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Who can save the GOP from Fuehrer Trump?


Posted 1:06 pm, 12/03/2015


Posted 3:07 pm, 11/26/2015

Could Miss Crazy beat him? Or is she still hoping to.be his running mate?


Posted 11:54 am, 11/26/2015

theres no saving the gop there never has been


Posted 11:52 am, 11/26/2015

You Commie Dems have no room to talk about Trump. Look what you have to offer. A long in the tooth political wh*re and an ancient curmudgeon Socialist. Both should be in the grave not on the political stage. And this after eight years of delusional monkey poo from a Muslim TRAITOR dictator wannabe. You would all be laughable if you weren't so nauseating.


Posted 11:23 am, 11/26/2015

Trump has my vote. I'll be thankful to see the Muslim terrorists imam Insane Hussein Obama has let invade the country be expelled, our borders sealed from illegal, foreign squatters, and the loud mouthed, crying, trouble making, blacks finally told to sit down and shut up.


Posted 11:11 am, 11/26/2015

A better question would be, who can save Killery Clinton from herself? If she isn't indicted for her secret server and putting the entire country at risk I will know there is nothing to the words, "no one is above the law." Everyone already knows those words aren't true because apparently black Muslims are above the law. The one currently in the WH should have been hanged for treason six years ago. Or, here is a better question. What is the next phase of the Demonrats grand plan to destroy America from within?


Posted 10:02 am, 11/26/2015

You're welcome. We know you need your Hitler fix today.


Posted 10:00 am, 11/26/2015

Looks like the H I T L E R spam drones have been energized with impunity this morning? Cute.


Posted 10:00 am, 11/26/2015


Posted 9:57 am, 11/26/2015

The Obama reign should scare all Americans, to think that it would be repeated under Lying Hillary ! Lets work Together to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ! No more weak America ! TRUMP-CRUZ 2016


Posted 9:57 am, 11/26/2015

Do you think if Miss Crazy hadn't quit as Governor, she would have any political viability today?


Posted 9:54 am, 11/26/2015

No, Mittens is as shallow & as elitist as Rump; Snoot won't do it, either: Past ethics violations, remember? Also, No to Caribou Barbie, for quitting her job as Alaska's Governor too early.


Posted 9:52 am, 11/26/2015


Posted 9:51 am, 11/26/2015

Why do liberals not want to Make America Great Again ??? Lying Hillary would just be an extention of the weak anti-American reign of Obama , WE CAN GET OUR COUNTRY PROSPERING AGAIN with a Good economic Leader ! TRUMP-CRUZ


Posted 9:47 am, 11/26/2015

george h w b

Posted 9:43 am, 11/26/2015

You right wing liberal socialist just can't stand if someone is about to end your free reign and destruction of this once great country.


Posted 8:26 am, 11/26/2015

Can Mitt Romney jump in to save the party from Fascism? Newt Gingrich ? How about Miss Crazy? Has she officially retired to Alaska? Who can stop the big bad Fascist?

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