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What can we do to make our country better?


Posted 1:40 pm, 09/30/2012

I agree redzone... This country has turned into the land of greed. Greed breeds corruption. Corruption breeds deception. Deception breeds lies. Lies feed the people. People become sheep.
If the country was run by farmers, businessmen and women, teachers, and laborers... instead of lawyers, large corporations, wealthy white men, big oil, other countries, and career politicians, the entire world would be better off, not just this country. We the people have become we the sheep. We are like ants in an ant farm controlled by people who will never know what it's like to be an average American struggling to make ends meet while trying to support our families, teake care of our elders, and educate our children.


Posted 1:38 pm, 09/30/2012

Get back to self-reliance.

If you can't care for your kids....don't make babies.


Posted 1:31 pm, 09/30/2012

Get rid of the disease called GREED!!!


Posted 1:26 pm, 09/30/2012

yes, our priorities have really gotten mixed up.


Posted 1:26 pm, 09/30/2012

Agriculture is the in thing now. We need farmers.


Posted 1:24 pm, 09/30/2012

Truly improve our education systems. We as a nation are slacking. Extended education such as colleges should be more affordable to more people. Higher quality education for all. Average salary for a teacher in NC in 2011 was $46,605 average salary of a NFL player, $1.9 MILLION.. somewhere, somehow I think the priorities in the US got mixed up.


Posted 1:22 pm, 09/30/2012

Grow more wheat, eat more chicken and grow a lot of hemp.


Posted 1:16 pm, 09/30/2012

infrastructure. i dont have the answer to were the money would come from but our bridges and roads are in bad shape


Posted 1:10 pm, 09/30/2012

Guys, and Gals I am going to have to say I am proud of you all so far.. very interesting topics being made here and WE ARE FOLLOWING THE RULES...SWEET!!!!!


Posted 1:02 pm, 09/30/2012

pokerthug (view profile)

Posted 11:36 am, 09/30/2012

i think about it often kenc,but i think im the only one.when i talk about it to others,most just assume its no big deal.but im a numbers kind of guy and when you go back and look at the growth rates over the years its frigging scary.

Poker, this is a topic the SO and I discuss all the time - how the earth is close to it's breaking point wrt the number of people here already and how it keeps increasing exponentially. I agree with you that it really is a big deal.


Posted 12:08 pm, 09/30/2012



Posted 11:51 am, 09/30/2012

Pokerthug, I won't insert politics , but birth control is good and necessary. Countries that are taught good birth control practices have a better chance of survival.


Posted 11:50 am, 09/30/2012

A lot of good points have been made...

I personally think for our country to be better we should actually go back to the basics of our government. We as Americans should stop allowing the elites to rule us with their greed and money. We should have stood up and said enough when they passed the law that Huge Mega Corporations could start donating money into our elections. The fact is Money shouldn't have anything to do with who we elect or what candidate can stick 70 or 80 or 100 million dollars into getting elected. What is needed is common people with common goals and who are dedicated to see that those goals are reached. Term limits should be set on those elected to any office so that these folks do not take root.

We've allowed ourselves to be bought and sold by Huge Mega spenders who do not have the best desires, idea's or goals in mind for the United States. We have been warned time and time again by those Common Men who became our leaders because We elected them. Not because of Walmart or GE or some other huge corporation bought the election and put them office.

Not because of some voting machine company that decided they could play Gods and put who they desired into an office so they could get themselves into a powerful position in the world.

Americans need to do what ever is necessary, by what ever means to take back our government and take back our elections. Even if it means Going to War with those who seek to destroy our ways of life and they're there and We know they're there but we are choosing to ignore it and hoping it goes away.

You can call it what ever, but the facts are there and we have been Warned time and time again. You can choose to ignore it, make fun of people who see the truth what ever, the fact remains is they are there. The truth is there...so when your wee *** is sitting in some camp behind a fence you can make all the smart ***ed comments you choose....

Get back to basics and Morals, get greed and money out of our government. Get the Common people back in charge and watch America shine!


Posted 11:39 am, 09/30/2012

but ive done my part.ive spent a great deal of time and money.and lost a couple nice pieces of azs and one girlfriend over the years to make darn sure i have no kids!and any time i might think i do,i go borrow a niece or nephew for a couple hours!


Posted 11:38 am, 09/30/2012

I think we should cut back on our aid to other countries and put Americans first. It doesnt mean that we should turn a blind eye to the hungry and sick around the world but the fact is that many of our own people are in the same situation.


Posted 11:36 am, 09/30/2012

i think about it often kenc,but i think im the only one.when i talk about it to others,most just assume its no big deal.but im a numbers kind of guy and when you go back and look at the growth rates over the years its frigging scary.


Posted 11:29 am, 09/30/2012

Great point about the population explosion Pokerthug !


Posted 11:22 am, 09/30/2012

I know Muse.

You all have some good points. Any country , organization, including religions, does much better when they stand for all the people . A fight for equality is a fight worth having .


Posted 10:47 am, 09/30/2012

You know I wasn't talking about you Kenc darlin.... and poker, you know this won't last long. There's probably a delay because they need someone to read them the big words... but they are circling the thread right now getting ready to strike... LOL Intelligence to them is like acid on the skin. Let's carry on. Very good posts.


Posted 10:42 am, 09/30/2012

one thing the whole world needs to adress very soon is the population.it is nice to sit back and have kids all the while saying that we need to think about this.but there is going to come a day in the near future where the tipping point is going to be reached on this earth.it is coming up very fast.its as if the whole world with the exception of china has their heads buryed in thesand expecting someone else to make the first move to getting it under control before its too late.now i guess the bible thumpers will spring out of the woodwork any time now.but the facts are black and white in this area.there is a tipping point on how many people this planet can support.an we are going to have to adress that problem no matter what religion,sex or race you are.

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