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who killed the durham family? here's my story

lil red

Posted 11:41 am, 08/14/2010

The daughter had the most to gain and did(moneywise).But i could not imagine how a person could be in a consperiacy to kill their parents and brother. But Hall and the private investagator shur does sound guilty. Sounds to me like Ginny was worried after that so called phone call about her parents and they went there with her to check on them as an alibi. It says they claimed they heard a noise in the house and ran out. When they heard a noise they probally thought there was someone else in the house that they had missed that could idenify them. Was there cameras in the library then,or was anyone questioned at the Library as to whether Hall was there or not.

Also this case does need to be solved,there have been several lives lost over the years associated with this case.There were also alot of Wilkes ties also to it. Mabe some of the people on here don"t want to see it solved,because they know more than they let on.Did they ever find out who killed the Duncan man on Germantown rd?

Mr. Ed

Posted 11:05 am, 08/14/2010

Actually, it's been 38 years- that's closer to 40 than 30, since there seems to be some trouble with the math. Troy and Ginny were 20-21 at the time, so that would make them 58-59 now. Neither of them are deceased, and Troy is probably not practicing law and lobbying for politicians if he is an imbecile. All persons past 50 are not too frail to commit murder or too incompetent to be held accountable for their actions. And there is information that at least one of these two people has left other bodies in their wake. By the way, Bohemian, you made some excellent points.


Posted 10:03 am, 08/14/2010

Bohemian, you are so stupid, on all counts, I dont even know where to begin.

But whoever did it is now 30 years older. If they havent left a string of bodies over the years, odds are they arent going to do it again. And the odds are good that with 30 years on them, they are either dead or too old to do something like that again. Of course if they were involved in regular criminal activity the odds are they are dead now. there is no new evidence. It doesnt work like on TV. Some team of specialists cant miraculously solve a 30 year old cold case.


Posted 9:28 am, 08/14/2010

Trojan, what do you mean a joke.? It's the **** truth. The woman was shot by some guy, not Silas Duncan. My brother and all of us had been camping that night and when we got home thats when we found out.


Posted 7:52 am, 08/14/2010

The Durham case is unsolved and since there is no statute of limitations on murder why shouldn't the investigation continue when and if leads come in?? Three people were murdered and someone did it - was that someone a person that could kill again and maybe this time --- you or your family member?

Sure it could happen again and NO - not everyone is dead at all. The daughter and the ex son in law (rumored to be an attorney now) are both still alive and if they weren't involved in the killing then someone else was and could be living among us now waiting to kill again or perhaps the person HAS killed again.

Does the interest in the case mean all other crime should be ignored or put on the back burner and millions of dollars spent on solving this case alone? Of course not. In fact there are many cold case detectives that work on these types of cases without pay or on their own time. If I was in law enforcement and I had a case like this in a county like Watauga(not known to be murder central) I would want to know what happened to these people.

Here are my thoughts on Meth makers and users by the way ---- if you're dumb enough to make it and dumb enough to use it then there isn't much help for you. Maybe I feel that the money we spend on putting druggies in jail and keeping them up is a waste. The only unfortunate thing about the Meth problem is the children of these dummies and them being stuck in the house while dad systematically seals his offspring's destiny by exposing them to these chemicals. As sad as addiction is - it really is a choice in most ways for the user and the seller.

Being a murder victim in your own home (absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing or illegal activity on the part of this family) is not a choice at all.


Posted 7:22 am, 08/14/2010


Mr. Ed

Posted 7:14 am, 08/14/2010

Take a deep breath, Fins. I think this is an open case, since it is unsolved, but I don't imagine law enforcement is expending a lot of resources/manpower trying to solve it. I would say there are some individuals, not in law enforcement, that are interested and digging around for information. I think law enforcement would probably take an active role if new evidence was brought to them.


Posted 11:30 pm, 08/13/2010

So we waste tax dollars on a 30 year old cold case that has no leads? Heck, most people involved at that time, including the sheriff then, are dead or not of great sound mind. Its very poor decision to waste public money on something like this just to try to make a couple remaining relatives feel better. Thats the problem with our country. everyone thinks they are supposed to feel good. Thats not how life works. Sometimes it sucks a**.


Posted 11:17 pm, 08/13/2010

i will tell you who cares you 2 insensitive butt heads. their families care deeply. i guess if it was your family members you would not care a bit if they got murdered and the killers got away with it. you 2 are sick if you can't understand that . i hope they find out who it was and bury their *** alive.


Posted 10:51 pm, 08/13/2010

I agree, who cares? When the current elected law officers get rid of the meth labs, then maybe they can waste resources on 30 year old cold cases.


Posted 10:30 pm, 08/13/2010

Who really cares it was too long ago to worry about it now.


