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Why do i feel the need to chase?


Posted 3:03 pm, 10/22/2014

Truthseeker911 (view profile)

Posted 2:24 pm, 10/22/2014

I'm just happy if he mops!

Ain't nothing sexier then a man with a mop, lol!!

River Song

Posted 2:32 pm, 10/22/2014

Most women just want to be respected, listened to, and treated as a best friend.


Posted 2:29 pm, 10/22/2014

I don't think any of us actually answered the question...

"Why do I feel the need to chase?

Because you don't understand the concept of rejection?

There, settled


Posted 2:24 pm, 10/22/2014

I'm just happy if he mops!


Posted 12:08 pm, 10/22/2014

Not every guy feels the need to chase girls all the time and not every girl wants a guy that leaves random notes laying around or put flowers in the tub (I'd be ticked over having to clean it up and the note thing would freak me out). So, like I said, it's really hard to give relationship advice to strangers.


Posted 11:38 am, 10/22/2014

She's right. What's the point anymore? I don't have a woman to "complete me" or to give my life "purpose". If ya'll excuse me, I've have something I need to take care of.

......now where did I put that bottle of vodka, my wedding album and that .357 magnum?

Or..... maybe I'll just grill some steaks and invite a few friends over. I said I was a bachelor, not a hermit.


Posted 11:01 am, 10/22/2014


Posted 10:59 am, 10/22/2014

It's because you've given up. LOL


Posted 10:57 am, 10/22/2014

Thank God she ain't PM 'ing me.


Posted 10:56 am, 10/22/2014

Sounds like Phish has the right idea to me.


Posted 10:49 am, 10/22/2014

btw phish..in he pm, she said you had given up hope...lol


Posted 10:48 am, 10/22/2014

sheet...she's pm'ing me now...of course...just to tell me she "doesn't need to defend herself to me or anyone else"....what a maroon..

oh, and by the way..she's 44....whop de freakin' do

note to bimbos...don't pm people you don't know...they don't want you to


Posted 10:43 am, 10/22/2014

i want a woman who will always be there for me...

except when i don't want her around -Chendo

Funny story. Had a friend ask me why so many people bought hookers because it was so easy to get laid in today's society.....Why pay? I told him. You're not paying them for sex. You are paying them to leave afterwards.

To the OP. Just buck up man, it's only been 7 months. Move on.


Posted 10:43 am, 10/22/2014

"I will never tell my boyfriend he can't do something"

that is certainly easy to say...online

"if you ask a man to do something you don't have to keep nagging....it will eventually get done...just not in my time....it will get done in their time."

Really...really...yeah, I bet he thinks the same thing everytime his dinner is not on the table promptly at 5:30 pm. It's ok honey...get it ready in "your time"....

Besides, there are certain times when "things" do need to be done promptly or as soon as possible.

"Reevaluate your relationship" good advice there tag...you may need to take your own advice!!!!

tag, I'm sure for now, you're quite happy with your relationship...but as with all things relationships also change..I feel for the most part you have a very unrealistic view of how you approach your relationship.

It honestly looks like a recipe for you to be taken advantage of...even if your significant other doesn't realize that is what they may be doing to you. You'll one day realize that your feelings towards this line of thinking has changed...or something will happen to make it change.

Time will mature you and your relationships.


Posted 10:38 am, 10/22/2014

Honestly, people on an online forum that don't know you or your girlfriend or the situation can't give good random blind advice. But, here goes anyway, lol

Worry less.

Be content.

Be kind.

Don't stalk.


Posted 10:37 am, 10/22/2014

You must not be too sorry to have offended me. You just accused me of giving up , yet again. Wow.


Posted 10:28 am, 10/22/2014

@ tag..."just hate to see people give up so easily"...really? how "easily" is that? how long was he married? how long was he with each of his girlfriends, and how many were there?

how in the world can you say with any certainty at all, how he will look back on his life and what he will say?

you have a lot of nerve to suggest that what works for you is the way it should be for everyone...i'll bet you aren't even 30 yet


Posted 10:15 am, 10/22/2014

phish, sorry to have offended you....to each their own....glad you have never been happier....Just hate to see people give up so easily....anyways...take care...


Posted 9:18 am, 10/22/2014

"Gave up"..... how presumptive of you. What part of "I've never been happier" was unclear?


Posted 9:09 am, 10/22/2014

Phish-Phan.....you just gave up....your going to end up one of those men who looks back and says....I should had tried a little harder with someone so i didn't end up older and alone...No you should never try to fix a man...or tell them what they can and can't do because your not their mother. But you should think of it this way....If she was doing this....would I be upset? That way its a no brainer...if you don't want her to do something make sure it's something you wouldn't be doing as well. Heres how i see it....I will never tell my boyfriend he can't do something....but if he chooses to do something that I am not fond of or that i don't agree with then....I also have freedom of choice as to...is this the long term relationship I want..the type of man i can see myself with down the road 5 years, 10 years eternity with? You never be someones boss or mom....they have one of those. Just like when i was married...i learn a lesson...if you ask a man to do something you don't have to keep nagging....it will eventually get done...just not in my time....it will get done in their time. As long as it gets done do we really need to cause an argument or nag them to death...no....So don't give up phish because your special someone is out there you just haven't found the one for you yet....Ok anyways... good luck hesaid she said.....Reevaluate your relationship...if she needs a break....take you a break and think about what you want and what you can give....maybe all she needs is to know you care and she's worth the effort as well.

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