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Why do i feel the need to chase?


Posted 8:56 am, 10/22/2014

Doesn't sound like you were all that enthusiastic to be in a relationship to start with. After a fair amount of girlfriends and an ex wife, I adopted a committed bachelor's life. Takes a bit to get used to, but I've honestly never been happier. Fishing, hunting, hobbies, ball games, naps and mismatched socks, all with no one to judge, gripe or try to "fix" me.


Posted 8:38 am, 10/22/2014

The 3 FFFs Live by it


Posted 8:35 am, 10/22/2014

another thought...honestly, if you have to ask relationship questions on gowilkes...

that's a sign of...maybe I shouldn't be in a relationship to begin with, syndrome!


Posted 8:22 am, 10/22/2014

to the OP...i spoke to your girlfriend...she wrote a poem for you that she asked me to share with you...

do not walk in front of me, for i may not follow..

do not walk behind me, for i may not lead..

do not walk beside of me, for i....you know what? ...never mind....just kinda get away from me for awhile.


Posted 8:18 am, 10/22/2014

i want a woman who will always be there for me...

except when i don't want her around


Posted 7:55 am, 10/22/2014

Riversong has it down to an art. She's been there done that I can tell. I feel the same way. If you can't answer all those questions after 7 months of dating and your feeling insecure about her feelings for you be a man and step up to the plate. Put in some effort to find these things out and show her you care. Don't let her do all the leg work because if you won't appreciate what she does then im sure someone eles will. Woman like to be romanced, Doesn't have to involve money...It's the little things that get to a womans heart. Leave the little notes for her, bring her something like her fav. candy or wine just because. Put some rose pedd. in a tub of water and have candles lit so she can just relax and remember how it felt when you first got together....ok maybe that's a little drastic...but I like it wink. You sound like a caring person and I wish you the best. Also if your truly in love with her....tell her more often and do let her know she's the missing piece....the one you don't want to be without....That's what woman need to know and feel. Woman are emotional and men are visual. So touch her heart, make her laugh out loud, and be attentive, loving, respectful,and never cheat, and put in just as much effort as she does and the girl will be yours forever....


Posted 6:30 am, 10/22/2014

smartmouthwitch (view profile)

In my case, I had lost interest. Just ask her, hopefully she will be honest.

If mama ain't happy nobody is


Posted 6:28 am, 10/22/2014

Sounds like you don't have a job or money and she is hunting greener pastures


Posted 5:57 am, 10/22/2014

Stop playing games. Just ask the girl what's going on. I'd guess if she's had to put all the effort in, she's tired of it and ready to see if you'll do it. Ask her.

River Song

Posted 5:33 am, 10/22/2014

You have not answered the simple question of "Are you in love with her?" When you wake up in the morning, is your first thought," How is she doing?" "I will do anything to make her happy, and what can I do today to make her life better?" If something happens is she the one you are dying to tell first? Is she your best friend? How often do you give her presents? How often do you compliment her about things you admire? Do you often think, "She deserves someone so much better than I am, and I have no idea how I got so lucky for her to care about me?"

Relationships are work, but work you love to do. If reading that list your first thought is, "why should I, she doesn't feel that way about me?", then you are not in love with her. Also the fact you came on here, instead of asking your best friend if she is ok, concerns me about how open you two are, and if she is truly your best friend, and you are both in love
After 7 months you should be able to ask these questions easily.What town did she grow up in? What is her favorite book/movie/song? What is her best girlfriend's name? What is the one thing, she wants to do more than anything else? What is her favorite thing to drink(does not have to be alcoholic)? What is her favorite Ice Cream flavor? What is the one thing she has done in her life, that she feels the best about, and the most fulfilled?
Good luck to both of you.

White hawk

Posted 12:53 am, 10/22/2014

Change deodorant after a good bath, brush your teeth, clean up, and if that doesn't work, go find yourself another. Of course, she may just be going through the pause that does not refresh.


Posted 12:17 am, 10/22/2014

I don't like to fight, but my best friend complained to me one time that she and her boyfriend at the time never fought...and she was so bored. So, then she started little tiffs just to get a rise out of him and then she wasn't quite bored with him any more. They're broke up now though, but some women like to see their men get a little riled up time to time.

River Song

Posted 12:03 am, 10/22/2014

Maybe she was taking a bit of time re-evaluating how she felt about you and the relationship and where she wanted it to go.

Still 7 months should be enough time for you to have enough information of your own to analyze her, as long as you are not insecure, and begin to project your own feelings into the situation. Go with your baser instincts. if you trust her, then trust her.
You should be able to approach her and flat out ask if there is a problem, or anything she would like to talk about. Just be prepared to handle any honest answer she gives you. It is quite possible. she just had a headache or did not feel well, or was possibly overwhelmed with something she felt she needed to deal with on her on. If you push too hard, she might decide you are over-bearing, and controlling. Now if you feel the need to express to her that you miss her, and there is a hole in your life emotionally when she is not around and you realized this, then just tell her. Just as I sad before be prepared for any answer she gives, and respect her for sharing her emotions with you.


Posted 11:39 pm, 10/21/2014

In my case, I had lost interest. Just ask her, hopefully she will be honest.


Posted 11:33 pm, 10/21/2014

Why not ask her?


Posted 11:30 pm, 10/21/2014

I don't see how it could be she lost interest....we never fight, we have a great time when we are together, granted she makes all the plans and comes to see me since she is in an apartment complex and I am out to myself. She and I even discussed a future down the road when things were possible after her son gets done with college so this is the first time she's backed away.

I feel like I am acting like she use to act when i wouldn't call till bed time to say good night....


Posted 11:27 pm, 10/21/2014

Well, I do see a tad problem. In your last post, you were generalizing women. Every woman is different. Don't try to overthink or overdo yourself. Do be attentive to her and realize she is her own woman. Both of you are in the relationship and just as she must adjust to you, you must adjust to her. In your particular situation though, she's either trying to push you away or wanting you to chase. Given you said she acts fine when you do talk it seems she's just wanting the chase. Until she directly tells you to butt off, just keep doing your best. Good luck.


Posted 11:25 pm, 10/21/2014

She's either lost interest or found another.


Posted 11:06 pm, 10/21/2014

Ok Ladies thank you....I was just stating I was happy and content....thought maybe i needed some advice to see if i need to step up my game or play this off and wait for her to make all the moves. Just confusing. I guess i was use to her making all the plans and effort to see me that it just threw me off a little bit. It's not that i don't make an effort, I drive for a living. I could use some advice on this because I think she thought I was being smothered so she's backing off..but i wasn't I was just like i said happy and content with how things were going. Thanks for the replys though. Alot of times men in general aren't as attentive or show as much affection as we should and I don't really know what a woman wants, ya'll are so confusing sometimes...If you ladies were doing this...would it be a sign that your trying to get your man to step up and text and call you more and notice you more or....just trying to back off a bit....?


Posted 11:00 pm, 10/21/2014

No she wont be honest you will just look weak and desperate just pull back twice as much as she does and she will come runing back and if she doesnt she was leaving anyway

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