I'm so sick of the vicious rumors, backtalk, fights, drug/alcohol abuse, and overall wild animal behavior of some of our teens. Not fair to say all, but go visit a high school classroom and see the behavior of some of the young "adults"? I did and almost jerked my daughter out of that class. Raise your kids and don't let them or their radios/tv's raise them for you, people. They're not wild animals that as soon as they can feed themselves, they're on their own. Sorry, folks, but we've allowed this to happen by not expecting more from ourselves.Bushman, we live on one planet so we do have to get along. Not saying you have to be anyone's best friend, but unless you can respect others and get along with others in this world, your future is as small as you prove your mind to be. What you propose is apparently the mindset of those individuals in Jena. That worked out really well.


Posted 11:53 am, 09/26/2007

Not Jesse or Big Al !!!I'll need help if I have to see much more of them !!What a video and I would say the same thing if the boy being beaten up was black. Obviously an assault charge so we'll see what happens.Now I'm no expert but there is alot to be said for having enough common sense to not put yourself in a situation where you are out numbered like that and definitely not to stand there running your yap when you realize you're outnumbered.Not just this kid BUT all of us.When I lived in San Antonio a white person wouldn't dream of walking down a city street on the west side alone --- you might not make it.Blacks stayed in the eastside, white - north and northeast, Latinos - west and northwest. You stayed in your neck of the woods if you were smart.Call it racism if you will - I call it common sense.Would I want to be the only female in a whole area full of strange men?When I was younger and more stupid -- probably. Now - NO !!What in the world started this one? Here we go again.


Posted 11:29 am, 09/26/2007

There is always hope.That people will QUIT trying to make us all get along together It's not going to happen.So let the blacks be black,white be white and all the rest be the way they want to.

snuffy smith

Posted 11:23 am, 09/26/2007

Someone call JESSE and Big AL, This kid needs help!http://content.hamptonroads...


Posted 11:11 am, 09/26/2007

There is always hope.That people will trying to make us all get along together It's not going to happen.So let the blacks be black,white be white and all the rest be the way they want to.


