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What if your daughter brought a [black guy] home?


Posted 11:53 am, 07/22/2014

We all bleed the same, if I'm not mistaken , the heart of a black person looks the same as the heart of a white person.

Black people were brought here as slaves, the people who owned them , for the most part treated them like animals or worse. They made up all kinds of lies to themselves and others to justify their inhuman actions. In some cases, the ignorant didn't know any better. In this day and age, only the ignorant still believe the lies, some people who know better, still prefer to tell themselves it's fine to look down on those who aren't of their so- called superior race.


Posted 11:35 am, 07/22/2014

I know this is shocking to many who were born and raised in these parts...but I fail to see how the color of someone's skin matters any more than the color of their eyes or hair. I don't get it, and I guess that's a good thing.


Posted 11:34 am, 07/22/2014

I'd rather my kid bring home a decent person of any color than to bring home white trash or a ****. When I use the N word, it pretty much means black trash. So if you hear me call you white trash, then you know you rank right with an N. Decent white folks are "white folks", decent black folks are "black folks". That's pretty much how I was taught, and is my belief, and that's what I teach the kids. Each race has their respectable members and their degenerates. You skin doesn't classify you in my book, your actions do.


Posted 11:31 am, 07/22/2014

What a stupid thread. The OP probably has no problem with cousins being in a relationship but not interracial.


Posted 11:25 am, 07/22/2014

racing18, surely you don't mean that! You would throw your daughter away over that??


Posted 11:24 am, 07/22/2014

fruitcakelady (view profile)

Posted 7:23 am, 07/22/2014

I would tan her hide. Kids these days are allowed to rule the parents and the parents just sit back and let the girls run wild. Then they end up pregnant and living on government handouts.

Yeah, Then DSS is at your door for trying to make your children mind. You can't win for losing anymore.


Posted 11:17 am, 07/22/2014

What many people fail to grasp is that you can be respectful of all races but still disapprove of interracial marriage.


Posted 10:30 am, 07/22/2014


Posted 10:28 am, 07/22/2014

I watched "A Patch of Blue" the other day , a great movie, it's a pity some haven't evolved from the racial hatred of the 50's.


Posted 10:25 am, 07/22/2014

I would give him the same benefits as any other race she may bring home. As long as he treats her well and is a decent human being would be what matters to myself. Really some of you...wouldn't you rather have your daughter treated well by someone of a different race than mistreated by someone of your own race? Oh and by the way I am not implying that it is only white men who mistreat women it is just that I know of a case where a young woman was seeing a guy who was originally from Cuba. He treated her well and was a pretty good kid but her father would have none of it so she broke it off and ended with this jacka** of a white man who she finally left after 5 years of abuse.

to be or not to be

Posted 9:57 am, 07/22/2014

when I was a kid in my house we weren't allowed to even mention dating until we were 16-17

I mean if parents gave the kids rules and made them abide by them then things might be different

but if a child of mine who was late teens (say 16-18) was dating someone I would make sure that the person

was: 1) respectful of my child and of his/ herself; 2) had some sort of job. (legal job) 3) had/ was getting an



Posted 9:55 am, 07/22/2014

As a mom, I have about a million concerns when one of my daughters brings a boy home. The color of his skin doesn't even make the list.


Posted 9:49 am, 07/22/2014

she would never be welcome back at my house again!


Posted 8:03 am, 07/22/2014

Reparations man.


Posted 7:23 am, 07/22/2014

I would tan her hide. Kids these days are allowed to rule the parents and the parents just sit back and let the girls run wild. Then they end up pregnant and living on government handouts.


Posted 5:58 am, 07/22/2014

What would you do if your dog brought a "Moochie" home?

to be or not to be

Posted 11:56 pm, 07/21/2014

Honestly race isn't an issue for me.

The super young age is a major issue.

Race or for that matter gender doesn't matter to me as long as the person is respectful.

Having respect for his/herself and for others goes a long way.


Posted 11:55 pm, 07/21/2014

I would welcome him and tell him take whatever you want from my sweet little 14 year old girl because us white people have taken everything from your people.


Posted 11:54 pm, 07/21/2014

Anyone with rain should be able to use this one

#print screen



Posted 11:51 pm, 07/21/2014

Note from GoWilkes: this post was removed for vulgarity.

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