Posted 10:04 pm, 08/13/2010

I am thinking that Hall passed away a few years ago. I will do a little digging and see if I am right


Posted 9:47 pm, 08/13/2010

Well, it seems pretty certain that Hall was involved either directly or indirectly. But I am still puzzled over the daughter's role. If my spouse had been involved in the murder of my parents and brother, no matter how scared I was, I would eventually find a way to get the right info into the right hands and get his a@@ behind bars. I am leaning toward thinking both were involved.


Posted 9:39 pm, 08/13/2010

The guy that was murdered on Germantown Road was Silas Duncan. His girlfriend or ex wife, can't remember which it was,was murdered out the road that you turn to go to the spillway near the tractor place. She lived next door to my brother and his wife.

Mr. Ed

Posted 8:55 pm, 08/13/2010

Glad to see all the interest in this story. Just a few more details that I've remembered from some articles I read a long time ago: The family had apparently been having a late dinner when they were interrupted. There was leftover chicken on the table, with a large knife. I believe there were two plates of food, partially consumed, in the living room and maybe a glass of water, as well (not overturned in the "ransacking"). The food had been eaten by the Durhams, according to the coroner's report. (I first thought maybe the killers enjoyed a bite after the murders.) The Durham men were average to above average in size, and the boy had been a pretty good football player- I rented an apartment in Boone during college from a person that had been friends with him in high school. Mrs. Durham was 5'6"- not a small woman. I believe it would have taken at least 3 people to manage them. Try dragging an average-size man, dead weight, and putting him in the bathtub. As for Troy: I think he had someone else commit the crime, knew he had to go into the house and "find" them, was chicken to go alone, knew Ginny might freak, so he pulled a wire on his car and had to ask a neighbor to go with him. With his subsequent interest in justice and his success in law, he's not ever been interested in finding out who killed his ex wife's family??? Looks like that would surely be on his mind if he's innocent. And Ginny would have to suspect, if she was not involved at the time. Why has she never ratted him out? Fear, maybe, since these were very cold-hearted murders and Troy seems to have a propensity for getting rid of those that could be a threat to him. He is apparently extremely wealthy and influential now- what a "success" story: from a poor college student with murdered inlaws to a high-powered attorney with political connections. The higher they are, the farther they fall....


Posted 8:03 pm, 08/13/2010

Interesting case for sure.

So if this Hall is even the same guy he would have gone to Georgia completed college there and then three years of law school between 1972 and lets say 78 or 79 to give him time to get out and take/pass the exam. Divorce final from Ginny in 1976(Yadkin County) but we aren't sure they didn't separate long before that and maybe he moved off. It doesn't surprise me that a marriage would deteriorate between young people like that especially when something like this occurs to strain it.

Well Simple -- after all of this discussion I had forgotten about the car that wouldn't start with the ironic twist of her dad owning a lot. We know these folks had money and whoever did them in left money behind at the scene like robbery wasn't the motive -- BUT the eye could have been on a bigger prize.

By moving away the two made it very possible to go the rest of their lives without spilling the beans IF they even knew anything or were involved. Pure thinking out loud on my part without one bit of anything other than armchair Monday morning quarterbacking. Hmm - still thinking here!!


Posted 7:43 pm, 08/13/2010

I am thinking that was a Duncan guy, Silas Duncan who was murdered that lived on Germantown rd. Not sure though if it was late 80's or early 90's.


Posted 6:55 pm, 08/13/2010

well here's what i found out,

Justin Troy Hall is a attorney in Lawrenceville Ga.,don't know that he changed his name,maybe he went by his middle name back then ?,if it's even the same person?, He has been a member of the bar association in Ga. since 1979.,Graduated from a college in Ga.

Ginny and Steve Roger Mackie have had address from Yadkinville to Louisianna,to the latest in Everett Washington,where they bought a 600K house in '06.?

Ginny and Troy seem to be the most suspicious to me,Family living in a big house on the hill, and they're living in a trailer park and have a car that won't start?...and dad owns a car dealership?

Besides their alibies not making any sense and no way of confirming them?,

also the guy in the article didn't say who saw the durhams blazer leaving the house?,but knew what turns it made in detail?...guess the ole' guy should've went by notes instead of memory?

In another story were'nt there some Durhams that lived on Germantown Road Murdered during the 80's?,can't remember details right now?


Posted 6:36 pm, 08/13/2010

Sounds like a lot of evidence has been destroyed and this is one of those cases that could/will only be solved by someone spilling their guts. Anyone know who the 3 were that got arrested and released for lack of evidence?


Posted 5:39 pm, 08/13/2010

Speaking of unsolved crimes, have they ever found out anymore information or gotten any leads in the case of Jonesville Police officer, Greg Martin??

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