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Where did Cain find his wife?


Posted 4:43 pm, 03/06/2015

Yes, they do have a website, it's: 666markofthebeast.web


Posted 4:34 pm, 03/06/2015

Hepsibah do they have a web site?


Posted 4:08 pm, 03/06/2015

Cain found his wife at concubines-r-us.


Posted 4:04 pm, 03/06/2015

The same Bible has been around many years but people haven't been reading writing they relied on the Truthfulness of The Pulpit. The Pulpit is bases on religious Traditions not BIBLICAL TRUTH.


Posted 3:50 pm, 03/06/2015

You might try the lost books of the Bible or the Forgotten Books of Eden. Believe they were taken away from the original as they did not 'fit in' with the politics at the time.


Posted 2:39 pm, 03/06/2015

Aw...I was gonna say match.com. Dang it.

By the way, did the original question ever get answered? I tried reading through some of this, but I left my decoder ring in my other pants.


Posted 1:16 pm, 03/06/2015

Down at the local tavern while drinking a beer.


Posted 12:43 pm, 03/06/2015

Matthew, Mark , Luke and John are THE GOOD NEWS of prophecy the coming SAVIOR . He will tell what you must DO . The Good News of Jesus is what is important. Have Faith in Jesus The Gospels of Matthew Mark Luke and John is The Good News LIFE after death of flesh body. Jesus Christ is Offering ETERNAL LIFE if you Follow Him. Jesus is The Master . What Jesus says is Law.
But you still haven't answered the question. Where did Cain get his wife?


Posted 11:50 am, 03/06/2015

There's a lot of books that weren't even put in. Be interesting to read them.


Posted 10:33 am, 03/06/2015

Your SALVATION relies on Truth. That is The Promised Savior is Born he will tell whst we must DO. Wow look at the Promise Eternal Life . How by his Words. Pauls letters are being used as a stumbling block. Paul can't Save you. YOUR RELIGION can't Save you. is Jesus divided seems Paul had the same problem. 1 Corinthians chapter 1 10-31 Maybe if you hear from Peter on Pauls letters. 2 Peter. 3 : 14 - 18


Posted 9:13 am, 03/06/2015

. If you take Paul said out

See, that's the problem. You want to "take out" part of the scripture.


Posted 9:05 am, 03/06/2015

You got to realize christian religion is The anti-christ I read from the same Bible as most of y'all do. If you take Paul said out and the traditions of religion , what do you have left BUT The Good News Jesus The Christ Savior THE PROMISE One. All knees will Bow before The King.

george h w b

Posted 8:45 am, 03/06/2015

Where did Cain find his wife? Probably having sex with the gardener.


Posted 8:09 am, 03/06/2015

michael..jesus loves you...

everybody else thinks you're a nutjob


Posted 7:50 am, 03/06/2015

once you sin,against God you become like the rest. Blind leading the Blind.Adam sinned his eyes were now able to know good and Evil. Jesus was sinnless Satan had NO Authority over Jesus. He Killed death and gives LIFE TO those that Follow Him. Get to know The Real Christ Read The Old it speaks of Him. Read how Jesus heals the sick raises the dead giving new life to the blind and crippled . Can your christian religion DO That? I found him or he found me either way He's mine and I'm His FAITH Jesus is The Promise Savior No Excuses. He is LIFE.


Posted 7:33 am, 03/06/2015



Posted 6:54 am, 03/06/2015

Cain got his wife from 6 day creation e.God gave you a heart use it. Love Him.


Posted 9:51 pm, 03/05/2015

verse 27 chapter 4 and Cain knew his wife , and she conceived and bare Enoch and he builded a city and called the city Enoch. verse ,22 of chapter 3 tells who Cain married.


Posted 9:21 pm, 03/05/2015

With out people it would be a ghost town it would not be a.city


Posted 9:16 pm, 03/05/2015

jannie if you care to read chapter 4 :16 17 as you see he Csin built himself a city snd named it Enoch.

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