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Why I, a Republican, will be voting for Sanders

[email protected]

Posted 11:20 am, 02/20/2020

collect another 1.6 trillion? that's a lot of taxes....


Posted 11:14 am, 02/20/2020

There is a way for government to get more money. It is called taxes. The tax money you pay in will be off set by the benefits you get. It is not like you pay taxes in and the government burns it. The government spends it to give you things and services you need. You are just going to have to elect more democrats and less republicans so your tax money won't be stolen.


Posted 11:08 am, 02/20/2020

"Why I, a Republican, will be voting for Sanders

I know a lot of you are diehard Trump fans. I was myself in the beginning, too."

The lie detector revealed the last part of that statement to be totally a lie.

[email protected]

Posted 10:58 am, 02/20/2020

Most countries actually had to bring in privatization to make their systems work. Healthcare Triage has an in depth perspective of European healthcare systems. If you're ever bored on Youtube.

[email protected]

Posted 10:54 am, 02/20/2020

Canada has a population of 37 million people. California has a bigger population at about 39 million people to put that all in perspective.
They pay about $6,300 per person per year.
Now the US is 10x that at a population of around 320 million people.
Even if we paid $5000 per person you are talking about 1.6 Trillion a year. The entire federal budget is 4 trillion, and we run almost 1 trillion over what we take in.
There is just no way on earth to make that work.
Even if we had $0 on the defense budget, you would still need another trillion dollars to fund Medicare for all.


Posted 10:53 am, 02/20/2020

Okay. This one says you can get a private care MRI in Canada for $800 with little to no wait. But a public care MRI is a 12-18 month wait. Surely you won't die by then.



Posted 10:49 am, 02/20/2020

Lolololol. Looks like I'm the .


Posted 10:38 am, 02/20/2020

Skeptic, you know that link was for Ontario, California don't you? Not Canada! Name one Country that is wanting to switch to our system here. I'll wait.


Posted 10:26 am, 02/20/2020

The OP isn't a republican.


Posted 10:21 am, 02/20/2020

skeptic (view profile)

Posted 8:35 am, 02/20/2020

Do you think Medicare for all will be free to you or any other taxpayer? In Canada the average person pays thousands of dollars in taxes. If you make $50,000 a year then you pay over $5,000 in taxes for healthcare. That slightly less then I pay now. So you could go out and buy your own policy now. Why wait for the government to take it out of your check?

I pay way more per year than that for my families healthcare already, even though my personal healthcare is fully paid by my employer. M4A!!

Well said OP.


Posted 9:55 am, 02/20/2020


Posted 6:05 am, 02/20/2020

Why I, a Republican, will be voting for Sanders

No one ever said the only ones with brains of mush were all democrats.

Not only a mush brain, but another **** fool as well.


Posted 9:52 am, 02/20/2020

Have you considered the possibility they already have healthcare. Maybe you should ask before jumping to assumptions.


Posted 9:50 am, 02/20/2020

I don't what procedures cost here or there. I know that I paid $395 for an MRI and it looks like it's $700 in Canada on average.



Posted 9:44 am, 02/20/2020

Most of the people that I just saw at Walmart with big screen TV's could use their tax refund and buy a years worth of healthcare.


Posted 9:43 am, 02/20/2020

Jimbojolly (view profile)

Posted 8:38 am, 02/20/2020

So skeptic, if you live in Canada how much will you pay for medical bills, surgery, out patient treatments, prescriptions?

That would be zero. But what about a second opinion. What is you recourse for this. What if you don't like the doctor, what are you options then. What if its a special need how long to do you have to wait for a appointment.


Posted 8:45 am, 02/20/2020

President Trump says he listens . It's his job to make American lives better ..He doesn't know much about the circumstances in rural America. I suggest you send this to him.


Posted 8:38 am, 02/20/2020

So skeptic, if you live in Canada how much will you pay for medical bills, surgery, out patient treatments, prescriptions?


