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Wilkes county GOP committee


Posted 1:01 am, 03/13/2024

Who knows if they do not put down donations?

That's an excellent point, and it's a huge problem. Someone could just "buy" a dog from his kennel for $50,000, and we would never know.


Posted 8:06 pm, 03/12/2024

DLD (view profile)

Posted 1:57 pm, 03/12/2024

Clarence, with republicans like you if I lived in Wilkes the only thing I would be running for is the county line. After all you posted a lot of good east wilkes republicans in that Stoney thread that didnt deserve it. Rudy Holbrook has done more for the people in east wilkes then anybody. A very fine christian man.

DLD you posted this, see your comment about Rudy, you brought it back up. All I did was answer a question about campaign finance using public information. If you are going to lie then you might as well tell one that people can't scroll down and see you are full of it.


Posted 7:50 pm, 03/12/2024

Question to ponder....why don't elected officials have to have a full background check done BEFORE running for any office? A nationwide check...class A CDL drivers have to as well as fingerprints for national database if they have a hazmat endorsement. CNA's, Emergency workers, law enforcement , as well as many , many other numerous jobs are required to have a background check and in some career paths a full financial. Just saying if a position calls for one to be in any finances (tax dollars) they should not have a history of not paying their own personal debt(s). And they surely shouldn't have despicable , shady, and/or unlawful dealings on their record. Sounds like common sense to me. Unfortunately common sense is hard to come by these days it seems.

dog gate

Posted 7:19 pm, 03/12/2024

Who knows if they do not put down donations?


Posted 7:06 pm, 03/12/2024

An you are the one that put those names out for all to see. So own it.

No he didn't, it's on Ballotpedia for all to see...


Posted 7:05 pm, 03/12/2024

Clarence, just fergit I ever mentioned anything to you. You was the one jumping in bed with sewer pit cess pool and all the rest. If you dont remember posting those names I can understand. My gosh you spent the better part of two weeks wanting all the rumors you could get from others.An you are the one that put those names out for all to see. So own it.


Posted 6:59 pm, 03/12/2024

antithesis (view profile)

Posted 5:25 pm, 03/12/2024

Your the one who posted about Rudy and eastern republicans.

I don't know this person, but I think you all are talking about Randall Holbrook. He donated $500 to Stoney, so he got himself involved in it...

As did...

Matthew Dice - $6,400
Melvin Moore - $1,000
David Lytton - $500
Jeffrey Hudspeth - $500
Joe Greene - $500
Billy Anderson - $100
That was in response to someone asking if any elected officials supported Stoney's campaign I posted a factual answer. If you don't wish for the public to know who is supporting your campaign then self fund or don't run. If you don't want the public to know who you donate too then don't donate.

Don't blame me for their choices on campaign finance. There was nothing wrong with me posting information the public should know. I never said Rudy was bad, I don't believe he is bad nor that he knew any of this.


Posted 6:55 pm, 03/12/2024

DLD (view profile)

Posted 5:27 pm, 03/12/2024

Clarence, read this slowly. You splattered those names in the Stoney Greene thread.You listed about ten names with Mr Holbrook being one of them. Rumor is you dont even know what you post. As for me being a republican where have I ever said that. However you being one is questionable since you are in bed with sewerpit an the likes.

Keep avoiding the statement, do the people have a right to know who is funding campaigns? If you didn't want this talked about then why comment on it? It is not a rumor it is a fact. The more you continue to put these names out there the more it will have attention.

You can continue to argue with me.

Does anyone else think it is wrong for a citizen to share public who is funding candidates campaigns? If the funder is connected to dirty business is it wrong for that to be pointed out? When you have facts to prove the donor engages in bad business.

Please I would like to know how people feel about this?

dog gate

Posted 6:47 pm, 03/12/2024

I would like to see each donor say now that they still support him. If they did not know, that is one thing. But at least they know now that he is not honorable. We have seen the evidence. He cannot hide it any longer. I doubt if any of them would want their names to be connected with dog fighting except for at least one of them.


Posted 5:27 pm, 03/12/2024

Clarence, read this slowly. You splattered those names in the Stoney Greene thread.You listed about ten names with Mr Holbrook being one of them. Rumor is you dont even know what you post. As for me being a republican where have I ever said that. However you being one is questionable since you are in bed with sewerpit an the likes.


