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What today's Democrats believe and support, lest we forget

Crooked Hillary

Posted 10:56 am, 11/07/2016

Remember Obama! Passed in the middle of the night by a Democrat controlled Congress, that was destroyed by voters the very next election.

"We have to pass it, to see what's in it"


Posted 7:47 am, 11/07/2016

It's November, let's remember!

Crooked Hillary

Posted 7:01 am, 11/07/2016

Remember this always. Vote against every Democrat that you can find on November 8th.

Crooked Hillary

Posted 1:09 pm, 11/03/2016

Why do tards want to turn America into a third world toilet?

Crooked Hillary

Posted 5:16 pm, 11/02/2016

Liars and cheaters. Remember in November!

Crooked Hillary

Posted 9:48 am, 11/01/2016

The Democrats and mainstream media are so corrupt that it is hardly newsworthy that Hillary CHEATED in two primary debates with Bernie Sanders.

Crooked Hillary

Posted 11:17 pm, 10/29/2016

Lest we forget!

Crooked Hillary

Posted 8:27 pm, 10/27/2016

Vandals Destroy Bell at Veterans Memorial in Idaho


Crooked Hillary

Posted 9:02 am, 10/27/2016

Today's Democrats believe in violence and vandalism against those who do not agree with them. Incidents are increasing all across the country.

Donald Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed by vandal
The star will cost thousands of dollars to repair after a vandal destroyed it, leaving a trail of broken pieces on the sidewalk Wednesday morning. James Lambert Otis, a 53-year-old West Hollywood resident, later admitted to vandalizing the star.



Posted 8:52 pm, 10/26/2016

They are hideous creatures that despise America.


Posted 3:24 pm, 10/26/2016

Democrats believe what they are told to believe!

Crooked Hillary

Posted 3:12 pm, 10/26/2016

Remember in November!


Posted 9:58 am, 10/26/2016

Hereditary democrats and other stupid beings.

Crooked Hillary

Posted 9:33 am, 10/26/2016

I think it's worse than a mental disorder. Why vote for a corruption riddled political party that has already doubled the national debt and destroyed the nation's healthcare system? What sort of idiots do this?


Posted 5:59 pm, 10/25/2016

"Liberalism is a Mental Disorder!" - Ann Coulter

Argue about who said that, jeenyus. You's wasist, muddapukka. What a sad bunch of delusional Dhimmi derelicts.


Posted 5:40 pm, 10/25/2016

TNAR, you are spot on. Never in our history has God seen fit to lay so obviously bare all the dark, dirty, demonic, secrets of so many for public perusal. Hillary and 0bama armed and funded Al Qaeda, had them destroy Libya, murdering Quadaffi, along with 30,000 African Muslim blacks simply for being black. (Not racist?) Then change their name to ISIS or ISIL and continued to arm and fund world wide terror. Now they are wanting 'Unlimited War Power' from Congress to 'fight' terror any where in the world. This would mean 0bama, or Hillary, could declare war on the United States itself, declare martial law at the next terror attack on our soil, bring in UN armies, and start the FEMA 're-education' camps we have all heard about.

These derelicts can say what they want but Alex Jones has a 15 year track record of accuracy and credibility. Everything he bases his predictions as to what the left says and does is on public record, on the internet, if these sloths weren't so sluggish to do some research. The same goes for Julian Assange and Wikkileaks. 10 years substantiated track record of 100% accuracy. They are utterly stark raving mad to even think they can fight truth with blatantly disprovable lies.

God is judging us right now, whether you realize it, believe it, or not. Every one of us are going to give an account to Him for the choices we make this election. He couldn't have made the choice any clearer to the entire world. I would tell them Hillary has a brain tumor, (a fitting demise of the throne of her demon in my opinion, but I digress), and if she is President , when she gets the diagnosis it is terminal, she is so selfish, narcissistic, conceded, power mad, insane, demonic, loveless, hateful, despicable, demented, and all around spiritually and morally bankrupt, when she gets her prognosis she will launch all of our nuclear weapons because she cannot stand the thought of leaving the world for someone else. You choose on which side you stand TODAY! Most in Washington at present have proven themselves over and over to be nothing but lying devils of theft and murder. You go mark the ballot, pull the lever, or tap the screen. I'm warning ALL of you, it is your choice, if you vote for the "Left-Hand Path" you are taking the Mark of the Beast, not only in your right hand, (Biblical symbol of power), AS WELL AS in the Forehead by taking their ideals as your own. You WILL be held accountable by Jesus Christ Himself.

The night I heard 0bama had won I became physically ill at the thought of the destruction, misery and shame he would bring to our blessed, beautiful, and proud, country. He has not surprised me once in his entire term, the lengths he would go, no lie he wouldn't tell, no one he wouldn't murder either in reputation or physically, to undermine, oppress, and embarrass the American people.


Posted 4:47 pm, 10/25/2016

These Hubbard Trolls are logging in under different accounts, (handles)! I recognize the grammar and prose of several are the same. They must be trying to punch their numbers up. Everytime a new Conservative comes on here, two or three new "Hubbard Hooligans" pile on in addition to the 'regulars. Sad. Even in something as trivial as a tiny, small town, backwoods, never to be seen by more than a few, the left have to cheat. They are laughable even when being obnoxious and annoying as spoiled, prepubescent brats.


Posted 4:08 pm, 10/25/2016

So tell us, hangs, why does the truth anger you so much?


Posted 2:21 pm, 10/25/2016

I know their is NO link to Teddy for that particular quote. It has made the rounds for years and never once been proven to be the case.

Now Conny, try to contribute to the discussion or move along.

Abraham Drinkin

Posted 2:05 pm, 10/25/2016

"First, it does matter because your comment is citing Teddy and given credit. So that is false.

The thing with Right wing nuts, is that wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on the arse."

I didn't make the comment citing Teddy.

The thing with Left Wing nuts, is they don't read.

And yes the comment is true no matter who said it, you just proved that.

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