Posted 10:57 am, 09/26/2007

There is always hope.As wordpainter and I could possibly both say -- there is indeed hope.Honesty, education, and empathy can go a long way toward forming a better connection. As humans we tend to want the same things from life --- love and care from a primary caregiver, acceptance from at least a portion of people, and a feeling of competency at something.I went to a great workshop yesterday in Morganton on Trauma, Development, and Attachment and the point is if we don't receive the above listed needs -- we head for trouble. I was sitting there thinking about the kids I see and how many of them come from horrible situations where the attachment isn't there. Without attachment in our own lives we CANNOT empathize with others - this increases violence. This isn't a "race" issue - this is a human issue BUT the point is if can't feel for others(put yourself in their shoes) it is almost impossible to bond fully.This probably seems like rambling but wordpainter, as a teacher, I'm sure you see kids that are messed up too and almost nothing seems to help.They have no true understanding of love because they never had it.Out of this comes the murderers, rapists, child molesters, racists to the extreme, etc.. Not always BUT often. Something is wrong at home to start and unfortunately society pays. Listen, even if I was a flaming racist I wouldn't want to see my offspring in prison for life for hurting/killing someone --- my evolutionary instinct is to want better for my child unless something has gone wrong with me much earlier. I wouldn't want my childkilled in a demonstration over one race being better than another.What people don't understand easily is that anger is usually NOT directed at the person you are currently fighting --- it is directed at every wrong that has ever been inflicted on you. Whatever happened to provoke that altercation resulted in an anger reaction (mob mentality) like I'm describing above. Did 6 kids likely have a reason to want to kill or at least beat up this one kid??? Probably not but anger feeds of of anger and hate feeds off of hate.How many of you have seen two dogs fighting and others get involved??? As an animal lover - I've seen it often. Have you ever noticed that when the animal who is getting beaten up is down the others comein for the kill??? I hose mine down with water but it is harder to do that with people.I AM NOT COMPARING BLACKS OR WHITES TO DOGS - I'M SAYING WEARE ANIMALS.People are animals - ALL of us so we have animal like RE-actionsto these situations. In therapy we try to work on getting people away from reacting to things by being more proactive all along. This is hard when they get the opposite message from home, TV, music, etc AND when society sends conflicting messages about something being right for some and not for others. Everybody knows somebody that got somethingbecause they were black, white, Hispanic and you can't argue them down.Who on here said or implied there may be some tendency toward racism in most people --- you're probably right. Evolutionarily speaking traits and tendencies WILL become part of a person's makeup over generations.The US has been dealing with black/white issues for a few hundred years now and until the last 40 years -- it tended NOT to go in black favor.We cannot escape our history and unfortunately until this trait is gone from the gene pool racism will be right here with us. When will that happen??I don't know when BUT I suspect many generations from now.> From the unfortunate incidents around this mess -- may take longer than I first thought/hoped. I can say this - I'm not as racist as the generation before mine in my situation and honestly - they weren't bad at all.Nobody I knew would have done either of these things based on "race" - now they may have ganged up on somebody they hated or they may have hung somebody they had issues with BUT it wouldn't have been "race".Personally I enjoy talking about this stuff --- I don't think I know anyone who would applaud ANY of the actions in this whole mess. So the kid had a record of criminal behavior so he remains jailed?? Well - I figured somebody knew something I didn't know or he wouldn't still be in there.Could he be a rotten behaving kid who happens to be black?? Heck yes.Could the white boy be a complete jerk who most of us would like to see beat up? Heck yes.Could the black people in the gym or the white Noose gang be ignorant racist potentially danger people? Oh - YEAH !!For many reasons there are problems between the races - one is we can physically SEE the difference and it is human nature to assume "different"is bad or less than. Well - many blacks grew up thinking white people didn't like them automatically so the defensiveness becomes part of them. White people are told all kinds of things about blacks that lead to fear and mistrust too.The racism issue can only be fixed by individual decisions to change the way we do things individually - you cannot legislate people to not be racist.Won't work just like you can't legislate morality -- people do it anyway.I personally don't like "PC" and never have - it is forced on us and it feels so fake. I hear people saying stuff I know they don't really think and tiptoeing around this or that issue. Myself - I consider that hypocritical and I respect a person much more for telling me what they think EVEN if I think it is --- whatever. Like I said -- I know what a butt-whooping is and its out there for all to see but its the quiet, calculating, folks that are most dangerous.May the kids involved in the Jena 6 situation see justice appropriate to the situation(record means you may do some time) and appropriate to their individual roles in this. No matter the race --- I don't care what race they are.May the kids involved in the more covert racist stuff see they have taken a wrong turn and get back on track.Kids (up to 18 especially and even older) do STUPID things -- I mean REALLY STUPID things. The answer is to give consequences but not necessarily lock people up depending on the crime -- our prisons are overflowing now -- what we're doing isn't working. Violent crimes - more harsh punishments of course.I wish you all could have seen that presenter yesterday - believe it or notwe in human services aren't suckers - we get it, we know the deal and we could work toward fixing it but we meet alot of resistance for alot of reasons. I don't feel sorry for every sob story -- believe me I know acon when I see it. We're trying to help you and your kids to avoid things like this but we can't do it without the parents and the schools.I know nobody out there is trying to convince us they are 100% race/color blind, are they??? I know I'm not - I'm a work in progress.Wordpainter - I get the impression you're a teacher - God bless you - they couldn't pay me enough to do it. Between the kids, the parents, and they system I would be hanging from a noose !!! :)


Posted 9:19 am, 09/26/2007

Ok lets get to basics. Six ropes hinging in a tree, does that really hurt somebody? No. Six young men beat one young man nearly to death. Does that hurt somebody? Yes. Is that against the law? Yes. Are words like Ni***r , blacky , or colored against the law? No. Are words like redneck , white trash, or honky against the law? No. They are just words.


Posted 12:41 am, 09/26/2007

Quitting debate is one strategy, I guess...(As I must sleep, I must suspend participation myself. I'll be returning tomorrow evening, though, as this debate is worth having.)`

Jack Daniels

Posted 12:39 am, 09/26/2007

Well...since you have all the answers I don't think that there is any use in continuing with this thread.Carry on all.


Posted 12:38 am, 09/26/2007

It's possible it's real, but not probable. Real quotes normally have a name and community attached to them. Fake quotes are attributed to random generic people.

Jack Daniels

Posted 12:35 am, 09/26/2007

And you are "assuming" that just because you feel the quote is "made-up" and doesn't agree with your viewpoint then it should be discarded.So it isn't possible that a black male made the "quote"? Isn't that a little shallow?


Posted 12:33 am, 09/26/2007

Everyone's making "points", JD. We both know that, so there's no use denying it.


Posted 12:32 am, 09/26/2007

If you're referring to the made-up quote, then yeah, life DOES suck.(BTW, I'm not saying YOU made it up. I'm saying that people invent these kind of "quotes" that support their position, and attribute them to "a ___ male/female" and then circulate them around the net all the time. Thus, a "quote" like that proves nothing.)

Jack Daniels

Posted 12:30 am, 09/26/2007

And by the way...I'm not making any "points".

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