Posted 5:25 pm, 03/12/2024

Your the one who posted about Rudy and eastern republicans.

I don't know this person, but I think you all are talking about Randall Holbrook. He donated $500 to Stoney, so he got himself involved in it...

As did...

Matthew Dice - $6,400
Melvin Moore - $1,000
David Lytton - $500
Jeffrey Hudspeth - $500
Joe Greene - $500
Billy Anderson - $100


Posted 5:13 pm, 03/12/2024

DLD (view profile)

Posted 4:17 pm, 03/12/2024

I didnt say it did Clarence.I said why splatter his name in all this.My gosh, can you not see the harm in that.You just want to chastise everybody.I hope you are tickled pink with your sewerpits an all.

Your the one who posted about Rudy and eastern republicans. You didn't think you would receive a response?

You think theft is ok no matter how small, and you say you are a Republican?

If you wish to be a responsible citizen then demand transparency, if you think theft and animal fighting is ok then ask the lawmakers to make it legal. For now it is Illegal !

Personally I think you are just upset that one of the good old corrupt boys got exposed. It seems to me you are part of the problem not the solution. It's people who think the way that you do that has allowed this county to grow so corrupt. Being upset that a citizen just exposed facts to the public about political candidates? What is wrong with that? Does the public not have a right to know?

I agree dirty money is bad for any political to take. It is also possible that the politician doesn't always know the money is dirty. In Stoney's case the evidence suggest he knew. I have no evidence that anyone else who received dirty money from the same person knew it was dirty.


Posted 4:40 pm, 03/12/2024

You probably are without a dollar, is why you are so bitter.

dog gate

Posted 4:26 pm, 03/12/2024

No one should be taking dirty money for any campaign. I had rather be without a dollar than accept donations from a bootlegger, foul fighter or a dog fighter, or any other law breaker. If you don't have honesty in your local officials, how do you expect other citizens to follow our laws? It seems that our local officials do not want honestly or respect.


Posted 4:23 pm, 03/12/2024

Besides Clarence, you need to get on with all the other stuff you are trying to clean up. I believe I counted about fifteen things that you are needing cleaned up. You might just catch someone stealing a bottle of wine somewhere.I bet the democrats are laughing their *** off right about now.


Posted 4:17 pm, 03/12/2024

I didnt say it did Clarence.I said why splatter his name in all this.My gosh, can you not see the harm in that.You just want to chastise everybody.I hope you are tickled pink with your sewerpits an all.


Posted 4:09 pm, 03/12/2024

DLD (view profile)

Posted 1:57 pm, 03/12/2024

Clarence, with republicans like you if I lived in Wilkes the only thing I would be running for is the county line. After all you posted a lot of good east wilkes republicans in that Stoney thread that didnt deserve it. Rudy Holbrook has done more for the people in east wilkes then anybody. A very fine christian man.

I never said Rudy was a bad man, I support Rudy. He has the children's best interest at Heart. I can assure you Rudy is not involved in Animal Fighting nor would he condone that behavior.
The only thing posted was campaign donations. A true Republican should believe in transparency, so if that offends you I am sorry.

It just seems one of the God Fathers of c*ckfighting clearly donates to campaigns. The public should know this information.

Now if that pisses you off then you might want to look in the mirror real hard. One of the reasons our country is so bad right now, is because so much is hidden from the voter.

Rudy is a good man, just because a corrupt person donated to him doesn't mean he is bad.

In Stoney's case it was more than a mere donation, it appears he does business with the God Father of c*ckfighting.

dog gate

Posted 4:00 pm, 03/12/2024

Well, tell us who is throwing the money around. We would like to know.


Posted 3:05 pm, 03/12/2024

Too late now... just remember all of that in 2 years.

exactly what would the difference between a Democrat and Republican in office on the commissioners.

Big money in Wilkes follows the Republicans. There are corrupt Democrats, too, but they don't win so the money doesn't follow them quite so closely.

I don't think that the party is all that important when it comes to local politics, but it is important to follow the money and see who's throwing money at each candidate. That says a lot more than what the candidate actually says...


Posted 2:57 pm, 03/12/2024

And exactly what would the difference between a Democrat and Republican in office on the commissioners. Maybe democrats would be more fiscally responsible than the 3 we have in office now.

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