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What happened on 421? Cops everywhere

Joseph T.

Posted 6:25 pm, 01/21/2019

What this I here about him going the wrong way is this true?

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 6:20 pm, 01/21/2019

Countryboy538 (view profile)
Posted 5:36 pm, 01/21/2019
It's not going to matter to you if I did tell you what witnesses seen. Ray Charles could read that!

I can tell you what one witness saw. She said she was traveling in the right lane. The guy on the bike, passed her to her right. Law enforcement, then, passed her in the left lane.

She was almost killed in a wreck a couple of years ago. She was terrified when this chase came up on her and had she panicked, she may be in the ground, as well, now.

Countryboy, ya'll just need to own it and you need to leave it alone.


Posted 6:13 pm, 01/21/2019

Why would Jason need to delete this thread?

Joseph T.

Posted 6:11 pm, 01/21/2019

Yeah I am a lot different like most people I try not to break the law but if I do speed and get caught I pull over and take what I deserve instead of running and making things worst. But please keep on with how its everyone else fault that your cousin broke the law and got himself killed. If you have proof other wise than post it but I suspect your further evidence will turn out to be nothing but at least you can't claim you weren't given the chance to post it just like your cousin was given the chance to pull over and stop but chose not to.


Posted 6:05 pm, 01/21/2019

If it were me I would just message Jason & ask him if he would remove this thread .He's good about things like that .What's done is done he has a Family & a Mother & the loss of a Child is hard enough with out all this to add on .Leave it be & let the Family heal


Posted 5:50 pm, 01/21/2019

With an attitude like that you don't need further evidence. I've read the threads and one person pretty much summed it up already. You're gonna talk how you wanna talk because anyone you deem lower than you is a pos you say. That's why you're no different than the people you talk about. Good day!

Joseph T.

Posted 5:45 pm, 01/21/2019

So all these post you made and not once have you said what happen that tells me you don't know and you just want to blame other people for your cousins bad acts. Many people on here will tell I am one of the first to call out cops and have called them Jack booted thugs many times. I am definitely not thin blue line type of person but that doesn't change the facts which was your cousin could have prevented all this.


Posted 5:36 pm, 01/21/2019

It's not going to matter to you if I did tell you what witnesses seen. Ray Charles could read that!

Joseph T.

Posted 5:27 pm, 01/21/2019

Just how did they wreck him? And I just tell it the way I see it I have some of my own family that are POS and I have told them as well.

Like I and others have said many times before there is no one to blame but your cousin himself since all he had to do was Stop and none of this would have happen.


Posted 5:21 pm, 01/21/2019

That's the whole entire reason they wrecked him because he was stopping, which you would've known had you gotten more than your own half whit interpretation. You just keep acting all high and mighty and I'll just let you be cuz I can see you're just as inconsiderate as the people you run your mouth about.

Joseph T.

Posted 5:12 pm, 01/21/2019

So now its the cops fault that your law braking cousin got killed you people are something else. ALL HE HAD TO DO WAS STOP THATS IT STOP AND HE WOULD STILL BE A LIVE TODAY. Its not anyone else's fault but his period.


Posted 5:04 pm, 01/21/2019

Even though he is my cousin, I'm not justifying his actions. If you would pull your head out and read a little deeper into what I said, I simply just mean your no better by putting him down. We all have screwed up and made bad choices. There was wrong on both ends and the cops didn't have to wreck him. You don't know the whole story and I'd just appreciate it if you would leave it be. It is what it is, now let it go!

Joseph T.

Posted 4:55 pm, 01/21/2019

I don't claim to be but I have never run from the law doing 130 mph and put other people in danger. You need to stop making excuse's for this guy and admit that he broke the law by speeding and running from the cops and put people in danger. Had he just stop he would still be alive today but he chose to go for broke and broke is what he got and deserved


Posted 4:42 pm, 01/21/2019

Like I said, you're not perfect either pal.

Joseph T.

Posted 4:09 pm, 01/21/2019

421 is not an Autobahn and fast lane or not the limit on that section is 55 the last time I was through there.


Posted 3:40 pm, 01/21/2019

Running 140 mph on the Autobahn and a truck blows by you makes you sit up and take notice.Dont be driving in the Fastlane.


Posted 3:36 pm, 01/21/2019

My point is you don't have to be running from the law to wreck and kill someone.


Posted 3:28 pm, 01/21/2019

Tilly22 I’m sure we all are guilty of that but here is the kicker when the blue lights are flashing you pull over and take the ticket. His choice to run which sealed his fate.


Posted 3:18 pm, 01/21/2019

How many posters on here have never went faster than the posted speed limit?

Joseph T.

Posted 1:55 pm, 01/21/2019

Countryboy538 (view profile)

Posted 12:12 pm, 01/21/2019

Would yall want someone to talk about you like this after your death? None of you are perfect, neither are you any better than him by talking about him like you do. You don't even know the whole story or you wouldn't make the comments that you have.

I would be dead what do I care what people would think. And to your last part What more do we need to know other than he was speeding, running from the law and putting people in danger. He played the S.t.u.p.i.d. game and won his prize thankfully he didn't hurt anyone else in the process. I think the State should sue his estate and take anything he owned and sell it to pay for the cost of his actions.

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