Posted 8:35 am, 02/20/2020

Do you think Medicare for all will be free to you or any other taxpayer? In Canada the average person pays thousands of dollars in taxes. If you make $50,000 a year then you pay over $5,000 in taxes for healthcare. That slightly less then I pay now. So you could go out and buy your own policy now. Why wait for the government to take it out of your check?


Posted 7:42 am, 02/20/2020

well said!


Posted 6:05 am, 02/20/2020

Why I, a Republican, will be voting for Sanders

I know a lot of you are diehard Trump fans. I was myself in the beginning, too.

But since then, I've watched multiple family members die from not being able to afford medical care. I watched the life slowly get sucked out of them from the stress of haggling with insurance companies, not having money to eat because of losing work from multiple illnesses, and not having the optimism to feel like there was a place for them in this world anymore. 

I know they say medicare for all will bankrupt the country - and, let me preface this by saying, I used to only watch Fox news myself and listen to Rush on a daily basis (and Hannity back in the day). But what Fox (or even the left wing news stations) never bring up is all the defense budget spending (which is around 50% of the national budget).

How many trillions continually go missing from the Pentagon but no one seems to bat an eye? Take a moment to look this up yourself if you don't already know. 

Why aren't we arguing instead about the legitimacy of our war "efforts"? Start a new war and everyone's game, but talk about providing decent medical care to all Americans and you are called a communist. If they can get any war they want and the money pops out of thin air, I'm sure they could find a way for people to get medical coverage - they just don't want to.

That doesn't even begin to broach the subject of medical costs being so incredibly inflated in the first place. They don't need to be nearly as expensive as they are. 

And, living in rural America and seeing the way joining the military is pushed here as opposed to as in the cities - I have a sneaking suspicion that keeping rural America poor and destitute is a way to guarantee a steady inflow of new soldiers, who can't afford education/healthcare any other way. To me, with multiple (distant and close) family members disabled by wars, this is sick.

I think it needs to be said that there are certain facts that if you only listen to Fox (or any other mainstream news), you will never hear. Left or right, if its mainstream, you can trust it is being steered in the favor of who owns them (NOT you and me).

we all need to do more independent research, spurred on by arguments from BOTH sides of the aisle. it is our duty as American citizens.

Some topics they won't cover:
-inflation rates since our current minimum wage was instituted
- how much rent + education + food + medical costs have increased in the past 20 years in proportion to what the average person earns (hundreds of percents)
-complete monopolization of every industry (notably farming for rural america)
-the complete lack of integrity of almost all journalistic outfits, who COMPLETELY glance over the main issues that are ACTUALLY relevant to the daily well-being of average Americans (as individuals and in their communities)
-how much time, stress, and money a better public transportation system would provide (that all other developed countries have)

and, lastly, a word about wealth inequality:

the billions of dollars some have, and the disparity between that and what the average person will ever be capable of making in their lives as a hard worker, is completely unimaginable for most. it sounds right, that anyone should have the ability to reap the fruits of their labor - and it is 100% true. but I think a certain level of disparity has only been made possible now that money has completely become a digital currency. These billions are just numbers on a computer now basically. You cannot even imagine the enormity of difference of that buying power. 

If we are a people, then those with extra extra and EXTRA should be able to help those who can barely even eek by. I believe this is in line with Jesus's true teachings, and I would guess Jesus would even hold us to more tightly accountable standards than that.

Money Should Not Buy Power, 
but right now it does. That needs to change for us to have a legitimate democracy. That is what America represents for me- for the good of all, not the few. Of the people, by the people, for the people. 

Please take some more time to research Sanders on the issues. Our people are truly suffering direly and I see it every day - though the news will not tell these stories. I think he has a fighting chance if more people listen to him on the issues, do some critical thinking, and talk with each other about it, like we are supposed to!

God bless you all and God Bless America! I have faith that we can truly make America great again, but I believe it will only be through our collected efforts, and not through the efforts of one man alone (any man). We've got to work together, listen to each other, SPEND QUALITY TIME doing our research and thinking, and TALK to each other!

Get out there and vote in your state's primaries! We CAN make a difference. Thank you for reading!

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