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Wilkes Adult Care


Posted 5:16 am, 08/23/2016

Post in Journal Patriot from around the 15th. The state is doing their best to close the place, and in the mean time she is emptying the building, moving them to her other slums in order to keep the $$$ coming in!

Miners Daughter

Posted 10:29 pm, 08/22/2016

Share the link please. I can't find it.


Posted 9:43 pm, 08/22/2016

Another article in the Journal Patriot. And now most of residents moved out, into her other crap houses!!!! Knew this was going to happen. Just knew it.


Posted 8:29 pm, 08/21/2016

Well the days have come. Employees of Raintree Healthcare cane over the weekend and moved 20 residents out of the facility to relocate them to Forsyth Village and Concord House also owned by Reema Owens. There is only 8 residents left at the facility now. Let's see what the state does now since they told Reema they she couldn't move not one resident out of that building. I hope and pray that she gets prison for this.


Posted 7:07 pm, 08/21/2016



Posted 7:04 pm, 08/21/2016

Note from GoNC: this post was removed for libel.


Posted 12:41 pm, 08/21/2016

That was touching you should rekindle that old flame with such a fine place to stay. Maybe you should go eat lunch and visit someone. I hear you can get some great spring fresh water just behind the building.


Posted 10:58 pm, 08/20/2016

I can not beleive that you all are running down a great place like this for our seniors !!! you must be A low life peice of do do. Many in my family has stayed there, and they loved it. Why don't you all go crap on an alter in some Holy Church somewhere. maybe cast the first stone. That's A great idea. Go stone somebody else to death, cause, I know your life is so great and in order, that God himself may have to stand aside for you, while you receive your crown !!!!

Miners Daughter

Posted 5:36 pm, 08/20/2016

Hearing that there's under 20 residents there now.


Posted 10:19 pm, 08/18/2016

We've heard so many dates for court! All we know its sometime this month. Management won't tell employees anything. They are saying it's NOT closing. Really don't see how they're going to keep it open unless money talks!!!


Posted 9:39 am, 08/12/2016

Whats new? Any news on when the court date is going to be for this place? Haven't heard of anymore bounced checks either so did ahe get that straightened out FINALLY? I'm just being nosey lol


Posted 9:40 pm, 08/07/2016

How can this place stay open?????? Whoever decided to let it stay open needs to go live there!!!


Posted 10:16 am, 08/06/2016

Diane was fired last time because of a TB test or the lack of one. I was never given one under her being the administrator. Whrn it was taken over and I was asked about it I told the truth One thing led to another and Diane was let go. I personally think every word that comes out of that woman's mouth is a lie. Health care is a truly sad thing .we all know the problem I pray in this life or the next they get what they deserve


Posted 2:37 pm, 08/05/2016

More reports from the state....ants in the kitchen, dirty in general and no soap/towels for the residents....something has to happen to help the poor people living there!!!

parkton too

Posted 9:48 pm, 08/02/2016

Wilksboro you are no alone.... She is over our facility in Parkton NC and she has done the same thing and she has no care for what she is doing. If it had not been for our administrator buying food and supplies so we would no be cited we would have been closed down because our dss don't play. But it has come to a point that we have not gotten paid our bank accounts are overdraft and all she do is make empty promises. She has even stop payment on checks. Who is this woman and she better not ever show her face in robenson county or she just might get hung!!! We work hard and don't deserve this!!! And our dss is with us!!!! Someone give us her address home address!!!

Hot Mess

Posted 8:44 pm, 07/31/2016

Where is Jimmy these days?

Hello....it's me

Posted 8:42 pm, 07/31/2016

I have read this long post about Wilkes Adult Care. First let me say I have "knowledge" of this facility since 2004. The facility has been troubled for years. I read that it was a decent place when "Jimmy" R owned it. I had to laugh at that statement, as it definitely was NOT accurate. In any business there are good, not so good, and horrible employee's. Wilkes Adult care is no exception to this occurrence. Many are on here saying the employee's should have done this or that, and how horrible they are for working there. Are we forgetting how hard jobs are to find now? I feel safe in saying that the GOOD employee's there are some of the folks who have made complaints to Local and State Agencies! They are there first and foremost to earn a paycheck to care for their families and obtain things needed in daily life, food, housing, etc. Secondly they are there to care for the residents. You can say you would do your job for Free you like it so much, but lets be honest....you would NOT. Now the bad employee's up there are just that, bad employee's. They don't need to be there and they seem to be much like the Owner, just WORTHLESS! Have any of you "googled" this woman....Reema? If not just take a few moments and type her name in your search bar, all you will find is a path of destruction on each and every site you hit! She is consumed with greed, feeding off the elderly and mentally disabled! The only reason I can comprehend for this atrocity is plain and simple.....GREED!!!! Her moral compass is beyond lacking!

I saw in previous pages the License suspension of the RN who is there now. Basically it appears she had her license revoked due to LYING! The simple fact that she worked there before and there was many issues, was fired, and there were many state regulatory issues when she was there, should tell you about her work ethic and it certainly should tell you about the competence level of a business owner who hire HER to come fix something that is terribly broken! These two have been friends for years!!! However they act like they have just met, in front of the state! LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE!!!

I cannot understand a JUDGE of the court allowing her to remain in that facility a day longer.....I wonder how he would have ruled on that decision had he stepped foot in the building, or GOD forbid had a loved one there....AND since his ruling there have been sexual relations between an employee and a resident.....SHAME ON YOU JUDGE! This employee along with Reema and the RN administrator need to be turned in to the NC Health Care Regulations Dept and they should NEVER be allowed to work in a facility AGAIN!

And now she is being investigated by the Labor Board, it will never end until she is stripped of all License and deemed unworthy to own/operate a heath care facility anywhere in NC! But since her Landlord is the same landlord of a previous owner, Hodges....the land lord will simply do for her what he did for Hodges, let her lease some of his facilities in other states! Same on you Landlord! Clifford H should be forced to live in one of these **** holes!


Posted 12:20 pm, 07/31/2016

I know for a FACT local and state agencies are looking at her building in Winston! The big 200 bed facility in Winston that is EMPTY, they have denied her being the Licensed OWNER!!!! Her current facility Forsyth Village will end up just like Wilkes facility. BUT, she will arise like the Phoenix bird, but covered in Sh*t and will do this again and again......just like she always has!!!! Her own mother served prison time for committing MEDICAID fraud for HER! Her mom took the **** fall for her!


Posted 12:16 pm, 07/31/2016

So the OD Mr Larry better hope he finds another job, b/c there will not be one for him in Winston!!!!


Posted 12:14 pm, 07/31/2016

@ Crypt.....they are getting an average of 98,00 per day, per resident. She is not paying the staff at ANY of her buildings....all of them are not getting their checks! This is a pattern with her! When the crap is up to her neck from shi**y management she does this and socks all the money away for HERSELF, until all the residents are GONE! All the comments about the Administrator Dian are CORRECT!!!! She is a nut job and a big LIAR....she threatens staff and manipulates the system. She was fired from there before and from several other organizations! She is a THIEF! AND her buildings in Winston.....well it has been RULED by the state that they will NOT allow her to Open the one she was planning on......and her other building Forsyth Village is going down just like this one.....I am glad people on here are finally realizing the truth and SPEAKING the truth!!!! Rema along with Dian are just lying pieces of SH*t!

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