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What do you really think about me running for Wilkes county commissioner?


Posted 9:43 am, 12/03/2019

So no taxes and still have a working government and infrastructure. Sounds perfectly logical.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 9:18 am, 12/03/2019

Wow, did "H" just freeze over? Anti agrees with me.

For Hangs:


Posted 9:13 am, 12/03/2019

Also sales taxes hurt the poor more than the rich so not a good idea at all.

I strongly agree with HIAM on this, and I'm shocked that 1048 would suggest such a thing.

Assume someone makes $100,000 a year, and buys $1,000 each month in necessities. He pays an 8% sales tax, which comes to $80. That's 0.96% of his income.

Now take someone that makes $30,000 a year. They also have to buy $1,000 each month in necessities, but that $80 for him is 3.2% of his income.

Take that senior citizen that 1048 was talking about before, that gets $10,000 in social security and doesn't own a home. She currently doesn't pay local property tax, but with 1048's suggestion she would pay $80 each month in tax. A major increase.

Now take someone like the late JC Faw, who paid something like $1 million a year in property tax. He would have saved $999,040 a year.

Saving the rich money while shifting the burden to the poor does NOT seem like a well considered plan.


Posted 9:11 am, 12/03/2019

LOL you simpleton. Bless your heart.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 9:08 am, 12/03/2019

Poor people spend a larger percentage of their income (sometimes all of it) on items with sales tax added than rich people so an increase in the sales tax rate effects the poor more. Rich people have more money than they need to live on and therefore use the money on investments and savings that do not have a sales tax added.

Understand or do I need to explain to you what "percentage" means?


Posted 9:01 am, 12/03/2019

Sales tax is actually less hurtful for the poor as it is based on the cost of the item.

You cheap "a" car costs the same to have it inspected as a nice car, but your taxes will be much less because your car is worth less.

The less you spend the less taxes you pay. You see how that works.


Posted 8:58 am, 12/03/2019

1048 you Must be a demoncrate always thinking taxing is the way to fix everything. Not to bright.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 8:58 am, 12/03/2019

There is a huge difference between operating on less money and as you stated "wants something for nothing".

I guess you think there is no waste in government.

Also I noticed you ignored the second half of my statement that a sales tax hurts the poor. Obviously you are all talk when it comes to helping the poor.


Posted 8:41 am, 12/03/2019

I will never vote for anyone that proposes new taxes. We have enough taxes now. Propose tax cuts and I would consider voting for you.

Also sales taxes hurt the poor more than the rich so not a good idea at all.


You want tax cuts. So you want teachers, schools, police, roads, fire departments, etc to run on less money. Doesn't sound like a problem at all.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 8:37 am, 12/03/2019


Where did I say that? You're just not very bright, are you?


Posted 8:31 am, 12/03/2019

HIAM wants something for nothing.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 8:23 am, 12/03/2019

1048andonehalf (view profile)

Posted 3:12 am, 12/03/2019

If the county added 3 cents per dollar to sell tax, that would make up for our county budget+. Assuming every citizen in Wilkes spent $5K a year @ 10% sales tax. We would not need a property tax.

I will never vote for anyone that proposes new taxes. We have enough taxes now. Propose tax cuts and I would consider voting for you.

Also sales taxes hurt the poor more than the rich so not a good idea at all.


Posted 4:13 am, 12/03/2019

I have spent about 4 hours studying the county budget tonight and I think I could find lots of ways to save money. Take this,the county is looking for places to have satellite Ambulance. They are talking about buying property. However, the county already has firehouses there. Place the ambulances in the firehouses. They may have to add on but it would be cheaper then buying land and building a new buildings.


Posted 3:12 am, 12/03/2019

If the county added 3 cents per dollar to sell tax, that would make up for our county budget+. Assuming every citizen in Wilkes spent $5K a year @ 10% sales tax. We would not need a property tax.


Posted 12:42 am, 12/03/2019


Posted 11:28 pm, 12/02/2019

Tired of the same ol good ol boy system blocking our every move ? Well it's time we make Wilkes great again!!!
It's time we drain the swamp of corruption and rid our county of the Good boy system that has been dragging us down for 60 years. Vote springy county commissioner, cleaning up this county one good ol boy at a time.


Posted 11:16 pm, 12/02/2019

It may be fall but be a step ahead it's time for a new makeover in Wilkes with an early spring cleaning .....springy for county commissioner and I approve of this message!!! Vote for springy county commissioner.

[email protected]

Posted 10:16 pm, 12/02/2019

Oh i want you to run.


Posted 9:22 pm, 12/02/2019

This is getting interesting. I am getting messages on fake book telling me they are republicans but they would vote for me even if I was a **** democrat. LOL


Posted 9:03 pm, 12/02/2019

If you file as a dem you probably wont even have a opponent in the primary.

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