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Why are times getting worse?


Posted 11:50 am, 03/08/2015

Repub lie cons got the working and poor right where they want them,


Posted 3:52 am, 03/08/2015

Country has the same problems it did 125 years ago and before.

The leaders keep their noses stuck in the business of every other country in the world except this one.

Nothing wrong the system of be enment just the obsolete out of touch nonfunctioning useless political parties that run it.

No better than China or Russia when it comes to being able to choose leaders. The ruling obsolete got it down to two parties, the demoidiots and Repubidiots.


Posted 12:53 am, 03/08/2015

Repubicans control Congress now. It is the beginning of the Tribulations :'(


Posted 11:31 am, 03/07/2015

thegwliar (view profile)
Posted 8:53 pm, 03/04/2015
People don't respect there self any more much less any one else.

So true. No respect.


Posted 11:21 am, 03/07/2015

shagbag (view profile)
Posted 3:13 am, 03/07/2015

That was not directly toward you. That was to the world. So many people have the mentality of better than.

We all don't get trophies. We all don't have million dollar jobs.

As my daughter would say suck it up butter cup.


Posted 10:57 am, 03/07/2015


Posted 10:52 am, 03/07/2015

"The Illuminati

A Brief Introduction

The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, and other influential members of this planet. Our collective unites influencers of the world in an unrestrictive and private domain, free of political, religious, and geographical boundaries to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole.

While our operations require anonymity for the safety of our members, we strive to create a better understanding between us and the people we have been entrusted to protect."

ahh...I think that's kind of the problem ..secrets, lies and misconceptions...yep, we've already got enough of that.

and Red Reddington...you ain't


Posted 10:40 am, 03/07/2015


Posted 9:54 am, 03/07/2015

shagbag...at this point you are the one taking this so seriously. I'm not suggesting that this isn't a serious matter at all...I'm suggesting that as long as you look for the bad in people/communities/cities/states/nations or at least expect it...that is what you will get and then you will become it.

I know you were looking for a serious debate on this...and of course there are more than a few smart butts and jokesters around here, MYSELF INCLUDED....but many have a point.

Take care of what you can take care of first...set the example for the people closest to you...in other words...start with your family, community...church if you have one....then on to your civic duties. Make your world a better place...

this day in time is exactly as the day in time from the beginning...if the scriptures are true then Genesis is a perfect example of that....we just hear and see more about it these days.


Posted 9:41 am, 03/07/2015

Great post goddess ! It should make us want to live and let live, and help someone along the way if we can.

Guess it's easier to complain and look at the negative in everything.


Posted 8:55 am, 03/07/2015

What everyone else said. Stay busy, make a paycheck, taxes deducted, public services provided, live within your means and enjoy life in your modest home. Save money. Worked well for a long time. Now it's out of whack. Gimme more, look at me, illusions of wealth made possible by easy credit, the real estate con game, and a shift in fiscal responsibility.

Go to Walmart, fill your buggy, whether you work or not, sit around the house or local greasy spoon, talk and ***** about everything, while doing nothing, including ignoring the slow decay around you. Shelter your kids until they're old enough to possibly be grandparents.

Become self-employed, doing for others what they no longer want to do themselves if they can afford to pay for others to do it. Then report as little income as possible, to avoid paying taxes. Don't worry about Social Security, it's history. It's a downhill slide, and a matter of time before the free cabbage and Vodka disappear. I know many more people who don't work than do. The problem's not political, it's us.

I used to have a stereotyped image of British life, sitting around the estate, drinking tea, eating ***pets, while others did the work. That seems to be us, including me, without the large estates. This was before the internet.

In spite of that rambling, I REALLY enjoy retirement and every sunrise, and hope that all goes well.


