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What separates being sinner and being a Christian?


Posted 2:27 pm, 07/19/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 1:09 pm, 07/19/2019

1047 yes I enforce the words of Jesus in my body.

And of course some of them just spill out of your mouth


Posted 2:00 pm, 07/19/2019

Woe to the Self-Satisfied
24 But woe to you who are rich,

for you have received your comfort.

25 Woe to you who are now full,

for you will be hungry.

Woe to you"� who are now laughing,

for you will mourn and weep.

26 Woe to you"�

when all people speak well of you,

for this is the way their ancestors

used to treat the false prophets


Posted 1:09 pm, 07/19/2019

1047 yes I enforce the words of Jesus in my body. I tell you of Jesus and HIS WAYS. YOU SEE KNOWING what sin is I can combat it. I can fight it and WIN THROUGH JESUS. I could care less what people think good or bad of me. I know Jesus and Jesus knows me. What more do I need. Jesus supplies my every need. The Father gives to me the thing I need on His Time through Jesus. I'm not hungry I'm not homeless all because I ask. Now I didn't say I've not been hungry or homeless that was when I was a Christian a sinner. I've got what God has given me THROUGH JESUS and that's ENOUGH for me.
I WORK for God. I went to the Son. John 8:31-51


Posted 12:52 pm, 07/19/2019

You have said many times that Jesus did not give authority to any man to do anything, now here you are taking it on yourself to try to enforce laws on God's people.


Posted 10:40 am, 07/19/2019

You are the laughing stock of GW, Did you get a badge and gun??


Posted 10:37 am, 07/19/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 10:01 am, 07/19/2019

1047.. Speaking the truth is not breaking the Commandments but I enforce them because JESUS ENFORCED THEM.

So you are a law enforcer, you are saying that God called you into law enforcement, even though you don't keep the law yourself. Do you know what happens to fake cops, they are arrested for impersonating an officer, because that too is breaking the law.


Posted 10:24 am, 07/19/2019

If you DON'T have Jesus in your heart you will do as man teaches NOT what Jesus taught. Jesus taught the 10 Commandments and. For from within, out of THE HEART of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.


Posted 10:01 am, 07/19/2019

1047.. Speaking the truth is not breaking the Commandments but I enforce them because JESUS ENFORCED THEM. You remind me of the Selfrightous Jews. You can say I don't keep the Commandments but that is a lie. Just like a Christian keep TRADITIONS of man condemning the Commandments. The Commandments are God words that allow people to know him. Jesus brought to the world a way of life. One of love compassion and the only way to achieve it is by FAITH IN JESUS.
John 8:31-51


Posted 9:41 am, 07/19/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 9:25 am, 07/19/2019

1047 I ask you why don't you follow the teaching of Jesus If you believe in him? I will answer for you; You are a Satan worshipper A HYPOCRITE FOLLOWING Mans Traditions. You accuse me of Not doing as Jesus taught. Wow.. Jesus taught the Ten Commandments and to love others. To have compassion on those that are in need.

Why don't you keep the commandments that Jesus told you to keep?? You say you keep them, then break all of them by breaking what Jesus said was all of them put together, To love the Lord God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. And the Second, To love your fellow man as much as your love yourself . You can not love God and Hate your fellow man at the same time.

When you condemn me you are condemning God,
So again Why don't you keep the commandments like you try to claim??


Posted 9:25 am, 07/19/2019

1047 I ask you why don't you follow the teaching of Jesus If you believe in him? I will answer for you; You are a Satan worshipper A HYPOCRITE FOLLOWING Mans Traditions. You accuse me of Not doing as Jesus taught. Wow.. Jesus taught the Ten Commandments and to love others. To have compassion on those that are in need. Jesus didn't turn a blind eye to people. He give from the heart . When they came to him. He was there. Why do Christians close the churches they claim to be for christ? They're not of God but Satan. Jesus don't make churches. Jesus creates his people to carry on his work. Communities he made. If you don't have Jesus in you you Will Not do as He says because of Greed. Remember the rich man. Greed kept him from going to Jesus. 1047 people are called to go to Jesus by the Father. Who puts TEMPTATIONS in your heart to go to to other teaching? When Satan tempts that is the time to go to Jesus. Remember you have the power of Jesus to resist all temptations if you care to. You see Jesus don't make you commit to him. You do it voluntary. You got to surrender to him. You got to give all of you your Mind body and Soul. Jesus will judge you be your Works you do. If it's good or evil. I'm a real person trusting in Jesus. I follow Jesus because the Father took me to Jesus. Now I Am Saved by His Words. How? By Commitment By Obedience By FAITH. John 8:31-51


Posted 10:04 pm, 07/18/2019

How can you believe Jesus WORDS and follow the mhjsr religion??


Posted 10:02 pm, 07/18/2019

As it stands now you believe very few of Jesus WORDS. About 90% of his WORDS you do not believe.

The other 10 % you have changed to try to make them say something other than what Jesus said, so you really do not believe any of his WORDS.


Posted 9:57 pm, 07/18/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 9:31 pm, 07/18/2019

1047 Read this That WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM should not perish, but HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.

Why don't you have life if you believe on him, Oh that's right you believe that he told you to save yourself, if you succeed then you can have life.

Why did Jesus tell Nicodemus that as the serpent was hung on pole so shall the Son of man be hung on a pole??


Posted 9:31 pm, 07/18/2019

1047 Read this That WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM should not perish, but HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.

You should stay on subject. How can you BELIEVE in Jesus and follow the traditions of the Catholics ?


Posted 8:38 pm, 07/18/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 8:19 pm, 07/18/2019

1047. How can a Christian be Saved when they don't obey the WORDS of Jesus?

John 3:


Posted 8:19 pm, 07/18/2019

1047. How can a Christian be Saved when they don't obey the WORDS of Jesus? Jesus Saves those that are COMMITTED to him Not Christian Religion. The wages of sin is death but eternal Life comes through the words of Christ. John 8:51


Posted 6:39 pm, 07/18/2019

The Holy Spirit, A Christian's soul has been saved, the fresh is not saved and will be left behind when we leave.

Jesus said they that are Born Again are like the wind, you can't see it, but you know it is there. That is the Holy Spirit living in the Christian. That is why you can't do anything about the Christian, you can only cry and make a fuss, all in vain.


Posted 6:10 pm, 07/18/2019

Sinners do as they please even if they know that Jesus is eternal life.
Christians follow the teaching and traditions of the Catholic religion and doing as they please even knowing Jesus is the Savior.
Nobody can make you a sinner but yourself.
Nobody can make you a Christian except for yourself.
Jesus can Save you by His Words. Faith
Will the Christian open their eyes and REPENT? Will the sinner open his eye and REPENT? Who will receive the the gift of life through truth? John 8:31-51

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