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Who is lying, Trump or the Mexican president?

Ole Sarge

Posted 9:01 am, 09/01/2016

He needs to go to Hillary's School of Business. He can learn how to do land deals, cattle futures, private foundations and government leeching.


Posted 8:50 am, 09/01/2016

Yes lets look at what Trump has accomplished. Scamming people multiple bankruptcy's he took his fathers hard built business and drove it into the ground. He started an Airline and drove it into the ground hes destroyed every business he's touched.

What Trump is good at is self promotion making idiots think hes awesome and one has to give him credit for this.

He reminds me of a TV faith healer years ago he would pull people in and seemed to know all about these people he never met before. And then it was exposed that his wife was giving him all the details over a radio hidden in his ear.

Now you would think being exposed as a failure would make people think twice before sending this guy any money but no sadly today hes still at the faith healing game and people still send him money.

The only successful thing Trump has had the only thing that keeps him out of the poor house is Licensing his name out to other people. He's not had a single successful business venture of his own.

this n that

Posted 8:36 am, 09/01/2016

I disagree pixel. Trump will be a better pres than we've had since Regan. And in four yrs. you'll be anxious to give him your vote to reelect him.

Never underestimate a man with Trump's ability to get things done, the know how to do it, and the self confidence to carry it through.

I'll remind you of Gen. Flynn said of Trump when he was interviewed for VP. "I came away from that meeting without a doubt, that this man could accomplish anything he set his mind to."

This is the same kind things his classmates said of him when he was in his 20's.
And take a look at what he had accomplished when he was only 27 yrs. old.


Posted 8:24 am, 09/01/2016

And by the way I disagree with a lot of things Gary Johnson puts forward but if he was a viable candidate I would pick him over Hillary any day. But hes not because some idiots decide it should be Trump v Hillary.


Posted 8:22 am, 09/01/2016

The sad part is we're screwed either way. Truth.


Posted 8:21 am, 09/01/2016

I see lots of problems with Hillary and did not vote for her in the primary. But when left with the option of her or Trump I'm going with her.

this n that

Posted 8:21 am, 09/01/2016

The mex pres is lying. When they were standing together, he didn't speak up when Trump said, "we never discussed it". That was his change to correct the record. He didn't.

Then after Trump was gone, the mex pres, to save a little of what face he had left, had to say something. So, he lied.

But you have to be smarter than a liberal to figure out the obvious.

Trump will be president.
Hillary made a speech yesterday to a half empty room, and no one is talking about it.

Ole Sarge

Posted 8:19 am, 09/01/2016

I don't guess you see much problem with Hillary?


Posted 8:09 am, 09/01/2016

You know what never fails to amaze me about the lying themes around election time? Its delivered like the other side is the most honest in the world. Long after any truly honest figures are basically out of the race.

Donald Trump for example is basically a con artist that takes a great deal of lying. Hes been doing it for decades scamming people is basically the only way hes made money because he sucks at everything else. And yet here we are.

Holy Ghost

Posted 8:00 am, 09/01/2016

Trick Question, We All Know the Answer is Hillary - The Proven Liar!

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 7:35 am, 09/01/2016

Telling someone you won't do something is not a "discussion ". Please pay attention.


Posted 7:30 am, 09/01/2016

I heard somebody say that a million people cross that border everyday. I'd just set up a toll as the mexicans cross into the country. $1.00-$2.00 a time per person would pay for it in no time. If your a Mexican company hauling Mexican made goods by truck you'd pay a little more.

george h w b

Posted 6:43 am, 09/01/2016

Who is lying, Billary, or the parents of the Bengazi individuals that were killed? To be an effin politician, lying is a prequisite and Billary and the ahole in the Black House have it down pat.


Posted 10:06 pm, 08/31/2016

Uh huh......where's them Trumpers at ??


Posted 9:31 pm, 08/31/2016

Trump said they never discussed who will pay for the wall and the President said he told Trump mexico will not pay for the wall. Some one is lying.

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