Posted 3:13 am, 03/07/2015

thegwliar (view profile)

Second thought on this.
Your not special. You don't deserve a gold star for wiping the boogy off your nose. Your are a grown arse adult take care of yourself and the kids you have.
Why say that? I never said I was special or claim to deserve anything. There is nothing special about me. There is nothing in what I say that warrants this response and I have never said anything negative towards you. I always thought by your post you were alright so I was surprised by this. I do not understand why people are getting offended when it is not about them. I would have said how good things are but it's not true. If anyone tries to be courteous towards strangers even when it seems like they as soon spit in your face than say thank you then you are doing your part to make the world a better place. I guess it's a sin to bring up how people have changed. Who knew? I'm not that old but I remember when a man would hold the door for a woman. If you did not know a person by name you said sir or mam. If you are standing in someones way you steep to the side and apologize even though you didn't do anything wrong. I know I'm not well liked if not down right hated by most on here but I would like to know what I said on this thread to bring this on. If I made you mad I'm sorry I never wanted to do that to you.


Posted 11:45 pm, 03/06/2015

oh no no no...I didn't take any offense...I know I'm better than ya'll...

I'm joking, for crying outloud. NO one is better than the next person and that person is no better than I.

Yes, the question is asked all the time..generation unto generation...(that sounds almost biblical)

"Why are times getting worse"..

well, there are waaaaay more people in this world
communication only takes seconds instead of days, weeks or months...or until the drummers get in rythym.
media outlets most only report that which is bad or barely even the truth.
people look for the worst in everyone else.
people are so busy trying to make a dollar these days...they've become more and more selfcentered...
and or greedy if you will...but not necessarily greedy for monetary reasons.
greedy for power and fame.
corporations have and always will be nothing more than corporations and we all know they are out to make money
and lobby as special interest groups to government officials...
governments are in a constant power play.
and religions...as we can see...are also in the midst of all this...they've lost control of the masses, they've very little power these days other than in their own congregations.
and last but most important...

we've all lost sight of our fellow human beings.


Posted 10:48 pm, 03/06/2015

1goddess (view profile)

"I'm coming at this as someone from the outside looking in."

Actually you can't do that either...as you are "in"....you're not outside of anything...you're not outside of society, community or wilkes by gawd county.

". I'm generalizing the majority of people in society."

No you're not...you're assuming that most folks are not doing what you feel is best for society...something of which you really can't do either as you are part and parcel of said society.

face it shag...you along with the rest of us just lose

thegwliar (view profile)

Second thought on this.
Your not special. You don't deserve a gold star for wiping the boogy off your nose. Your are a grown arse adult take care of yourself and the kids you have.

The question I asked in this thread is about the same issue you hear everyone talk about while sitting in the break room at work in college classes etc. It is normal to ask why are things as they are now. Everyone or at least about everyone ask this question at some point. Were some posters got the idea I was saying I do better than everyone else is beyond me because when talking about the people that lack compassion I clearly added myself to the lot in my post. Why goodness seems to take offense is beyond me because this thread was never directed at her or anyone else. This thread or anything I say will never change anything much less the world but should that stop us from asking why things are the way they are? If anyone takes offense by my words I apologize. I try to choose my words carefully. So many posters try to say they are better than everyone else so I guess everyone expects it but if you read what I post that is clearly not the case. I guess I need to give up on trying to start threads for debate because that is not what people find entertaining,


Posted 12:51 pm, 03/06/2015

This was a great President .


Posted 10:45 am, 03/06/2015

Everything was wonderful during the Bush years ? Repubs just want a war with Iran dang it, that'll fix the world !


Posted 10:32 am, 03/06/2015

The Repubicans control Congress now, so look for things to continue to go to hail in a handbasket until we get them all flushed

george h w b

Posted 8:50 am, 03/06/2015

robbyrhodes (view profile)

Posted 3:36 pm, 03/05/2015

I don't know how many of you actually care, but you should. You really should. This country is going downhill fast. Corruption, tyrany, and greed have overcome our "government". I guarantee you that if we as a people don't stand up against this corruption, this country as we knew it will not be here in less than twenty years. If you think I'm crazy, you need to take your blinders off and open your eyes.

...It's have gone past the point of no return. All your kids and grand munchkins and everyone else will be controlled by the government. Almost to the point now. People are too political party blind to see what is and has happened.

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