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Welfare people, why do you have air conditioning?


Posted 2:54 pm, 06/08/2013

Why work when not working pays more? It's the core of the liberal agenda. To oppress the oppressable.


Posted 12:23 am, 06/08/2013

Of course, the police or could be Time in a bottle, Jim Croce. The other one is beck lyrics. It has " saleing" in it! Lol

White America

Posted 12:19 am, 06/08/2013

Sounds like a hard life lession but at least some one gets it. The problem is they only care about three things. Themselves, their pills and the easy way.


Posted 12:18 am, 06/08/2013

Another ship in the bottle
Has got no place to sail
To see the waves getting darker every hour
The stars have lost their power
In the sky


Posted 12:16 am, 06/08/2013

Sorry... you reminded me of song lyrics...

Message In a Bottle... it's a Police song.

Toshiro Mifune's Letter Opener

Posted 12:15 am, 06/08/2013

Soooooo...... they say...... I'm wishin my day away......


Posted 12:15 am, 06/08/2013

I thought it was the tiny ship in the bottle, I'm so confused......


Posted 12:11 am, 06/08/2013

Message in a bottle..... yeah.


Posted 12:07 am, 06/08/2013

In a bottle?


Posted 11:06 pm, 06/07/2013

No, Truth..but, they should sail them on a tiny ship.


Posted 11:02 pm, 06/07/2013

I don't think people should SELL their food stamps, either!


Posted 10:53 pm, 06/07/2013

some people on here are just stupid all you got to do is put people down i dont go for people that sale there food stamps i think they need to be stop .. but hey there some people on here and in this small a@@ town that need help some cant work beause of a heath problem you want to put them down too?????? it ashame the way people do any more all they got to do is talk about someone and put them down ... all you people putting these people down one day you might need help then what you going to do put your self down with everybody eles???? be .. dont worry im not going to say anymore on here about this because it dont matter what me and some others say you still going to do it.. but remember you might be in the shape as some in this town or the next town so think about it...


Posted 9:21 pm, 06/07/2013

If I was able to save the life of only one welfare kid with this thread, it was worth it.

peerz morgan

Posted 9:04 am, 06/07/2013

Yeah, why spend money on cooling down American kids, when we could give more trillions to banks. Who cares if the welfare budget is a drop in the bucket compared to the corporate welfare budget. I say, give the air conditioning to executives who never did a day's work in their lives. Ever spend a day golfing? It's hot out there! Also, the foreign executives need that money to buy off American politicians. Corporations need welfare. Why should they have to struggle? Struggling is for small businesses, started by Americans. Not corporations with foreign representation. Without all that welfare money, politicians might start acting in the interests of the U.S. instead of everyone else in the world. We need to send more jobs to China and Mexico, and then attack poor jobless Americans when they try to collect benefits that they paid for with their taxes. Take poor people's air conditioning, and everything else they have too! Like Social Security. You didn't think that just because they took all that money out of your paycheck all your life, that you should ever be able to collect any disability benefits, in the event that you become disabled, did you? We need to privatize that, so executives can embezzle the money, and use it to bomb countries all over the world. The corporate welfare budget is working good! Just look at how good America is doing! Air conditioning is just a waste of resources.


Posted 9:04 pm, 06/06/2013

I think many people make some good points on this thread.
However, being rude, judgemental and having petty fights solve nothing.
If you have problems with where your taxes are going and what type of people are getting government assistance, as well as what they are putting in towards, then posting here won't help.
Write a letter to a congressman, legislator, heck even to the white house if you're feeling cool. Enough complaints to the right people will get you the effects you desire, not bashing people who know you in your own community.

The last point that should be made here is the technical distinction of poor. There are people on assistance who are not sick (mentally or with a physical/bodily illness), are not disabled, have no children to feed or pets. They are very capable of working a job or a second or third job, if they already have an initial one or going back to school to get a better paying job. These people chose to be unrightfully on assistance and have therefore made the life for themselves. They are "poor" by all means, in character more so than economic standing.

There are on the other hand, single parents who have had to give up a well paying job, as a personal assistant, nurse, accountant, etc, to provide for a child who is ill with a irreversible condition or one that may be life altering. These moms and dads under normal circumstances would have been able to provide for their familes and themselves without assistance, but because they chose to be a good parent and stay home caring for their child and driving it to the doctor daily, they can't work and don't have the finances. Are you saying they should not receive assistance to help their child survive?

What I really mean is, there are always exceptions and special circumstances thrown in with the pack of leeches, so let's all try to remember that when we make generalized statements about someone's economic status.

I believe that a considerable amount of our debt does come from these entitlement programs, and the laws should be made much stricter on who should receive and what progress should be made to keep reciving them. But canceling them completely is not the answer. I will give my taxes to a sick grandparent or child, along with to the struggling student anyday if it means helping them accomplish their goals.

For nancy and others contemplating nazi genocide of the lower class, keep in mind how many famous rapper and stars grew up in the ghetto on government assistance and are now millionares. Everyone deserves a shot and a little handout, but not a lifelong financial partnership.


Posted 4:13 pm, 06/06/2013

Bluebird, not every family owned business in Wilkes pays their employees minimum wage. But, do you really expect to earn twenty plus dollars an hour for unskilled labor? The employer provides the tools or equipment, material or parts you use. They provide the power and facility or vehicle that you use. Also, if they offer insurance, the cheapest BCBS option costs the employer around six thousand dollars per employee. Not to mention paying taxes and insurance on the business.


Posted 4:06 pm, 06/06/2013

Because tampons are for ****es.


Posted 4:02 pm, 06/06/2013

wonder why?


Posted 4:00 pm, 06/06/2013

He'd rather not discuss that, snap.

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