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Will any of the �testifying� Capital Police officers


Posted 6:57 pm, 07/29/2021

Yeah, and the George Floyd incident was staged and he's actually alive and working at the same gas station with Elvis.


Posted 3:36 pm, 07/29/2021

old lady (view profile)
Posted 3:17 pm, 07/29/2021
It seems to me that the whole event was caused by FBI informants trying to get something to happen

Jesus, you are a card-carrying idoit. Seriously. Monumentally m0r0nic.


Posted 3:25 pm, 07/29/2021

We're certain 'ol red feels that last comment made some kind of sense to his comrades.

Lester White

Posted 3:18 pm, 07/29/2021

Today Nancy directed the Capital Police to arrest staff and visitors that refuse to wear a mask.

So she is in charge of the Capital Police force as she was on January 6th?

old lady

Posted 3:17 pm, 07/29/2021

It seems to me that the whole event was caused by FBI informants trying to get something to happen. Government is probably behind it and including Pelosi.


Posted 2:46 pm, 07/29/2021

That reminds me of the nitwits who apparently wanted Clinton to now down all the terrorists in Benghazi�


Posted 2:45 pm, 07/29/2021

Did you want Pelosi pulling out a flame thrower and Rick Daltoning those **** or something? What was she supposed to do?


Posted 1:24 pm, 07/29/2021

We can attack those who attacked our democracy that day, or we can attack those who defended our democracy that day. Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and so many others chose the latter. Despicable.

old lady

Posted 12:29 pm, 07/29/2021

This administration does nothing but lie. Look at Joe's latest that he drove a 18 wheeler. He rode in one. Does he actually think if you fly in a plane, you can fly a plane? Such an .

See his other lies.


old lady

Posted 12:09 pm, 07/29/2021

Ex capitol police officer said he requested help 6 different times from Pelosi. I believe him.


Posted 12:07 pm, 07/29/2021

The Leader of the Free World


Posted 12:05 pm, 07/29/2021

Keep it up red a picture is better than a thousand words.


Posted 10:24 am, 07/29/2021

Les and old lady, you are exactly the kind of people Trump loves gullible, racist and able to totally ignore the truth even when it's right in front of your eyes.

It doesn't take a lot of imagination to envision their upbringing in a Southern Democrat household where the N word was used frequently. The consternation in their families when LBJ signed the equal rights and voting acts giving n.....s the same rights as white folk. Then they all became Republicans. There is no place in a civilized society for people like Les and old lady, It's not a matter of differences of opinion opposing views are one thing blind, stupid bigotry is another.


Posted 10:10 am, 07/29/2021

"Interesting fact" turns out to be neither.


Posted 9:54 am, 07/29/2021

interesting fact

Posted 9:47 am, 07/29/2021

Why was the head of the capitol police force not allowed to speak? He had asked for national guard assistance several times. And who refused the request? Nancy! She was probably a conspirator along with FBI.

False information being spread around.

Fact check: Nancy Pelosi wasn't �in charge' of Capitol Police on Jan. 6 (msn.com)

The Capitol Police Board is made up of the House and Senate sergeants-at-arms, as well as the Capitol architect. The Capitol Police chief serves in a non-voting capacity on the board, according to the Capitol Police website.

Pelosi was not a chair or administrator of any committee supervising the Capitol Police at the time of the insurrection. She's not listed on any of those committees' websites today, either.

interesting fact

Posted 9:47 am, 07/29/2021

Why was the head of the capitol police force not allowed to speak? He had asked for national guard assistance several times. And who refused the request? Nancy! She was probably a conspirator along with FBI.


Posted 8:35 am, 07/29/2021

Jesus. Les still thinks that mob of toothless inbreds was Antifa?

I wouldn't worry about him driving. I doubt he can tie shoes.


Posted 8:27 am, 07/29/2021

Will nasty nancy's investigation ever get around to investigating the status of her political prisoners?


Posted 8:27 am, 07/29/2021

Lester White

Posted 8:17 am, 07/29/2021

Four police officers: hand-picked from hundreds of officers are political props.

So you want everyone of them to testify? Those that are testifying are getting death threats.

You are so ignorant that it is scary that you most likely drive.

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