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Your Action Urgently Needed to Prevent BATFE from Banning Common Rifle Ammunition!


Posted 11:56 pm, 03/02/2015

.you know anything about 2a? You are what peiple in the gun cluture call fuds. A fud is someone is dont understand the concept of a black gun. It.to protect.us from.tyranny ****

Joseph T.

Posted 12:16 pm, 03/01/2015

smalltownman (view profile)

Posted 8:32 am, 03/01/2015

I own handguns and rifles, but for the life of me, I can see NO reason anyone needs assault weapons, unless they suffer from ammosexualism (big gun, short goober syndrome).

Do you even understand what the 2nd amendment is about?


Posted 10:42 am, 03/01/2015

Thanks for the laugh of the day, shouldawoulda ! We liberals are so stupid ,we "don't know what arms is." That gave me a pretty good chuckle ."


Posted 10:40 am, 03/01/2015

How much of your paycheck to you give to our brothers in the NRA last month? If it ain't half, you should change your screen name to "Socialist America". Now, I'm headed outside to practice shooting my guns at the ground so I can be propelled upward in to the air for several seconds, like Yosemite Sam. And some of you think I don't need a lot of ammo...

White America

Posted 10:35 am, 03/01/2015

The more some of you post the more apparent it is that you are leeching off the system for your mental deficiencies


Posted 10:30 am, 03/01/2015

Oh, noes!! I have been misrepresentified! Nebula, I was only trying to help...you fellas who to want to buy enough ammo to fill a personal warehouse (in other words, True 'Mericans) are my heroes, and...sorry...I'm getting a little misty eyed...

Sorry for the confusion, but I promise to preform multiple acts of penance for the perceived transgression. I will take my entire paycheck and split it straight down the middle, giving half to my brothers in the NRA (True 'Mericans) and half to stockpiling ammo (the Constitution don't say nuttin' about buying food and such, so imma gon stop, unlike those dern grocery-shopping librals). I promise to vote for the most rootinest, tootinest Republican in the next election, and I promise to take down that calendar I have of scantily clad women-folk and only put up pictures of Virginia Foxx in my abode.


Posted 9:50 am, 03/01/2015

Anyone who owns a firearm is to be painted as 'insecure', 'mentally ill', 'unstable', 'paranoid,', or are to be seen as 'a threat' or an 'extremist.'

The media thrives on all stories of murders with guns but you rarely see anything about lives that have been saved with guns, the reason being the necessity of guns is to be played down.

The above are just a few of the plans of the underworld.

Where do you start to disarm the people of the United States? You start out by picking on those with assault rifles and make out like they are unnecessary. So now assault rifles are being attacked and all you liberals with guns and rifles, no assault rifles, who think you are 'safe' will sooner or later see your guns and rifles being attacked as 'unnecessary.' Or, after all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, are you still saying "no, the government is not after all my guns"?

There is a skunk in the woodpile...and some of you say you still can't smell it..?


Posted 9:43 am, 03/01/2015

Great idea Heps, I'm learning to shoot four guns at the same time ! I hear Obammy is goin' to give democrats a special card to show when he comes after our huge arsenal, this will allow only Democrats to have them big old guns !


Posted 9:35 am, 03/01/2015

They're coming to get our guns!!!!! The NRA says so!!!!!! The NRA has NO reason to lie (wink, wink)!!!!!!

Let's all RUN out and buy guns and ammo!!!!!! The NRA says we should!!!!!


Posted 9:32 am, 03/01/2015

Yep nebula , it's all my fault because I don't worry about my guns all the time.

Gay Democrats Unite

Posted 8:51 am, 03/01/2015

A Real Man doesn't need any type of gun they can handle fights with their fist


Posted 8:43 am, 03/01/2015

Did I hit a nerve? Are you one of those insecure "little" men we see pictures in the newspaper standing in Wendy's loaded to the teeth with every imaginable type of firearm and ammo just to order a Frosty???


Posted 8:36 am, 03/01/2015

But you would be pissed if they wanted to ban small condumes because you and a few others were the only one that used them.


Posted 8:32 am, 03/01/2015

I own handguns and rifles, but for the life of me, I can see NO reason anyone needs assault weapons, unless they suffer from ammosexualism (big gun, short goober syndrome).

White America

Posted 6:27 am, 03/01/2015

Feb 27, 2015

Press Release

Washington, DC � U.S. Rep. Tom Rooney (FL-17) today introduced legislation to block the Obama Administration from implementing a proposed regulation that would effectively ban the sale of certain ammunition.

"The Obama Administration's proposal would unilaterally strip law-abiding hunters and sportsmen of their Second Amendment rights," Rooney said. "Congress has made its intentions clear that this ammunition is for sporting purposes and should not be restricted. We cannot and we will not stand by while the Obama Administration tramples on the Constitution, the rule of law, and the Second Amendment rights of hunters in my district and across the country."

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) recently proposed a new regulation that would ban the manufacturing and sale of 5.56 mm/.223 caliber M855 "green tip" ammo commonly used for hunting and target shooting. Rooney's bill, the "Protecting Second Amendment Rights Act," would prohibit the ATF or any other federal agency from issuing or enforcing any new restriction or prohibition on the manufacture, importation or sale of ammunition in the United States.


Posted 5:34 am, 03/01/2015

There's plenty of ammo that will penetrate better than the SS109s rifle or handgun. This is just our socialist king trying to overstep his authority again.


Posted 3:11 am, 03/01/2015

Shouldawouldacoulda whats its matter to you? You dont seam like a true american to me. You are just another sheep to add to the rest of the sheeple how about you get off you lazy *** and do something. America is going down hill fast and its cause of people like you kenc liberal. You people are not true americans. Now... you have the freedom of speach to say what you want. Guess what thats a right keep in mind all of our rights are protected by the 2A... however i bet if someone tryed to make you shut the **** up you would tell them NO! Its pretty much the samething.


Posted 11:52 pm, 02/28/2015

i wonder what the republicans will do if obama and the a.t.f. goes through with the ban? i wonder if they will let him get by with it?


Posted 10:47 pm, 02/28/2015

Da guvmints gon git mae guns n ammo! Dem librals won't let mae fill up mae hole house wid ammo! Tell yur guvmint to keep der dirty hands off mae guns! Freebird!

Figured you guys could just copy and paste this over and over on, like, the seven different threads I've seen on here recently devoted to protecting any goofball's second amendment right to buy tractor-trailer loads of guns and ammo on a whim. You're welcome.


Posted 10:38 pm, 02/28/2015

Good grief !!

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