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What can we do to make our country better?


Posted 7:51 am, 10/16/2012

i agree something needs to be done about healthcare, cost of insurance, cost of services etc. but what exactly i don't know. cutting the fraud out of healthcare would save a lot of money. so would cutting fraud in almost every aspect of life. not just healthcare but the corporate fraud,financial fraud(which could be together). now that's really pushing it.


Posted 9:47 pm, 10/15/2012

I think people that are disabled due to a chronic heath condition should be able to work and be able to get insurance, with out having to pay 6 times the cost of what it would for someone with out health conditions, even if it means getting government funded health care. such as medicaid...


Posted 1:10 pm, 10/15/2012

So that settles it? no one else has anymore Ideas?


Posted 3:13 pm, 10/04/2012

On the federal level match expenses with revenue after cutting taxes and creating a flat tax:

15%- $16,120= $2418.00= $13,702.00

15%- $35,000= $5,250.00=$29,750.00

15%- $60,000=$9.000.00=$51,000.00

15% $200,000= $30,000.00=$170,000


Who�s the biggest looser ?

Cut expenses (for starters):

Where would you like to cut expenses, I am all for that..

Department of Education (should be state controlled) :

States wasn�t doing too good of a job at that, education levels should be the same from NC, to CA

Department of Energy (lost their purpose):

Corporate Greed is the big issue with DOE , the last salary up there, was the salary of the CEO of Duke Energy in 2010, I think that�s the correct year

EPA (agency is way too big):

So corporations, can pollute the land, air, and water that we need?

ObamaCare (obviously a BIG and costly mistake):

Health Care should not be available to ones that cannot afford it? maybe not the best, but should we not work on it together, not draw a line in the dirt and yell back and forth�

Get rid of tax loopholes:

AGREE 200%

Get rid of federal support for public TV (sorry Big Bird I agree with Mitt)

Quality educational programming, during summer times kids should not be exposed to things on these channels, some folks don�t have cable or satellite service to get educational shows.

Amend the constitution to prohibit government ownership of any Corporations such as GM, Amtrack, etc.

Not sure how I fell on this one.. thinking


Posted 2:39 pm, 10/04/2012

On the federal level match expenses with revenue after cutting taxes and creating a flat tax.

Cut expenses (for starters):

Department of Education (should be state controlled)

Department of Energy (lost their purpose)

EPA (agency is way too big)

ObamaCare (obviously a BIG and costly mistake)

Get rid of tax loopholes

Get rid of federal support for public TV (sorry Big Bird I agree with Mitt)

Amend the constitution to prohibit government ownership of any Corporations such as GM, Amtrack, etc.


Posted 2:26 pm, 10/04/2012

I agree that we need a revolution, to many people are in their own little world, they think that the country is just fine, when really, things can't continue being ran, the way they are.... if something isn't done, the great America, I'm afraid will eventually come to an end.


Posted 2:14 pm, 10/04/2012

bump...for a few that has missed this


Posted 5:59 pm, 10/01/2012

A local start up company would be our best chance in Wilkes , like Lowe's hdw, Holly Farms , the furniture factories , and mfg. companies that we used to have.


Posted 5:38 pm, 10/01/2012

if you disagree why-not give reasons why we should spend less


Posted 5:29 pm, 10/01/2012

How bout all the democraps move to the blue states. And all the Repubs move to the red states. Want to guess which country will be greater?


Posted 4:59 pm, 10/01/2012

if we spent more on education then big corporations couldn't say "your workforce isnt educated enough for the jobs we have"


Posted 4:14 pm, 10/01/2012

TheMUSE (view profile)

Posted 1:13 pm, 10/01/2012

Exactly Poker.our elderly and our children. FIRST priority... not our capital gain or pocket books.



Posted 1:13 pm, 10/01/2012

Exactly Poker.

our elderly and our children. FIRST priority... not our capital gain or pocket books.


Posted 1:11 pm, 10/01/2012

we are going to have to come together as a nation and focus on the wefare of our elderly.i for one hold dear the knowledge to be gained from an afternoon with a old timer.the generation of elderly in wilkes are a special breed.they have seen the hard times and good but they have kept this country together and running through their life time.and i think a countrys elderly should be a top priority foir all countrys.not sure but i seem to remember a well know quote about how a country is judged by how they treat there elderly.


Posted 12:50 pm, 10/01/2012

snapshot... that's sort of what I meant by a "revolution." There's already been a civil war going on between parties for decades.


Posted 11:13 am, 10/01/2012

i hate to say it but i don't think the american people can, will come together no matter what the cause is. we'd rather argue with each other over who or what is at fault. we can't see that we are doing exactly what they want us to do. which is arguing with each other, while they keep padding their bank account at our expense. if anything it will be another civil war with people of each party squaring off among each other, instead of uniting to fight both parties. and they'll still be laughing all the way to the bank. "divided we stand, united we fall"


Posted 11:46 pm, 09/30/2012

Come on Frank play by the rules..PLEASE


Posted 11:23 pm, 09/30/2012

Play more poker?

Frank France

Posted 11:20 pm, 09/30/2012

Hey, never let a crisis go to waste, as the liberals say.


Posted 9:19 pm, 09/30/2012

unfortunately it's going to take a major event to bring this country together... It won't be an election... it will be a natural disaster, or several... it will be another invasion on American soil. it will be a complete crash of our economic system. There's no way we will all come together to make the changes needed it seems. Unless we as a country clean up congress and get rid of the life timers in there who are neck deep in corruption. If we got rid of the bipartisan stronghold on this country, we might stand a chance. The government has us by the balls... and they know it.

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